IL-4, IL-6, and gamma interferon transcripts were detected on day 5, and IL-1 beta and IL-10 transcripts were detected beginning on day 7. Stevens, D. A., Moss, R. B., Kurup, V. P., Knutsen, A. P., Greenberger, P., Judson, M. A., Denning, D. W., Crameri, R., Brody, A. S., Light, M., Skov, M., Maish, W., Mastella, G. Management of varicella-vaccinated patients and employees exposed to varicella in the healthcare setting. With both assays, VCZ inhibited hyphal growth at concentrations of <1 microgram/ml and was almost as active as amphotericin B. VCZ (0.6 microgram/ml) was sporicidal, as was amphotericin B (0.4 microgram/ml). Exceptions included skin, subcutaneous fat, and muscle adjacent to the injection site. Fungus burdens in brain were higher than those in other organs, although Aspergillus disseminated to the kidneys and the spleen. Headache, hair loss and anorexia were the most common symptoms experienced (each by 3% of patients), and eosinophilia and aspartate aminotransferase increases were the most common laboratory findings (12 and 10%, respectively). Alice Roberts and David Stevens have been mar See The fungus usually affects lung parenchyma and may disseminate from there. View David Stevens's Family Tree and History, Ancestry and Genealogy, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, The Red Maids' School, Bristol, England, United Kingdom, University of Wales, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom
Is the Free Market Acceptable to Everyone? Brown, E. M., McTaggart, L. R., Zhang, S. X., Low, D. E., Stevens, D. A., Richardson, S. E. Vaccination with mannan protects mice against systemic aspergillosis. In contrast, BAM and PM from BALB/c mice in co-culture with Bd secreted several-fold more TNFalpha than BAM or PM from CD-1 mice. Ribotyping patterns using the restriction enzymes MaeI and HaeIII could distinguish all species of Saccharomyces from each other, as well as from Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, and Blastomyces dermatitidis. Methods, results: BALB/c bronchoalveolar and peritoneal macrophages (PM) were shown deficient in IL-12 production in response to IFN-gamma+LPS. van Asbeck, E. C., Huang, Y., Markham, A. N., Clemons, K. V., Stevens, D. A. Epidemiological studies of Candida parapsilosis have been performed by molecular methods. None of the non-VII-1 types were in more than one ITS group. Lou, L., Velligan, M., Roberts, C., Stevens, D. A., Clemons, K. V. Zeamatin, clotrimazole and nikkomycin Z in therapy of a Candida vaginitis model. View details for Web of Science ID 000172304800023. Little is known about the effect of surfactant-associated proteins in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) on the interaction of BAM and Blastomyces dermatitidis. Adjunct Professor: Western Sydney University (formerly UWS). to add information, pictures and relationships, join in discussions and get credit for your contributions. Company Information. View details for Web of Science ID 000182500800004. Thus, we propose that the fos-1 two-component histidine kinase is a virulence factor of A. fumigatus. Perfect, J. R., Cox, G. M., Lee, J. Y., Kauffman, C. A., de Repentigny, L., Chapman, S. W., Morrison, V. A., Pappas, P., Hiemenz, J. W., Stevens, D. A. A., Stevens, D. A. Orogastrointestinal model of mucosal and disseminated candidiasis. In collaborations with Latin America (Colombia and Brazil), the researchers have been involved in the study of paracoccidioidomycosis. The collection was assembled so that approximately half of the isolates were resistant to azole drugs. There have been several reports that the activity of echinocandin antifungal agents is not affected or decreased in the presence of human sera. This study also provides unique methodology for immunology studies in a rabbit model. Lecturer in Archaeology and Ancient History, Monash University - Cited by 664 - archaeology - Egyptology . Clemons, K. V., Capilla, J., Stevens, D. A. Azole therapy of clinical and experimental coccidioidomycosis, Experimental systemic infection with Cryptococcus neoformas var. No monotherapy regimen was superior to another. My main research interest is large scale ocean modelling. The combination of MICA and ICZ appeared to be potentially antagonistic. Roberts, who lives in Bristol with her archaeologist husband David Stevens and their two children, doesn't claim to be entirely virtuous herself. My husband [field archaeologist David Stevens] took on the role of primary carer when we were filming, and he came with me on all the shoots. Thus, the choice of which animal model to use must be made carefully, addressing issues of the type of human disease to mimic, the parameters to follow and collection of the appropriate data to answer those questions being asked. Copyright FameChain 2023, All rights reserved. We used EcoRI digestion of cellular DNA to generate RFLP; RAPD analysis on genomic DNA. View details for Web of Science ID 000177999000007. Proceedings of the Society of California Archaeology 23:175-180. View details for DOI 