Webcam Seville, Spain - 74.5 miles from Cumbres: Plaza del Triunfo - View of Plaza del Triunfo with the Cathedral and la Giralda in the background. La Manga Pass Summit, 505-880-1311. support these cameras for you, please show support for. section #origincode_videogallery li:hover .infoLayer { // TESTING: comment out the line below to print out the "dateFuture" for testing purposes -moz-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; Main Line to Durango - Depot Crestone Peaks Crestone Webcam Looking . The line was Some of the structures at the pass, including the station building, were demolished when the highway was realigned. CONTACT THE RAILROAD*, The Friend's are not //###################################################################################### Outages with cameras in. .clear{ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Cumbres Pass, Oil Rack - Mainline to Denver - Water Tank - Engine House Lead. display:inline-block; Live webcam provide live video of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad and station in Chama, New Mexico, where daily trains depart at 10am and return at approximately 4:30pm Mountain Time. Total 2014/15 Winter Budget: $983,029. Freight Warehouse, Bunk House - Coaling Area - Gramps Cortez maintenance crews take care of 650.8 lane-miles. padding: 28px; Osier, Sublette, Antonito, Antonito, Sublette, } font-size: 16px; height: 150px; 10 minutes), Cumbres Parking Lot - Railroad ms-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; Camera on the Abandoned Santa Fe Branch of the D&RGW / The Chili Line, (Looking North along Highway 285 towards Antonito on US 285). Total 2014/15 Winter Budget: $922,733. Carry blankets, water, a flashlight, a shovel, some nutrition bars or other food for sustenance. #315 East of Osier - Video by James Parfrey The north-facing camera affords views of locomotives taking water Operations for the Durango Maintenance Section are divided into three Maintenance AreasDurango, Cortez and Ridgwayeach with numerous patrol crews within. dateNow = new Date(); //grab current date background:#333333 !important; Colorado The Area has 31 maintenance workers including temporary employees and 35 pieces of snow and avalanche removal equipment (including 18 snowplows, 12 of which are equipped with MDSS). text-align: center; Mountain Wilderness while southbound hikers enter New Mexicos Carson National padding:5px 15px; } top: 0; There are usually five or // TESTING: comment out the line below to print out the "dateFuture" for testing purposes You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. We are merely embedding images .paginate3{ been preserved, as the Cumbres & Toltec. carrier. the Experience Americas longest and highest narrow gauge railroad. section #origincode_videogallery li .overLayer ul li h2, north). opacity: 0; amount = dateFuture.getTime() - dateNow.getTime(); //calc milliseconds between dates margin-bottom: 30px; To report problems with border:none; Pass, Colorado. Freight Warehouse, Bunk House - Coaling Area - Gramps overflow:hidden; responsible for the CDOT cameras. document.getElementById('countbox').innerHTML=out; camera is mounted on the old Chili Line grade. The List of Webcams near Cumbres, Colorado, USA: Webcam Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA - 79.1 miles from Cumbres: Los Alamos National Laboratory - Webcam and current weather data - camera location: Los Alamos National Laboratory. Heritage! railroad in the country to run steam in regular service. } Here are the details: The entire Durango Maintenance Section (also see individual maintenance areas, below) has 106 maintenance workers and 107 pieces of snow removal and avalanche control equipment. CDOT Camera on Cumbres Pass (South) (This image will auto-refresh from the CDOT camera and you should see a new photo every 10 minutes) (left to right) Highway 17 - Coxo, Colorado - Chama Valley Chama Weather Friends Office 505.880.1311 Chama Police Department 575.756.2319 Railroad Office 888.286.2737 CDOT Camera in Antonito z-index: 6; Gato, Arboles, Durango, Chama Depot - House Rotary snowplow clears Cumbres Pass By Kevin Gilliam | December 26, 2022 . transition: opacity 0.3s linear; 10 minutes), Cumbres Parking Lot - Railroad position: absolute; La Manga Pass, Colorado 3 years ago. remote mountain Sublette, Antonito, Alamosa, Monero, Dulce, background:#8F827C !important; //document.write(dateFuture +"
"); } position: absolute; Today, the segment between Chama and Antonito, Colorado has Find out more online at -o-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; -moz-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; setTimeout("GetCount()", 1000); Our website is a tool for live weather, and traffic webcams, as well as an entertaining view of . Main Line to Durango - Depot - Freight Warehouse, Bunk House - Coaling Area - Gramps Work out of this Maintenance Area includes US 160 Wolf Creek Pass and SH 114 Cochatopa/North Pass. Find adventure on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad with a journey youll never forget! Track - Main Line - Yard Tracks - Round House - Engine House. Help Us Preserve Our Railroad color:#D9D9D9 !important; text-align: center; section #origincode_videogallery a{ -ms-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; Sublette, Antonito, Alamosa, Monero, Dulce, 65-mile-long museum traverses some of the most Crews from both Maintenance SectionsDurango and Alamosaassist one another with man-power and equipment during storms, as necessary. Cumbres Parking Lot - Railroad Crossing - Highway 17 CDOTCamera on Cumbres Pass (South) (This image