One of the theories about that part, is that you were a peace offering to the O'Driscolls. He used people. It'd been so terribly long. They lied to us, as Arthur has a very terrible aim. Maybe it was his idea to abduct Arthur as well. His peripheral vision is too good to try for a stealth kill. He made it back to camp so, whatevs to everyone else. It is during this meeting Colm reveals he didn't even like his brother, angering Dutch. He only assumed Arthur just got up and left to do whatever he felt like as he always seemed to be away to keep the provisions and supplies of the gang afloat. Dutch also acted as a paternal figure to Jack in Johns absence, molding his worldview as he could. These are some of the more interesting things you can notice about the leader. The only way Colm's plan makes sense is if Micah was part of it, but why wouldn't Micah have just tried to capture Dutch with Colm's men at the meeting after the man who captured Arthur had signaled that he'd done so? Now that the coast is clear, go back to the wooden shack next to the first guard that you killed outside. With the Ocarina of Time gladly sitting as his favorite game of all time, Anthony is a sucker for any game that has players wielding a fabled sword, but can still appreciate everything from a solid sports title to a game with a deep multiplayer experience. They were waiting til first light to try and follow your tracks. For example, there is a fun moment where Jack is caught tickling Uncle's nose in the Epilogue section of the game. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pay attention to the first condition, the rest can be easily done using checkpoint. It is also mentioned that Dutch and The Count have a very close bond with each other. Hogwarts Legacy All Demiguise Statue Locations, Hogwarts Legacy Scropes Last Hope Walkthrough, Hogwarts Legacy How to Increase Inventory Size, Free yourself and perform self-surgery within 1 minute, Recover your weapons from the ODriscolls camp, Kill the ODriscoll gang members that beat and shot you, Escape the ODriscolls camp without being spotted. How could he be so sure? We are going to go through the reasons why Dutch's betrayal still stings to this very day. Dutch is only interested in money as an intermediate solution to his main objective - power. Arthur mentions that Dutch shot a woman in Blackwater. Of course the man was oozing confidence. Players ofRed Dead Redemptionand its sequel are able to see how Dutch loses color in his hair and gains a little of it back. Its possible the sniper took a shot on Dutch and missed and they got away, I suppose. Explaining how you met your best friend always comes with a good story. You have good points about Micah being in cahoots with Colm, particularly about the sniper position (even though the O'Driscolls were watching beforehand), and I could see Micah ratting out Dutch to anyone who would get him what he wanted. After the fact, Arthur will ask Dutch if he was going to come for him and Dutch replies that he was about to. Maybe the stress of not keeping a gang together allowed Dutch's hair to return to its natural color. but his idea to kill Cornwall was probably a good idea. Fans still don't know if Red Dead Redemption 2 will ever get any future story content, but Red Dead Online is still going strong. Your horse is tied up just to the east of your weapons cache. Yes. I mean also Arthur did break out not too long after talking to Colm who most likely, as part of his plan, wouldve found a a way to pretty much lead Dutch to where they had Arthur. Keep heading northeast until you join back up with the suggested path to the waypoint, and follow it back until you pass out. RELATED: 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes That Every Player Can Relate To. Dutch's hair inRed Dead II goes from black to grey, but inRed Dead Redemption Dutch has a bit of black back in his hair. For more information, please see our Surely they woulda been concerned as hell. Why would you plan to capture a sniper position then plan to keep it from yourself and the person who thought they had the upper hand with it? At 2 o'clock, Hosea, Dutch and the now young-adult Arthur burst into the banking house of Lee and Hoyt. rdr2 horse names arthur will saygarberiel battery charger manual 26th February 2023 . RELATED: 10 Awesome Secret Missions In Red Dead Redemption 2 You Need To Try. (I'm assuming the torture part is due to Colm's sadism/bitterness and jealousy Arthur won't join his gang rather than anything practical!). The gang made off with $5000 in gold. Don't you think it's a little strange how the O'Driscolls seemed to know exactly where you would be? NOTE: If you are spotted during the escape, you can restart the last checkpoint in order to try again, and it will not invalidate the requirement. When you come to, youll be hanging on chains by your feet. Move slightly to the west until you can see the guard with his back to the wooden structure ahead of you. But Colm didn't want Dutch dead -- he wanted his old friend to suffer. and hammer / to set fire to the gunpowder to cauterize the wound. If you talk to Dutch after that mission Arthur says You were gonna come looking for me, right?. Same as this one. It seems like an easy tackle. Incidentally, be prepared for you aim to be off due to your injuries. Yeah I only finished the game quite recently actually :) i agree but I like to find random alternative theories online as to why Dutch did what he did so I dont have to face the