10.1097/MAJ.0b013e31825600de. Segal, B. H., Herbrecht, R., Stevens, D. A., Ostrosky-Zeichner, L., Sobel, J., Viscoli, C., Walsh, T. J., Maertens, J., Patterson, T. F., Perfect, J. R., Dupont, B., Wingard, J. R., Calandra, T., Kauffman, C. A., Graybill, J. R., Baden, L. R., Pappas, P. G., Bennett, J. E., Kontoyiannis, D. P., Cordonnier, C., Viviani, M. A., Bille, J., Almyroudis, N. G., Wheat, L. J., Graninger, W., Bow, E. J., Holland, S. M., Kullberg, B., Dismukes, W. E., de Pauw, B. E. A possible mechanism for synergy between antifungal therapy and immune defenses, Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group. PhD student in Archaeology Dr Anna Stevens. This emphasizes the potential importance of a positive culture for Aspergillus in the critically ill, the need for awareness about possible aspergillosis in patients lacking the classical risk factors, and readiness to proceed with appropriate diagnostic maneuvers. Further pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic preclinical and clinical studies are required to identify safe and effective intermittent regimens. In two experiments, neutropenic CD-1 male mice were infected intracranially with 510 conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus. WWW2006 15th International World Wide Web Conference. Kim, K. K., Lee, K. C., Jeong, H., Stevens, D. A., Lee, J. Can susceptibility be redirected by IL-12? View details for Web of Science ID A1994PX25900046. Mechanistically, itraconazole appears to act on the essential Hh pathway component Smoothened (SMO) by a mechanism distinct from that of cyclopamine and other known SMO antagonists, and prevents the ciliary accumulation of SMO normally caused by Hh stimulation. Since Abelcet displayed dose-responsive efficacy, it is possible higher doses could produce superior results, yet not show toxicity. In 1999 I co-led the ALBATROSScruise around the Scotia Sea. Sabino, R., Sampaio, P., Rosado, L., Stevens, D. A., Clemons, K. V., Pais, C. Itraconazole, a Commonly Used Antifungal that Inhibits Hedgehog Pathway Activity and Cancer Growth. A rabbit model of meningeal disease, established by intracisternal infection, has proven to model human meningitis well. The efficacy of intravenously administered liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome [AmBi]) for the treatment of experimental coccidioidal meningitis was compared with those of oral fluconazole (FLC) and intravenously administered conventional amphotericin B (AMB). Additional clinical trial data that expand our knowledge of the usefulness of caspofungin for these and other mycoses, including its administration in combination with other antifungal agents, is anticipated. The molecular mechanism is unknown. Born in . AmBi in combination with MICA or CAS showed a trend toward enhanced activity, but the combination was not significantly superior to monotherapy. But I dont really mind that; I feel quite comfortable in my forty-year-old skin. Resistance problems with caspofungin, an echinocandin inhibitor of fungal cell wall glucan synthesis, have been rare. Twenty-seven percent experienced possible symptomatic side effects, which resulted in 2 patients discontinuing therapy, and 42% had asymptomatic laboratory abnormalities, none of which were progressive. A model of orogastric candidosis in SCID mice, which mimics disease seen in AIDS patients, was used to evaluate ravuconazole in comparison with fluconazole for treatment. When such risk factors as human immunodeficiency virus infection (20%), solid-organ transplantation (20%), corticosteroid use (20%), or an underlying pulmonary disease (10%) are associated with a positive culture result, clinical judgment and better diagnostic tests are necessary. McCusker, J. H., Clemons, K. V., Stevens, D. A., Davis, R. W. PULMONARY MUCORMYCOSIS PRESENTING AS AN ENDOBRONCHIAL LESION. Clemons, K. V., Salonen, J. H., Issakainen, J., Nikoskelainen, J., McCullough, M. J., Jorge, J. J., Stevens, D. A. Immunomodulatory effects of antifungal agents on the response of human monocytic cells to Aspergillus fumigatus conidia. This review addresses a variety of uses for animal models in medical mycology. 3M-003 at 1 or 3 microM was optimal for the stimulation of PBMC to produce tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-12p40 in 24 h. For indirect tests, monolayers were treated with supernatants for 18 h, the supernatants were removed, and effector cells were tested; the supernatants enhanced (P<0.05-0.01) killing, in 2-4-h assays, by neutrophils from 42% to 73%, macrophages from 0% to 23%, and monocytes from 0% to 20%. These results suggest that metabolism of progesterone to more polar and less inhibitory compounds, which exhibit lower affinity for PBP, is the mechanism of escape from progesterone-mediated inhibition of growth in this organism. Clearance of fungal burden from the livers and spleens of mice showed RCZ and ITZ at doses of 50 mg/kg to be efficacious but not curative. Mouse serum and heat-inactivated mouse serum inhibited TNF-alpha production 94% when macrophages were stimulated by B. dermatitidis, whereas mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) did not have this effect. Plasma samples were collected for ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) or bioassay analysis. The beautiful sunshine of the morning was replaced with intermittent showers, chilling winds and a dose of hail; many thanks to our excellent volunteers and Herefordshire Archaeology who tirelessly dug through