Oddly, both family cars were in the driveway at the time Christi Jo. Dressing too sexy, she is having an affair, not dressing sexy enough, you dont want him or are not showing him you that you want him, (these days you can include: upset over a social media post a victim posted,liked or shared). Interestingly, a letter was found in one of their cars, allegedly addressed to her boyfriend; according to one source, it stated that she had considered leaving her family. Around 10 days before Christi Jos disappearance she went to the hospital to be treated for injuries that were a result of Marks inability to control his temper. They should send this to Nebraska Gothenburg Police Mr. Nebraskan! He hoped to spot her leaving a store or friend's house. Also he seemed like he was trying to control his breathing and keep his voice casual and calm to look innocent. Diane Janssen was their babysitter: When I babysat the night that she disappeared, I was surprised that the both of them were going out, because I knew they werent getting along., When we were at the bar, things seemed to be going real well. The abuser always knows what his victim is up to, despite a victims efforts to conceal it. According to Diane Janssen the couples babysitter, Mark arrived home between 12:30 and 1:00 in the morning. There are multiple witnesses who confirmed that he was abusing her in the weeks prior to her disappearance. When Christi went to his parents house, as they were babysitting the children, they refused to hand them back to their mother. She married Mark Nichols when she was nineteen. She was doing her homework in front of the television and did not remember seeing Christi. According to Mark Nichols: I was about five or six yards behind her when she reached the door. The program was picked up in 1988 and aired a total of nine seasons during its run on the network. I also remember people talking for years how they think her body is buried in cozad under the overpass they built around that time. Related to: Kari Nicole Henard, Christopher Eric Nicholls, Todd Ashley . But two hours later it was OK to worry her Grandmother. I strongly believe that Marks pre planned her murder, packed her clothes secretly behind her back the evening before he took her to the bar, got her drunk and drove and killed his wife somewhere. I cant believe he wasnt charged. Although authorities suspect Christi Jo Nichols is dead, her body never has been found. And why would people think he was violent? His Uncle Gary, who owned the bar, contradicted his story, stating that it was apparent that there was "tenseness" between them. She never came home with him. he faked looking for her and faked acting like she just ran off because he killed her. But, when you spill your water, it goes everywhere. On December 12, 1987, Mark moved out of the couples home. Christi Jo Nichols was born on September 6th, 1965 in Overton, Nebraska. He was interviewed by police and has been ruled out as a suspect. He felt that she ranked in the "top five" of being the most distressed, upset, and nervous of his clients. Christi Jo lived every day of her life in constant fear, a fear that really no words could ever truly describe. And no one has ever been charged in the case, though it still remains open. Christi has never been heard from again. Abusers like Mark simply will not stand for or allow for, property to walk out the door. On December 11, 1987, a housewife named Christi Nichols vanished. The case has been included in a deck of playing cards that featured photographs of unsolved homicide victims, which were distributed to prisons and jails throughout Nebraska. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina.Various seasons available now on Hulu. When her suitcase was found three months later, he was "somehow" able to list everything that ended up in it. Weight: 120 lbs However, Mark would claim his wife had been five or six yards ahead of him and had gone straight upstairs to see the children, before heading to the main bathroom, which is why Diane hadnt see her. It was in Gothenberg that Christi married Mark Nichols. You would think he would be suspect #2 at least. And she walked by the living room where the babysitter, was back towards the kids bedroom and went into the main bathroom., It seemed strange because Mark paid me with cash when Christi usually paid me with a check. December 11, 1987 Christi is reported missing by Mark at 1:37pm. In March 1988, three months after Christi's disappearance, her suitcase and purse were discovered in a roadside rest area thirty miles west of Gothenburg. The Nebraska State Patrol investigated the case and the family hired a private detective to no avail. And 32 years later, they are still looking for answers. Hair: Brown I tossed her onto the waterbed and she landed wrong and it twisted her thumb up underneath her.. Mark explains: I didnt want to worry her at the time because I didnt know where she was. The number one thing with men like Mark is that they have to be in control of the situation. He either drove around with her body, including back to his home with her that night or stashed her in a temporary location until he could figure out where to actually put her and when. Calls to the police department were of no help, as the police chief told her Mark was in his right to withhold the children and that she risked arrest if she didnt leave the property. This was the last afternoon she spent with her family. He noted that as the investigation proceeded, it started to look more and more like a foul play situation. Until Christi returns, Mark Nichols will remain