Some keepers suggest feeding adult snakes as often as twice per week, citing their fast metabolism. Now more than ever, we need your support. But as it is a good pet, breeders have come up with its morphs. Some keepers report success when combining aspen substrate with humidity boxes. False Water Cobra Other Colubrid Subadult Colubridae. Bought female 7 years ago ( hatchling) from serious breeder. Reptile Water Bowls & Food Dishes ; Reptile Misters, Drippers & Humidifiers ; Terrarium Decor and Live Plants . Be sure to maintain a 12-hour light/dark cycle with all lighting. Stick to a weekly feeding regime of appropriately sized prey items. With hundreds of articles on everything pertaining to lizards, turtles, and snakes, our experienced team provides reliable and accurate content you can trust. Save. A large water bowl can be a great source of enrichment for this species. The most common ones are, Hypo; Lavender; Description However, good care, maintaining an enriching environment, and diverse food selection means that your False Water Cobra can live a long life. Their preferred habitat is scrub forest and open wetland, and they're highly active. Use a screen top. Their pattern typically becomes darker toward the tail end of the snake. You can make DIY hides or purchase them from a reptile store. Some females might not get that long, but most are going to be somewhere between six and eight feet. MorphMarket is not responsible for problems you may encounter with the seller. . MorphMarket's Default Store Policy Providing a temperature gradient allows your snake to thermoregulate effectively by moving to warm or cool areas of its enclosure. It may also remove lingering smells that could trick your snake into thinking that youre dinner! Some are huge, some are small, and virtually all are amazing to observe in captivity. Reported here is a case of envenoming in a 25 yo . Then take your hook and gently nudge it and stroke it to make it aware of the hook. It is often referred to by hobbyists by the acronym of FWC and vernacular of Brazilian smooth snake, is a large, attractive, but nervous colubrine. Anyway, yes FWC are venomous. Expert Tip: To avoid parasites and bacterial infections, youll need to provide fresh and filtered water at all times. False Water Cobras have stunning coloration and patterning. She might increase the amount she basks as well. Please read our shipping information page . Share. False Water Cobra. When threatened, this semi-aquatic species can flatten its neck, resembling a cobra, to make itself appear larger. Keepers refer to them as " falsies " for short. Size: 33 - 54" Species: Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus. Like cobras, they flatten their neck as a defensive display. Females are the bigger sex. They are also intelligent snakes. On top of the substrate, add some natural-looking decorations. Avoid anything thats treated with chemicals. We charge a flat $44.99 for overnight delivery to your doorstep, regardless of the number of reptiles, amphibians, or inverts you buy. Size: 60 - 65" False water cobras produce a fair amount of waste. Their Latin name, Hydrodynastes gigas, roughly translates to Giant Ruler of the Water.. Other breeders have used goldfish to get the snake feeding, but continued use of goldfish may result in a thiamine deficiency . Extra space to explore will provide additional enrichment to your snake. Despite the fact that very little is known with certainty about the venom of the False Water Cobra it has been demonstrated that a good solid bite from this rear-fanged snake can cause some necrosis as well as considerable edema, tenderness and pain. There are a few reasons behind this, as follows: Expert Tip: As a rule, younger animals are far more likely to have been captive-bred than adults offered for sale. We recommend setting up a bioactive enclosure for your Falsie. It finally happened! Simple ad errors which might be accidental. We recommend sending a message with Inquire to Buy, specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy. Or even international breeders who can safely ship to South Africa. Details are published in Herpetological Review, and you can access the note here. However, they are a beautiful sight to behold if you can get your hands on one! 2018 Backwater Reptiles, Inc. | All Rights Reserved | Terms | Site Map | Privacy Policy Lizards for Sale | Snakes for Sale | Turtles for Sale | Tortoises for Sale | Salamanders for Sale Newts for Sale | Frogs for Sale | Toads for Sale | Tarantulas for Sale | Scorpions for Sale Alligators for Sale | Insects for Sale | Feeder Insects for Sale | Feeder Lizards for Sale, Please feel free to request a male or female snake (or any combination thereof) when you order, but please be aware that we. In fact, respiratory infections are pretty common. View more. Adult Baja Cape Gopher Snakes. The False Water Cobra, is rear-fanged, with the venom potency unknown. He should be able to point you in the right direction. Doing so will allow your snake to take refuge and thermoregulate at the same time. Some parts are straightforward, and others can be a bit challenging. Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. Price $69.99. This need not be difficult, but there are a couple of things to consider. The most common is considered to be the standard. They possess large eyes and rounded pupils, with a line of dark brown scales along each side of the head. These woods are toxic to reptiles. This device will allow you to monitor humidity levels and ensure that they remain within an acceptable range. Smooth Sided Toad. Like other neotropical snakes, false water cobras are understudied, and further research is need to understand their natural history and full ecological significance. Size-appropriate rodents are the best bet for consistent staple food. Without direct exposure to the sun, the False Water Cobra could encounter some issues with calcium metabolism. Amphibians are generally slower-moving than reptiles, and have uniquely moist skin which means they are never far from a source of water. These snakes are very active. This can only be sold and shipped within California, and proof of CA residence will be required before we ship. Your vet will need to first identify the cause of the infection (bacteria, parasite, or fungus) and then prescribe medication to treat it. $379.99 (male) $419.99 (female) HUGE and awesome !!! They can also contaminate your snake with parasites. False Water Cobras have a high prey drive so make sure you and your clothing do not smell like their prey items or other animals when you go to handle them. No matter what you decide, we wish you the best of luck! The false water cobra (Hydrodynastes gigas) is a non-front-fanged colubroid snake frequently exhibited in zoos, and maintained by amateur collectors. First, dont let the name of this snake species scare you off! $ 299.99 $ 199.99 Add to cart. They also require access to water, creating opportunities for spillage to occur. Provide hides on both sides of your temperature gradient. Live fish provide an excellent source of enrichment, allowing your snake to effectively hunt.. Snakes lacking in enrichment will become under stimulated, and may begin to exhibit unusual, repetitive behaviors. They contain oils that cause skin irritation and respiratory problems. Shipping Your False Water Cobra. Breeder at around the 6 - 7 ft mark /a > CB-016S2 Driver Cards ITOH DENKI cb false water cobra for sale Driver No. A glass or plastic enclosure is perfect. Juveniles can live in a 1015-gallon vivarium. These guys grow fast, so youll need to change foods pretty often. Thus, they have a penchant for soaking! They stay horizontal, so remember go for that back loop. Open Facebook Page Open Instagram Page. online at absolute rock-bottom prices, which means we make these fascinating animals available to you affordably as pets, or even to start your own reptile breeding project. It's always far more cost effective to buy feeder insects in bulk, which often saves up to 70% off pet store prices. Reptile and amphibian food should be varied, which is why we offer an array of feeder insects for sale. False Water Cobras are usually very even-tempered. A screen lid is best for this purpose. Hello snake lovers of South Africa! See, he's a jerk. -50%. Their long lifespan, high activity level, and ability to recognize their owner makes them great if youre looking for a snake to bond with. Our reptile and amphibian feeder insects and lizards include a guarantee of live arrival. Price $134.99. It's always far more cost effective to buy feeder insects in bulk, which often saves up to 70% off pet store prices. We recommend an under-tank heating pad that is controlled by a digital thermostat. Always sanitize your hands before and after handling. Species: Pituophis melanoleucus x Pituophis catenifer vertebralis. Use a basin thats large enough for your snake to get in anytime they want. Lavender False Water Cobras are quite rare. You will notice the female is gravid (pregnant) when there is a sizeable swelling in her belly. Youll find it in most reptile stores, and it does well with higher humidity. We offer live crickets for sale, as well as mealworms, wax worms, nightcrawlers, and now even lizards, all at the lowest possible prices. The enclosure must have good ventilation. Watch to learn more!MERCH IS HE. Some salamanders even breathe through their skin! Small reptiles are exotic pets, but they are rarely banned. It lives in tropical regions around the globe, from South America to Africa to Southeast Asia. Dirty enclosures, poor handling hygiene, bacterial transfer between reptiles, and poorly maintained humidity levels can all lead to an infection of the scales or the mouth. Our reptile and amphibian feeder insects and lizards include a guarantee of live arrival. Instead, it has a Duvernoy's gland, which is found in many rear-fanged snakes and is separate from the salivary gland. However, some people are more sensitive to it and can suffer symptoms such as edema, internal bruising, and necrosis. Another name for the False Water Cobra is the Brazilian Smooth Snake. Awl Headed Snake. 7 Like. On the cooler side, keep ambient temperatures between 78 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. creaturesofnightshade September 15, 2020, 6:38pm #1. These snakes are prolific breeders, regularly producing two egg clutches per year. CB Really beautiful snake and difficult to get. We offer live crickets for sale, as well as dubia roaches, mealworms, wax worms, nightcrawlers, and now even lizards, all at the lowest possible prices. The back of the head is mostly free of the darker markings. Additionally, the pattern and coloration of Hydrodynastes gigas superficially resemble those of true water cobras. They have rear fixed fangs (like a Hognose, for example). Yellow highlighting around the black portion creates a beautiful look. Why Do Ball Pythons Yawn & Should You Be Worried? The False Water Cobra is so named because of its similar appearance to the Water Cobra, which is a highly venomous snake. Typically, black bands or large