truth lmao. I always felt Dutch and Colm had this sort of "can't stand them, can't live without them" relationship. This was likely Dutchs attempt to create some distance between the gang and Pinkertons. Arthur, along with every other member of the gang, was a means to an end for Dutch, and when Dutch could no longer count on Arthur to be his loyal dog, all that loyalty shit went out the window. If Colm knew about the Blackwater money, Colm would have thought he could torture the location out of Dutch and still hand Dutch over for his freedom. Thanks mister. If Arthur was a peace offering they why did Colm not tell Arthur, it would have been the ultimate way to break him. Arthur's fading screams - little more than rasps at this point - were starting to grate on his nerves worse than ever, his throat worn raw from days of being the O'Driscoll's punching bag. Many members of the Van Der Linde gang have their own specific horse. Why is this? Dutch and Micah want to keep riding with their money, but Arthur and Sadie go to save Abigail, refusing to let Jack grow up as an orphan. What was Micah's ace up his sleeve? Because he witnessed it before. This makes the end ofRed Dead Redemption II a little sadder, as the gang falls apart and people's opinion of Dutch shifts. After this, Colm leaves. Then you will insert the file into the wound with the / button. When the gang falls apart, Susan is killed by Micah. Would Dutch have given it up for Arthur? It isnt a particularly flattering picture. The fall of the ODriscolls brought more closure for Sadie and she was just a recent victim. As a result of the robbery the gang made off with $5000 in gold. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Even if he couldnt capture everyone he had to kill them all to be safe. 2. His charisma and charm made him a father figure to much of the gang, especially John Marston and Arthur Morgan. He had no reason to then let Dutch go. Finally, press the left stick up to raise the candle to the wound. Just on my second play through (on PC this time), Micah is horrible, but Dutch is the worst, I wanted to just shoot him, time and time again. Wow I wasnt expecting to get replies to this comment almost a year later. tbf mid-chapter 6 First play through, I know Micah is bad with Arthur dont know much more then that. 0 Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi 1 Adventure,Mystery,Sci-Fi 2 Horror,Thriller Name: Genre, dtype: object Adventure 259.0 Animation 49.0 Biography 81.0 Family 51.0 War 13.0 Musical 5.0 Sci-Fi 120.0 Crime 150.0 Mystery 106.0 History 29.0 Romance 141.0 Thriller 195.0 Comedy 279.0 Action 303.0 Western 7.0 Fantasy 101.0 Horror 119.0 Music 16.0 Sport 18.0 Drama 513.0 dtype: float64 At least, thats the way I see it. Colm ODriscoll himself will come to interrogate you for a bit before you pass out again. I agree. Had this happened a bit later in the game that might be a valid explanation. As the two traveled, they picked up more and more members to grow the size of the gang. It does seem that nothing is done after but I think between capture and escape only one night has passed. im happy that dutch arthur and sadie got to share in making sure colm o'driscoll ate shit bc as much as i hate dutch i took what colm did to arthur so fucking personally It'd been so long. 2008-2023, all rights reserved. RDR2 is very similar, but it is aware of said similarities and uses them as a strength. Ride out to the meeting with Dutch and Micah. Reach her on Twitter (@TalkToGabrielle) or by email ( TheGamer is the leading source for video game news, reviews, topical features, and deep-dive interviews, delivered right through your eyeballs and into your brain box. The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is sprawling with tons of detail, from the way animals interact to the story hints that developer Rockstar Games hides around every corner. kill Colm after he killed Annabel (who I think Dutch was just in love with the idea of being in love with), but he did kill him after he kidnapped and tortured his boy Arthur. His favorite author is seemingly Evelyn Miller. Arthur learned the hard way that no matter how much he did for dutch, Dutch isn't really think of anybody else as equals. Wrong, the hardest thing is to keep him at perfect weight. As soon as Colm has Arthur, he has the sniper position. and then to Arthur later on: "The way I see it, they get him, they forget about me."". It actually started before the game down in Blackwater when the heist went off the rails and Dutch apparently killed a woman. And Charles. Though this seems to reassure them, Arthur isn't convinced. There is so much to discover that many players might have missed some of the game's cooler details during their initial playthrough. As they walk out, a pipe bursts and blasts steam into Arthur's face, which stuns Arthur and leaves him incapacitated. And Micah turned him on everyone except the blindly loyal (more like greedy now that I think about it), so thats eveyone who sides and would have sided with Arthur in the end. Tratado de fisiologia Medica (Arthur Clifton Guyton; John E. Hall, Arthur C. Guyton) Frysk Wurdboek: Hnwurdboek Fan'E Fryske Taal ; Mei Dryn Opnommen List Fan Fryske Plaknammen List Fan Fryske Gemeentenammen. Side note, while Colm is obviously presented as a sadist, Dutch isn't and I don't think he is. (Okay, other stuff happened and circumstances changed but that fact still remains!). Isn't that a bit weird? Interestingly, though, when you meet Evelyn