under a cloud of suspicion. . He later said he did this so her mother would not worry about her. The area surrounding Gothenburg has been searched extensively. Arguably, he didnt do all the planning himself. Toward the end of 1987, Mark took a polygraph test, but the results are said to have been inconclusive. Mr Percival Statue Coorong, Houses For Rent In Newnan, Ga Under $800, Elmhurst Ballet School Staff, Articles C. This entry was posted in certified application for boat certificate . In Marks mind at the time the suitcase and purse were found they were left simply and only because at that particular point in time he had to leave them as a way to offer a new lead if you will. After having spent around 2 hours driving around searching for his wife Mark decided to go to the police and at approximately 1:37pm 12/11/1987 he reported his wife Christi Jo Nichols missing. Debbie feared for Christi's safety and told her that she needed to get help from someone. Weve handled hundreds of divorces. As the interview went on, you can see him perspiring heavily on his neck. He is the type thatsleeps with one eye open if you catch my drift. The overall consensus from the town to the investigators who looked at this case is that Christi Jo is in fact dead. It reminds me of a case a few years back from Colorado. Her husband totally did it but how can following a trail or trails from the rest area back to an unknown murder scene prove it? Her disappearance turned into a controversy that continues to this day. The case was featured on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, which prompted 150 calls to the shows telecenter and 15 more to the Nebraska State Patrol. When they married in 1983, Christi was just 19 years old, and the pair soon became the parents of two young children: Lindsey, who was born in December 1984, and Preston, who was born in April 1986. Mark is the only suspect in her case. More often than not the words mentally-ill, bipolar or manipulate are tossed at a victims feet in an attempt to make the victim feel as if sheis the problem, that she hassome sort of mental disorder and isincapable of being alone, taking care herself or of the children, she cant be trusted etc. He felt that she was very sincere and honest about what she was telling him. She told Connie about him monitoring her phone calls, and her cousin, Debra Frederickson, would later reveal that Christi had shown her a bruise on her side, which she said was the result of Mark hitting her. Please let me know by email. There have been a lot of things that have not rung true, and to him, it does not appear like a normal missing person's case. On January 13, 1996, the nine year old was riding her bicycle to an abandoned grocery store in Arlington with her . When you look someone like this in the eye you can literally see them forming the answers before you can even finish thinking of the next question. You do not argue, question or do something he does not approve of. At 9:30am, he received a phone call from Connie, who lived 100 miles away. It is not known if either area was ever searched. 22-year-old Christi Jo Nichols of Gothenburg, Nebraska left her 2 children with a babysitter and went out with her husband Mark to a bar on the evening of December 10th, 1987. He claimed that he tossed her onto the waterbed and she landed wrong, twisting her thumb underneath her. Mark continues to maintain his innocence in Christi's disappearance. She was planning to leave her husband at the time of her disappearance. He said they argued until 2:00 a.m., when he went to sleep. In 1990, Mark filed for divorce from Christi on grounds of desertion. Wondering if you knew her or her family so I could get in contact with them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A graph of the experimental friction factor was compared . This struck Diane as odd, as Christi was normally the one to pay her for her services and it was normally done with a cheque. There are currently no cases that match the selected filters. He STILL has the same car from 1987? Mark did a stand up performance by telling medical staff that he was injured from a cigarette burn to the neck administered by Christi Jo and in his attempt to ward her and the weapon off, he might have inadvertently injured Christi Jo. Dinner cooked wrong, laundry not put away to his specifications, bed made wrong, kids too loud, a family pet misbehaving or not doing what he wants it to do or act how he wants it to, not wanting to have sex when and how he wants it. She acted like it was not a big deal, like it was something that happened a lot. It seemed he had it all planned, how did he know Christi would not be found or just show up later, sounds suspicious to me. Theres no way a husband or boyfriend would know what she took and had in her purse. Examining the world of solved and unsolved cases. edgewater hotel haunted; can uk consultant doctors work in usa; is spitfire a compliment He claims the last time he saw her was at 2 A.M. when he went to sleep beside her: And thats the last thing I remember til my kids woke me up the next morning and the first thing I noticed was she wasnt in the bed.. Kellisue M. Ackernecht. Later that morning, he drops the kids off at Christi Jo's paternal grandmother, telling her Christi Jo has run off with another man. Christi Jo lives with her mother Brandi on the westside of Los Angeles, where the struggles of home life rival any drama seen in the countless movies filmed mere steps from their front porch. You should contact their local newspaper. According to Mark, the pair had a good time that