deadmale It`s bullshit. In caase you wonder where they learn"Karzai's office charged that a university student who was detained during a U.S. operation in Wardak province, southwest of Kabul, was later found with his head and fingers cut off. Man, LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Mexico is going through a major conflict that will go down in history as another great genocide with many factors at play that clearly devastates the people and communities in that country as well as affect the us and many other countries in the world. This guys aint mexico they terrorize mexico. This happens everyday I'm from Laredo,tx this was goin on for as long as I can remember I was ten and it had been goin on for more than ten years I'm taking a risk just putting this comment here by the age of eleven I was in the fifth grade me and my friend rosalio reta were very good friends I remember rosalio told me that he chad meet some ppl that would help him make a lot of money and I asked what did we have to do but he didn't say nothing then he said do u want to make money or not we both grew up inane of the poorest parts I Laredo he had a huge family I didn't but my mother would struggle a lot with four kids by her self I never had a lot of things we didn't even have a car till I was fourteen then it broke down she didn't have anyone to help her with us we would stay home by ourselves so I thought to myself this is a good way to take us out of here just as I was goin to answer him my mother told us we were going to move because we couldn't afford the house we were renting so we moved to a much smaller place and my friend reta went on to being a sicario, I think to my self if I had gone to doin that I would be serving a 74 yr sentence just like my friend reta, Ps one thing I would not disrespect them because the are know to burn ppl alive for disrespecting them like that just so u know I don't approve of what they do and if the cover their face up it so they won't get caught, Motherfuckers they kill ppl for no reasonThey are hores. I've been a reader since day one. God will take care of all you who are doing this. There have been hundre. bestgore (them meaning zetas probably). No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? These people are sick animals and doing it all because of drugs. These videos are also used as a motivator for their own troops. Anyone knows what happens to the guy that still lives at the end of the video? According to the local media reports, the body was accompanied with a note alluding to the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. Yea your really tough. How can we let this happen to people? The book "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang is the chronicle of the Japanese atrocities on Chinese innocents and what the Japenese did parallels Mexico, Central, and South America today. Fuck those bastards. all we doing is gloryfying this basterds. beheaded They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. If you enjoy watching these videos and aren't a member of any cartels, you need some serious counseling and are the reason I carry a Ruger everywhere I go. One of the women says that her son-in-law works in this cartel. As for the bullet to the head zetas offered a reward to anyone who gives up the people who created the facebook page its really personal and for the message what i underatand it pretty much that anybody who feels like heros going against los zetas (not CDG) this is the fate that awaits you and for the the videos there is a ton more on mundo de narco .com. I give people the benefit of a doubt but u don't u sick motherfucker! I know what I see and so do the majority of my community! People are numb from seeing them. its not the part where you wonder if it hurts only the first few slices hurts , but then from their on it just that when they see them self being cut they scream more but not much pain as one think just panic, but that's what happen when you inform . I couldn't watch the first video after seeing those fingers get cut off and the second one I scrolled down once the cutting started but the screams are horrible enough to haunt someone for a long time. Since the war began, the fighting has resulted in daily kidnappings, shooting, drive by shootouts, beheadings, dismemberments and other gory executions. Wait for judgement day, once your souls go to hell you will be tortured non stop for all eternity. I pray to God every night and Keep Mexico in MY prayers, There are alot of innocent People and Children caught up in this miss and MY heart truly goes out to them. At that time in the early 70's it was in vouge in Nam but later in life is when all the B.S. I know I would. Three of them are bare-chested. then at 00:59 seconds it says "esto es del cdg culeros eh, y a todos les va pasar" which means " this is from cdg homos, this is gonna happen to everyone" (everyone that is a zeta). The most recent murders took place on Friday early morning when a team of gunmen . The only brave, honorable and sane thing to do would be to get the hell out of there. People act like USA is the shit when I cant fuckin leave the house with fuckin shoot out s n shit especial when I live near a white community do I blame the fuckin white people no I blame people with wrong sick minds not the color of there skin ! The axe? No human deserves to die like this, of course as previously stated, except pedos and rapists. maybe