Miller later in the game, he has a completely different personality to the outlaw. When the ODriscolls ride up, youll automatically pull out your sniper rifle to watch for any double cross. Just as Dutch and Colm get into it, the truth of the trap is revealed. Arthur was a gift from Micah and a plausible excuse for the next stage of the "plan" while Micah simply stalled for a little more time with Dutch (hard to get the secret location of a stash full of money out of a dead man). And in Rdr1 John himself says He was the best man he ever knew. The lawmen don't recognise any of the gang members except these three and the O'Driscolls only ever recognise Arthur in the shootouts. Just go down to Saint Denis n eat all that prime rib. Swing to the left and right using the left stick until youre in range to grab the file. Quest Giver: Micah Dutch van der Linde is an outlaw having a gang consisting with John Marston, Arthur Morgan, Micah Bell, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Bill Williamson, Abigail Roberts and several others. As soon as Arthur was about to grab his gun, Dutch steps on his hand to avoid shooting Micah because Dutch believed that Micah was the only loyal gang member left. Clearly RDR2 has a lot of cut content. Arthur was 14 and John was 12 when they joined the gang. I mean surely they would meet Arthur after that meeting with Colm, yet Micah and Dutch didn't say what happened with Colm at all? I'm not saying the O'Driscolls had kidnapped Arthur before (I'm sure that would have been mentioned! That's why he didn't kill Dutch, so he could actually be rewarded and he took Arthur because he knew Dutch would eventually come for him as he like a son to Dutch. Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Dutch, Dutch Formed The Gang With Hosea After Trying To Rob Each Other, 10 Awesome Secret Missions In Red Dead Redemption 2 You Need To Try, 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes That Every Player Can Relate To, Red Dead Redemption 2: The 10 Most Craziest Random Encounters You Probably Missed, Red Dead Online: 10 Collector Tips Everyone Should Know. having said that why couldnt Sadie just go to Blackwater in chapter3/4/5 and go get it herself, she wasnt wanted? He doesnt even seem that happy when he sees him come back, or worried because he is shot and barely standing. Since almost every other mission has the No healing items requirement I would just automatically do the mission over again but since this mission is different its okay to revert to checkpoint. Dutch is a charismatic outlaw with a penchant for leadership and his betrayal of protagonist Arthur Morgan, as well as John Marston, has made him a marked man so to speak. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. At 2 o'clock, the trio burst into the banking house of Lee and Hoyt and held up the staff and customers. They didn't go looking for you because you were handed over as part of the agreement. The two realized they could put their skills together and become rich. Any follow up will sooner or later become derivative of its source material should it play things too close. I agree Colm is playing games with Dutch, he's jealous and wants to hurt Dutch, but kidnapping Arthur wouldn't demoralise the gang because it would only give Dutch a reason to rally them like the charismatic leader he is. Colm's reason for kidnapping Arthur is to lure Dutch into a rescue attempt that will result in the whole Van der Linde Gang being captured by lawmen. Filed Under: Game Guides, Red Dead Redemption 2. Colm told Arthur that he wanted to set a trap so that Dutch and the gang would be caught and he could then bargain with the law, the Van der Linde gang for his gangs freedom. Aint that the fuckin truth! As seen inRed Dead Redemption II, the gang is able to get rich from conning people and pulling off heists. After eight days though, Colm had decided to do something about it. Due to your injuries, your vision will be distorted and darkened, so be cautious as you move. After the fact, Arthur will ask Dutch if he was going to come for him and Dutch replies that he was about to. Although Arthur does have a biological father who raised him for quite some time, he's more a son of Dutch and Hosea than anything else. As a current undergraduate student of journalism, she's seldom away from her computer. Blessed are the Peacemakersis unlocked after completing The Fine Joys of Tobacco. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I'm not a huge fan of this theory as I don't think Dutch was quite so deluded yet as to turn over Arthur to O'Driscoll. Dutch is pretty much defenseless: there's him, Micah and Arthur and Micah is a turncoat that sold Arthur out. Its interesting that he has the opportunity to shoot Micah at the end of "Redemption" but doesn't. From there, several gang members slowed themselves down and, instead of helping them, Dutch left them behind so that he could escape. After all, Arthur was raised by Dutch and Hosea for nearly twenty years. However, I don't think Colm wanted to kill Dutch either. RELATED: The Best Horses In Video Game History. Dutch started to break, becoming more reckless and killing innocent people. Cant find my replaced weapons after quest. This finishesBlessed are the Peacemakers mainmission in Red Dead Redemption 2.Nowthe next questA Short Walk in a Pretty Town starts. Arthur reveals that he tried to mount the horse once but was immediately bucked off. 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