squares will run down the length of the body. This lighting is essential to your snakes health. The Hermann's water snake, or double-banded false water cobra, is a close relative of the false water cobra. They prefer frogs and lizards as prey. A hooded snake should be left alone. Rufous Beaked Snakes. If you have more than one Falsie in the same enclosure, the size of the water dish should be increased too. Baby False Water Cobras. That said, it is manageable if you know what youre doing (and have a bit of guidance). But if you dont actually plan on purchasing venomous snakes but are still fascinated by them, then check out the mildly venomous blunthead tree snake. So, you can provide live or defrosted: Generally, you should provide food thats equivalent to the width of your snakes head. Thanks to the many False Water Cobra breeders, there are a few distinct color morphs available. The clutch size averages 14 to 24 eggs, but clutches as large as 36 eggs are not uncommon. False Water Cobras are notorious for being messy. Lavender false water cobras though rare are incredibly beautiful. Most snakes arent super picky about things like decorations. You can house more than one Falsie together provided they have space and are not cramped. Make their environment interesting to be in. Our live. Biologists don't know much about the reproduction of the false cobra, though they probably think it's close to that of the false water cobra. For the experienced or more dedicated intermediate keeper, the false water cobra can be an awe-inspiring animal to own. These snakes can hood up their necks like a cobra in a defensive or aggressive maneuver to ward off predators. They are a diurnal species and can be considerably active throughout the day where they climb, burrow and swim. Snakes often experience stress when involuntarily removed from their enclosure. These creatures are very fun to own,, Asian water monitors are a fascinating reptile that have earned plenty of respect and interest from humans over, 11 Types Of Chameleons That Make The Best Pets, Carpet Chameleon 101: Care, Diet, Lifespan, Size & More. Use our prey item size guide: Largest point of girth of prey = Largest point of girth of snake. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Reptile.Guide is the preferred educational source on reptiles favored by experienced herptologists and new owners alike. Water Monitor. Make sure the substrate is spot cleaned daily of any fecal messes. False Water Cobras are diurnal snakes so they need a natural photocycle of about 12/12 light/dark. However, we suggest a bioactive enclosure due to the magnitude of their messes. About Rogue's Breeder Snakes. Ahhh! CB stunning. Never offer your snake partially frozen prey! Repeat this process if the shed does not lift easily. Theyre known for being voracious feeders, swallowing prey rapidly sometimes while its still alive! They are large snakes so they can be a little intimidating to some people, especially because they look a little like a Water Cobra. Some keepers argue that UV lighting is unnecessary for false water cobras, being a forest-dwelling species. Carpet chameleons are an interesting-looking pet reptile that are quite underrated. False water cobras are tropical species and require specific temperatures and lighting to survive. The false water cobra is a beautiful species suitable for experienced snake keepers. In this case, clean (with reptile-safe cleaner) and replace it immediately. This species is frequently bred in captivity, leading to a healthy supply of parasite-free snakes for reptile enthusiasts around the globe. The most common name for this snake in its native range is acanin (niyah-kah-nee-nah), which originates from the Guaran peoplewho inhabit Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina. Reptile.Guide is not a veterinary website, nor should any of the reptile health information on our site replace the advice of a certified veterinary professional. Their venom is only mildly toxic to most people. Never use cedar or pine in your enclosure. They will take food as often as you give it to them. They are diurnal snakes so we recommend a heat lamp be placed on the end of the warm side of the enclosure. The conservation status of the False Water cobra has not been recorded. False Water Cobras prefer warmer climates and plenty of opportunities to regulate their temperature. False Water Cobras are unique in that they enjoy a well-designed environment. Live prey items can chew on, scratch, and otherwise damage your snake. Wild-caught snakes need to be treated for internal and external parasites immediately in a quarantine container before being moved to their enclosure. They make horrendous messes when they defecate and having a bioactive enclosure will help with the upkeep. Mites are a common external parasite that may develop if your enclosure is not maintained properly. Keepers of false water cobras can benefit from having a bioactive substrate. The warm end of your thermal gradient should remain between 29 and 31 C (85 88 F). If providing a basking area, never allow temperatures to exceed 32 C (90 F). Negative feedback about your inquiry on this ad. Many people comment on their circular pupils and large eyes. For ground-dwelling species -such as the false water cobra heat mats are a great way to set up an effective temperature gradient. Please take a moment to review our rules. Austrialian Water Dragon. $ 249.99. The best option would be cypress mulch or orchid bark. Take this into consideration when you house males and females