the heavy clay of Trench 1 in adverse conditions. We have also found the cell wall glycans alone, mannan or glucan, as a vaccine each provide significant protection. Birdseed agar improves culture specificity. Epidemiological studies indicate a striking rarity of disease (but not infection) in females, but only during the reproductive years. Liked by David Stevens. Because no animal models are available for studying this infection, we sought to develop a murine model of CNS aspergillosis. A 16.5% salt concentration in brain-heart infusion broth, incubated at 35 degrees C for 48-72 hours, then subcultured to agar plates incubated in room air at 35 degrees C, proved optimal for selection and secondary isolation. Animal models: an important tool in mycology. Treatment with granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) alone did not boost killing, but GM-CSF treatment concurrently with dexamethasone reversed the dexamethasone suppression. Little is known, however, about the most appropriate dosage and schedule of administration. Login - LECTURER of medical students at Bristol University [Anatomy: of humans and other animals], [2012] - University of Birmingham [Professor of Public Engagement with Science], [2008] - University of Bristol [Ph.D.Thesis: "Rotator cuff disease in humans and apes : a palaeopathological and evolutionary perspective on shoulder pathology"], [2013] - [Honorary Phd] - Royal Holloway, University of London, [2013] - [Honorary Phd] - University of Bournemouth, [2015] - [Honorary Phd] - University of Sussex, [2015] - [Honorary Phd] - Open University, [1993 - 1994] - University of Wales College of Cardiff [BSc (Hons) in Anatomy], [2009 - 2016] - DIRECTOR of Anatomy for the NHS Severn School of Surgery, biological anthropologist, anatomist, evolutionary biologist, osteoarchaeologist, palaeopathologist, broadcaster & public speaker, corporate compere, professor of Public Engagement in Science, ex-junior medical doctor, science columnist, Time Team, Coast, Dr Alice Roberts: Don`t Die Young, 2001 > present (host: tv science series), 2012 > present (Professor of Public Engagement with Science at Birmingham University), 2005 > present (author), 2009 > present (radio), 1997 > 1998 (junior medical doctor), 2009 > present (Director of Anatomy for the NHS Severn Deanery School of Surgery), [????] Increased understanding of these relationships in future will help understand fungal pathogenesis and host defenses against mycoses. By binding surface carbohydrate structures of pathogens, collectins modify the interaction between pathogens and the immune system. Invasive aspergillosis. View details for DOI 10.1378/chest.07-0114, View details for Web of Science ID 000249742100036. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.cyto.2006.08.004, View details for Web of Science ID 000243154800001. This model can be used to compare newer antifungals and to study combination therapy or immunotherapy to find better therapeutic alternatives. Meet Janet Stephens, a hairdresser from Baltimore. These types of infection may occur in laboratories outside the endemic areas, because the etiologic agent is unexpected in the submitted specimens and because personnel may be unfamiliar with the hazards of dealing with Coccidioides species in the laboratory. This concept has been applied to a wide range of businesses and projects, from small to large, all with outstanding success. Mice were given 150 mg/kg cyclophosphamide every 4 days and a gentamicin-vancomycin-clindamycin-imipenem regimen daily beginning 4 days before intranasal challenge with 5 10(5) Aspergillus conidia. Biography. Gastrointestinal and endocrinologic toxicity were dose related and increased at doses greater than 800 mg. View details for DOI 10.3109/13693780903471784, View details for Web of Science ID 000280700800004. Invited essay in The SAA Archaeological Record 11(4). Dose-escalation of Abelcet alone did not increase reduction of cfu. CD-1 mice were infected intrathecally with 30 to 36 viable arthroconidia of Coccidioides. The patient progressively responded, evidenced clinically and by laboratory studies. Galgiani, J. N., Ampel, N. M., Blair, J. E., Catanzaro, A., Johnson, R. H., Stevens, D. A., Williams, P. L. Immunological basis for susceptibility and resistance to pulmonary blastomycosis in mouse strains. Born Alice May Roberts on 19th May, 1973 in Bristol, England, UK and educated at Redmaids' High School, she is famous for Time Team, Coast, Dr Alice Roberts: Don`t Die Young in a career that spans 2012 > present (Professor of Public Engagement with Science at Birmingham University) and 2005 > present (author) and 2009 > present (radio) and 1997 > 1998 (junior medical doctor) and 2009 > present (Director of Anatomy for the NHS Severn Deanery School of Surgery) and [????] In Archaeology and Ancient History, Monash University - Cited by 664 - Archaeology Egyptology! With caspofungin, an echinocandin inhibitor of fungal cell wall glycans alone, mannan or glucan, as a each! For animal models in medical mycology collection was assembled so that approximately half of the isolates were resistant azole! A murine model of mucosal and disseminated candidiasis the combination of MICA ICZ... 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