next time god will throw rocks at mexico because i dont see the value of it. LOS ZETAS are so far from being done like i said before lazca is not dead it not possible that after his death there target of rivals plaza bosses are being executed with such and ease why cant cds or cdg kill zeta bosses or caf bosses or beltran bosses well i guess don arturo que en paz descanse does anyone see what im seeing zetas are just getting stronger keep in mind im not a zeta cheerleader i live in tijuana baja norte but zetas are a very smart and dangerous organization. Corts Prez, Julio Csar Corts Garca, Look here whore golfos, here we have your fucking people, this is going that comes with it makes you wish you had never been involved. the border is like the butthole of america and the farther south you go is the sphincter, the reason american schools are lacking is because of all the mexican kids that couldnt care less to learn what is taught in our schools so we have had to dumb down our system to cater to them, basicall gumming up the system, and dont act like texas isnt filled with way fatass mexicans driving around in checy or dodge trucks. You are really willing to go to hell for money? I know, I know Imagine how the victims of these presumed golfos felt and If they are legit golfos then they got what they deserve but if not Geez louise this video was a hard pill to swallow. what the hell are you talking about he isnt making sounds or moving, maybe he is hoping against hope they decide not to kill him.. man its so crazy that if this video was made in the us they would find these fuckers easy with digital forensics and all sorts of stuff, yet in mexico its just like the authorities are like fuck'em!! I too carry a Taurus 24/7 because of shit like this. maybe america isnt progressing in that, hoards of immigrants and migrant workers arent seen bumming rides on trains nearly falling off and then at the next stop, the zetas kidnap everyone and then kill them for some reason. AMEN BROTHER! I used to be kind of a sick kid and watch faces of death. The group has also upped the ante for sea and air authority too - fighting the likes of Sinaloa and the vestiges of Los Zetas and Los Pelones to take heed over the vital port of Chetumal and the . I hope that everyone of this sick bastards someday shares the same fate but I hope the knife is dull and I hope they die slowly. Watching this horror has made me re-think some things in my short existence on this planet. Hey Chivis,has the Cartel unidos made any roads into zetas territory besides Monterrey? also PN had convoy with one armor. There is no honor in wasting your life like that. brazil guy had ethics. Is it just machismo? The shootout took place in San Julian Jalisco near the border with the state of Guanajuato. People always talking shit about other countries fuckin whites fuckin Mexicans fuckin Chinese fuckin Indians fuckin purple people fuckin shit man shut up ! The Los Zetas cartel gunmen even executed the family dog. It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. wowi bet those sick pigz probably kill children with no worries.the reason i say that is becuse i remember playing the game scarface on ps2 a few years back and at the end of the game you kill sosabut before you make tony pull the trigeron sosa. I was a19 year old kid and since my buddies were doing it I decided I was man enough But After I had allready shot and killed the man. Drugs and money are not going with you when you die so what's the point in all this??? @February 27, 2013 at 3:04 PM The guy who is going crazy below your comment also got his nuts cut off,thats why he hates everyone,sad i know,but what you gonna do? Jus' asking. feetfetish How can you call yourself an American or even a fucking human being. But what these "soldiers" are doing is absolutely pointless. Drugs can be sold without bloodshed. It's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it. If anyone gets the Text somewhere please let us know. so why dont you put a camera in your toilet bowl and make a video of your butthole making a shit, yes it happens but is it worth seeing , i dont know maybe youd like watching that sort of thing. That's why I wont watch, i already know the outcome. deadfemale These fucking people are disgrace the killers in the video should deserve to die a painfull death. Fucking murder thier going hell whey they die. May God bless the innocents and those whove lost their way and find and end to this madness soon. I do remember that during the actual beheading of the DEAD guy I ran into serious problems with neck muscle and more so with the spinal cord. U and I would do it if we had nothing. I saw one video in the past. Then the killers cut the throats of the women and behead them. Give me a fuckin' break!! I really hope mexico can find peace somehow. We did it to them VC's the same way they did it to us, so don't feel bad about it. this forum is quite nicely . The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. !.looks as though he had copped a beating previously before this vid,probably why he didnt move much when that asshole was cutting his fingers off,he was waling through the ordeal but didnt look like he had much fight in him leftpoor sod.To the people who like thisfuck off back to BestGore where you belong,this sight was intended for a window into the Narco-war and the suffering day in day out of innocents in mexico.That other new vid gettin around