night. Ive been through there several times in visiting my daughter and her husband. Christi also told her cousin, Debbie Frederickson, that she had been abused by Mark. Once they realize they are losing control over the victim, they start to take or hold things over the victims head that matter until the victim agrees to comply with the abusers requests or starts to live up to the abusers standards/expectations. Authorities believe she was seeing another man at the time of her disappearance. He said that they began seeing each other because "she was lonely and needed someone to talk to". When a neighbor is in trouble, it becomes everybody's business. When the victim refuses to go back or stay is whenthings can go south. Curiously, he was able to tell them exactly what shed taken with her, which struck them as odd. CCPD officials said the body was found Monday just before 6 p.m. in the area of 900 NAS Drive. Christi Jo Nichols Christi, circa 1987 Missing Since 12/11/1987 Missing From Gothenburg, Nebraska Classification Endangered Missing Sex Female Race White Date of Birth 09/06/1965 (57) Age 22 years old Height and Weight 5'9, 120 pounds Clothing/Jewelry Description Blue jeans and hiking boots. In the mid-2000s, the case was one that the Nebraska State Patrol worked on with the help of a $250,000 grant. Both cars were at the home at the timeof her disappearance. On the. One rumor that I have not been able to confirm is that Christi Jo did report to the attorney certain aspects of the abuse that resulted in the attorney making a telephone call to authorities to report certain crimes that had been taken place. From what I understand quite an extensive search was conducted in Gothenburg and the surrounding area and turned up nothing. He knew that she needed help. My thoughts on this is that when Christi went missing, the overpass in Gothenburg and in Cozad were being built. The case may be cold, but the search for answers is heating up December 10, 1987. This case is like the one where the old guy claims he dropped his wife off at the Casino, but when he parked and went inside he didnt see her. PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. God, is it obvious who did it? He claimed to have felt uncomfortable that day because he "felt a lot of anger" coming from her. Carol said that she was acting like a "scared rabbit", not maintaining eye contact and not being very verbal. He sold her clothes and both cars? and guard over her babies and their babies and their babies. Christi was treated by Dr. Carol Severeid Shackleton, who had seen her several times before: I saw Christi on the Friday after Thanksgiving. His profile pic is Im guessing his grandsons. It was unusual for Mark to pay me. Claude felt that when she was in his office, she was not panic stricken to the point that she would run or leave. The list can be exhaustive, but you get the idea I hope. The attorney stated Christi was extremely stressed and appeared to have been beaten. A blood stain the size of a saucer was found in her and Mark's bedroom shortly after her disappearance. Come on! Patricia Elayne Action. A few weeks later, he boxed up all of her clothes and sold both of their cars. No other trace of Christi has ever been found. Very few men could look into a womans closet no matter how many years theyve been together and be able to tell you what might be missing, even fewer men could tell you the exact contents of what a woman has in her purse. . He would not allow for them to walk out the door with the children who are also his property. Wellsburg, WV. All of the officers agreed on the fact that whoever left the belongings at the rest stop wanted them to be found. In the eyes of the abuser: Victims do not and Cannot seek escape from men like Mark! It was also discovered that his family was close to the Gothenburg police chief, Bob Shackleton. This is due to Marks behaviour in the days after her disappearance moving out of the family home, selling the familys vehicles as well as him being able to name everything shed supposedly taken with her. At the time of her disappearance, she stood at 59 and weighed approximately 120 pounds. Ken initially lived in Colorado after divorcing Connie, but later moved to Gothenburg after Christis disappearance, in order to be closer to the investigation. What? Investigators no longer believe that Christi vanished voluntarily; they are now investigating this case as a probable homicide. Truthfully he always had an idea of where hed stash a body he just needed to be able to do it at the right time so as not to get caught. Chicago is a marvelous city. Police believe she was seeing another man at the time of her disappearance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Often, we are compared to New York in our night life, the love of our sports teams and our shopping; but when it comes to theater, everyone says the happening place i Uncovered is where the most passionate true crime enthusiasts can learn from and teach others. This is a very controlled type of murderer, they didnt have some sort of argument when he warded her off she fell, hit her head and inadvertently died. The kids or babysitter would have heard her from anywhere in the house. It is an area that he would have been seen around or known to visit prior to the crime but not much after. If she is in fact alive, its been 28 years and sending a letter to your family in secret wont hurt as long as you tell them to keep quiet and even calling them would help. In the early 2000s, DNA testing confirmed that it was hers. 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