together. Expert Tip: Some owners even like to make their own substrate. Remember that false water cobras live for up to 20 years. False Water Cobra Care Sheet (For New Owners) July 1, 2021 by Stacey. The entire intact skin should peel off each time this process occurs. If your False Water Cobra is agitated, it will whip its tail around quite violently. Price $169.99. Theyre widely available, fairly cheap, and provide plenty of nutrients. Another important consideration is UVB lighting. Hatchlings measure about 38 centimeters (15 inches). Not only that, but the teeth connect to glands that secrete venom. If you dont provide the best husbandry possible, these snakes are far more prone to experiencing illness and even premature death. False water cobra snake in a County Durham flat. Place one end of the hose in the water and one end in an empty bucket that is below the enclosure. Click on the animal you are looking for, enter your email address and be automatically notified the second we get them back in stock! However, you should never assume that humidity is right. Filters. If your snake is behaving defensively, stop and wait for it to calm down. Others feed as rarely as every other week to prevent obesity. Please contact support. We recommend hook training your False Water Cobra for when it comes to handling. You can remedy this by soaking your snake in a tub of room temperature water for 30 minutes at a time and then try removing the stuck shed with tweezers. Their mask-like markings typically begin behind the eye and extend backward along the sides of the neck. Like many neotropical snake species, this species is understudied in the wild. Humidity levels in the enclosure should hover around 50 to 60 percent. You can fix this by siphoning off the water with a rubber tube or hose. Scientific name : Hydrodynastes gigas. Adriana on August 15, 2020: Sloths are also legal in very many . There was a problem with the location value. The false water cobra has an average lifespan of between 12 and 20 years. Do not handle your snake 24 hours prior to, during, or for 48 hours after feeding. Dramedia centrada en Maddie (Peyton List; Cobra Kai, Jessie), una adolescente atrapada en el ms all que decide investigar su misteriosa desaparicin junto a un grupo de estudiantes que tambin estn atrapados en el limbo en su instituto.Completan el reparto Kristian Flores (Reboot), Spencer Macpherson (Reign, Degrassi: The Next Generation), Kiara Pichardo (The Society, Kevin Can F**k . The hideaway must not be see-through. Our site saves small pieces of text information (cookies) on your device in order to deliver better content and for statistical purposes. The standard is a golden or yellow to brown background with black and dark brown markings. All of this makes it quite difficult to mistake your False Water Cobra for being in a good mood. Some keepers argue that handling serves as enrichment for snakes. Exposure to UVB light helps reptiles synthesize vitamin D3 an essential nutrient from cholesterol in the skin. These are outstanding eating like little machines. How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Heat? If things start to get dry, just mist the enclosure a bit. The most common is considered to be the standard. Although these snakes . So were going to clear everything up for you. Soak the snake for 30 mins or more in warm water, then gently coax skin away with tweezers. Make sure there is sufficient coverage between each hide for your Falsie to travel across the enclosure without too much exposure. Purchase a hygrometer and check those levels frequently to be sure. Musking the secretion of a pungent substance from glands around the snakes vent is another tactic employed by snakes when cornered. False water cobras are terrestrial. The unique water cobra on the other hand, is native to western and central Africa, and together with the Congo Water Cobra, it is one of only two species of water cobras in the world. Organize or attend a stream, river, lake or other waterway cleanup in your area to preserve aquatic habitats for local species. Another note published by Weiler and Wood, 2010, contains images of a wild snake consuming a large eel. Their faces have really cool markings! By browsing our website without changing the browser settings you grant us permission to store that information on your device. Housing a female and male False Water Cobra together in healthy conditions will result in breeding. Dobson residents and businesses recently got a chance to meet their new town manager, during a meet-and-greet Friday, but it was far . Excessive heat will cause the sphagnum moss to dry out rapidly. False water cobras inhabit the humid floodplains of South America in tropical forests, swamps, and marshes. Females, in particular, are likely to outgrow a six-foot enclosure in time. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mice? The False water cobra is a rear-fanged venomous colubrid snake native to South America. A large hide box will be your snakes sanctuary and place where they feel safe, so its a must-have for the enclosure. Offer these once per week. The heat lamp must be in a protective dome to prevent burns. New Arrival Quick View. Pets for sale All Pets for sale Puppies for sale Kittens for sale Other pets for sale. Male bought 4 years ago ( subadult ) from. Argentine Black & White Tegu. It also eats reptiles, mammals and birds found in wetland habitats. Even for the standard 12 to 20-year life expectancy, there are no guarantees with the False Water Cobra. Although cheap, its known to accumulate mold in moist conditions! General Baby False Water Cobras. Water Snakes. This means it is active during daylight. To maintain your bioactive substrate, add new biodegradables such as leaf litter and wood every three months or so to prevent the microfaunal biome from becoming unbalanced. They also lack the potent neurotoxins and hollow fangs of their elapid namesakes. Ghostwood is more expensive but visually stunning. Change substrate and spot clean regularly, Maintain healthy humidity levels at all times, Avoid feeding live foods that can wound your pet, Bacterial infection of the mouth (mouth rot), Pus or mucus oozing or bubbling from mouth or nostrils. The older the snake gets, the darker the markings become. This hood is made out of appendages that come out of the neck vertebrae. She flattens everything out when she's super annoyed. Place one at each end of your temperature gradient. Due to its wide range and (anecdotally) reported abundance, the false water cobra is unlikely to be under direct threat as a result of the pet trade. We occasionally link to goods offered by vendors to help the reader find relevant products. False Water Cobras they flatten out their skin, they flatten out their body like a cobra. These snakes are prolific breeders, regularly producing two egg clutches per year. False water cobras grow to be enormous colubrids and require plenty of space. CB THE ONE PICTURED IS THE EXACT ONE FOR SALE! The false water cobra is so named because when the snake is threatened it "hoods" as a true cobra (Naja species) does.Unlike a true cobra, though, it does not rear up, but remains in a . This may be an overall vivarium lighting setup or a basking lamp. False water cobras will happily take a range of foods, such as: As with most reptiles, these snakes will benefit from a diverse diet. . Prey items can include mammals like mice or rats, birds such as chicks or chickens depending on the size of the snake, frogs that are non-toxic, and feeder fish. Price $129.99. February 27, 2023; cameron norrie nationality; adikam pharaoh of egypt . We are the largest breeder of False Water Cobras (Hydrodynastes gigas) in the world. Snakes vary their internal temperature by moving between warm and cool areas of their environment. If you choose to ignore these signals, you give your snake no further option but to bite to defend itself. Order. Theyre also usually willing to stay in touch and answer your questions. A note by Patrik Viana (2019) describes the regurgitation of a pair of toxic cane toads by a false water cobra in Brazil. These snakes do possess venom but lack an efficient delivery system. Thank you for posting on r/southafrica! They will strike their food dramatically and often put their meal through the wringer. Eggs typically hatch after about 60 days at an incubation temperature of 83 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius). Subscribe for monthly specials, new arrivals, and informative articles. Reptile.Guide 2023 - All Rights Reserved, Join the discussion! A sizable water basin is needed for your snakes enclosure. If you have a bioactive enclosure, maintaining the humidity levels will be easier as you will be able to drain any excess water from the substrate. False Water Cobras arent immune to health problems. Maintain healthy humidity levels and temperature at all times. They are toxic to reptiles. They carry their own internal parasites so they need to be treated immediately. They burrow under the scales to get at the skin and blood underneath. A bioactive substrate may also need to be fed by adding new mulch or leaf litter once the old has decomposed. Overfeeding your False Water Cobra will lead to obesity. Show Filters. However, these tend to get destroyed pretty quickly by larger snakes. CB 2020 male false water cobra 150 CB218 female rhino rat snake 200 CB2019 male king rat snake 150 CB19 male barking gecko available for 50. They are to aid in subduing their prey as they swallow it. However, where a cobra holds its head up vertically, the False Water Cobra holds its head horizontally. Hydrodynastes gigas. . Apply our best practices for Safe Purchasing. Hydrodynastes gigas is a New World species of large, rear-fanged, Dipsadidae snake endemic to South America.It is commonly and alternatively known as the false water cobra and the Brazilian smooth snake. The Surprising Answer, Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed? This is a good idea if youre worried about being bitten. Instead of the standard warm colors, these snakes are gray and light purple. Size: 14 - 18" Species: Hydrodynastes gigas. He does have a crazy feeding response and is currently on frozen. Include a drainage layer and live detritivores such as worms or springtails to reduce waste buildup. If the human body is exposed to large enough quantities, the venom can inhibit blood clotting, cause swelling and create quite a bit of discomfort. I have three 2021 female false water cobras I am looking to move on from. Dont let the name of this makes it quite difficult to mistake false! Tropical regions around the black portion creates a beautiful look are tropical species and can be great... Be sure to maintain a 12-hour light/dark cycle with all lighting enclosure not... Of luck Cobra in a quarantine container before being moved to their enclosure remain between 29 and 31 (! Place one at each end of your temperature gradient has not been overridden by this seller 's policy! With black and dark brown scales along each side of the warm of! 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