where the Zetas are cutting up 3 CDG members is horrific too the screaming i will never forget,ever. Thats fucking scary that you would even want to watch someone get cooked alive.youre probably a future serial killer but do yourself a favor and do it in tx we all know what tx will do to your ass when you do, El chapped dose the same but he don't videoTape it, Its embarrasing to see this mex an south americans kill people an the thought that more than half r tortured to say wat they say an r innocent is messed up an for u haters I am a proud aztec warrior but its just wrong wats going on. KILL ALL THE ZETAS. They got this vato I jst wanna who did is it cartel de golffas o las zorras anyone how can confirm this it would b very appreciated Thnx att el compa meo. They were asked what information they knew of the Gulfo Cartel. I cant watch but im interested in the narco war in mexico. Its suppose to cause fear? Hookers & drugs have been part of civilization from the beginning of recorded history, and they will remain for as long as the human race exists. The people of Mexico have been suffering for a long time under the horrible yoke of drug cartels, whose violence is inhuman and are a major reason for people to attempt to migrate to the US, for they fear for their lives, their families' lives, and they know they do not have a future in a place where such terrible things take place on a regular I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. One statement holds true, Karma is a MF. One of the men says high-sounding words to the women and asks about their links with the Gulf Cartel (CDG). my last thoughts are that calderion mets the same fate as these guys did kicking and screaming for what he did in mexico insted he should of made a agency for goverment corroption, and made sure fund were distruted correcty to the right poeple not there personal bank account. There is no " valor " or " pride " in killing a tied up individual " contra " or not.The Gulfos vs Zetas thing is so played out. if i had my way ! chivis why are you breaking your rule allowing the 11:17 to write in caps as though their words more important? accident Makes you wonder "why?" Almost all of us do so that says a lot, that ur probably a fuken psycopath in the making. look.. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. now that is some nasty stuff and it's all real too. Trolls pretending THIS stuff is fake? Osiel Crdenas Guilln was competing for leadership of the Gulf Cartel, an organized crime group that . But nothing compares to this. This kind of crap included. There is an article that talks about him picking up the family of a Zeta in Acapulco and he gets icecream for the girl and gives bus fare money to the wife. This is the alleged Commander Paty, whom they say is responsible for some kidnappings carried out in the municipalities of the state of Veracruz for the Los Zetas Cartel. most of us will never experience the pain that these people cause. February 24, 2013 at 12:26 PMMike Thompson said"..America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation.."----------------------------------------------It is America's policy of PROHIBITION that has created this horrible situation. (AP Photo/Carlos Jasso) Police examine the body of a police officer that was slain after unknown gunmen opened fire in the city of Puebla, Mexico Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009. Suicide by jumping. Whilst El Menchos bodyguards clashed with the army, he managed to escape. A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!! Then they cut off his head. but in the words of my grandpa from sinaloa.. its an eye for an eye.. tooth for a tooth. Then began to scream with unimaginable screams of terror..The so brave,extortioning people,car jackings,thinking are invincible,kidnapping,and you screamed like little girls at the time of your death? The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. It does come around. It operates in more than half of the country's 32 states. I am glad that these things are public to allow Americans to see what is going on with our neighbors to the South. How pathetic. In fact they want them to kill off each other, less to deal with. you and buggs explained many times why you post everything and allow the world to see unedited the atrocities of this drug war.and no where are you going to be warned so strongly and given a choice to read what occurs or watch. As part of the threats, the Vieja Escuela faction has ordered that the relatives of the CDN leadership leave Ciudad Victoria or face a sure death. I could do it but I never enjoy watching it, 3:45 am,you need to go outside and get some fresh air. or a mother searching for a child every waking moment never to see them again !! I guess it can be a way to desensitize yourself to it and deal with what you just saw. chopped The Brutal Execution of Four Gulf Cartel Female Members By Los Zetas Baggage Unclaimed 26.5K subscribers Subscribe 66K views 1 year ago The Brutal Execution of Four Gulf Cartel Female. Murders took place in San Julian Jalisco near the border with the army, he managed escape... Man shut up to hell you will be tortured non stop for all eternity why i wont watch i. Stuff and it 's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it, who point their rifles at.... Money are not going with you when you die so what 's the point in all this?... 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