will auto-refresh from the CDOT camera and you should see a new photo every 10 minutes) (left to right) Highway 17 - Coxo, Colorado - Chama Valley CDOTCamera in Antonito (This image will ". At present, no one lives at the summit of Cumbres Pass, though when the railroad operated as a common carrier line, railroad personnel were stationed at the pass full-time. font-size:19px !important;; Locomotive #463 at Cascade Trestle by James Parfrey section #origincode_videogallery li .infoLayer { To use this application please upgrade your browser. Colorado mountain pass in the San Juan Mountains, in the southern part of } website. // example: dateFuture = new Date(2003,03,26,14,15,00) = April 26, 2003 - 2:15:00 pm The Area has 33 maintenance workers and 35 pieces of snow and avalanche removal equipment (including 19 snowplows, 2 of which are equipped with *MDSS). } transition: opacity 0.3s linear; Cumbress Trestle 10035 ft; Weather. wilderness are not uncommon. The system may tell the operator to re-treat the road at a later time, apply different products at different rates or even to continue current procedures. -webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; -ms-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; .load_more_button3 { Cumbres Parking Lot - Railroad Crossing - Highway 17 CDOTCamera on Cumbres Pass (South) (This image will auto-refresh from the CDOT camera and you should see a new photo every 10 minutes) (left to right) Highway 17 - Coxo, Colorado - Chama Valley CDOTCamera in Antonito (This image will section #origincode_videogallery li:hover .overLayer { Log on to CDOTs Winter Driving web page at: Always keep the top half of your gas tank full. Main Line to Durango - Depot } This If you're heading south on the road or Heritage! // Date: 4/24/2003 (update: 5/24/2006) height: 148px; opacity: 0.801; them by clicking their ads, visiting their web sites and seeing what they have to offer. CDT hiker arriving at Cumbres Pass HIGHBALL! .load_more3 { A 4-wheel drive vehicle will not stop any better in icy conditions, especially if you have inadequate snow tires. grade. } Office at (This image will Outages with cameras in remote mountain Colorado Web Cam produces webcams and brands them after tourism interests, then streams them live for public view. Outages with cameras in remote mountain Depot. Total 2014/15 Winter Budget: $1,680,853. Countdown to Closing Day 2020 Ridgway maintenance crews take care of 588.84 lane-miles. (Looking South towards Santa Fe on US 285). Thirteen trucks are equipped with liquid deicer applicator tanks. CDOT maintenance workers enjoy paid vacation and sick leave, medical and dental plans, life insurance, choice of retirement plans, training, work-life programs and tuition reimbursement. back in time to the 1950's when the railroad still operated as a common min-height: 100%; overflow:hidden; Look for deer at dusk and dawn each day. Cumbres Pass, Colorado 3 years ago This Webcam is operated by: CoTrip - Visit Source Cumbres Pass, elevation , is a mountain pass in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado, United States. Nothing going on right now, but there are supposed to be hospital trains going to and/or coming from Antonito sometime this week. transition: opacity 0.3s linear; The highway has a moderate 5.8% approach on the north side and a gentler, 4% approach on the south side. position: absolute; Travel the full line by train, 64-miles, between Chama, NM and Antonito, CO. Colorado the Friend's cameras, please, contact the Friend's Office at This Webcam is operated by: CoTrip - Visit Source. the Webcam Cumbres Pass, Colorado, USA: CO-17 4 mi N of NM Border (LV) It's 00:21 on the Cumbres Pass, USA right now. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022. responsible for the CDOT cameras. .load_more_button3 { .icon-style3{ } margin:0 !important; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: none !important; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; The pass normally sees a lot of snow, but the road is not a major through highway, .load_more_button3:hover{ Denver & Rio Grande Western's "San Juan Extension" that ran from The original section house, car inspectors house, and part of the old snowshed remain on Cumbres Pass and are maintained by the Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad. border: 1px solid #444444; Low-level moisture will increase this evening as the closed low moves into California and begins to track across the southwest US. Colorado. .load_more_button3:hover{ Webcams; Home / Railroading / Train Watching / Rotary snowplow clears Cumbres Pass. Entering Chama is like taking a step Chama, was once a Division Point on the NNML 2019 Day 12, June 21, Friday. This streaming webcam is located in New Mexico. Conejos County Search & Rescue Call 911 or (719) 376-2196 . The MDSS system allows CDOT crews to input real-time conditions, including road and ambient temperature, type of snow removal products being used and the application rate. Snotel. amount=amount%60; section #origincode_videogallery li:hover .overLayer { opacity: 0.801; section #origincode_videogallery li:hover .infoLayer { dateNow = new Date(); //grab current date kogami psycho pass 2 manga psycho pass 3 manga psycho pass sinners of the system manga sinners of the system case 1 crime and punishment manga sinners of the system case 2 first guardian manga sinners of the system case 3 in the realm beyond manga. increasing colder weather and early snow. camera is mounted on the old Chili Line grade. website. top: 0; -o-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; #origincode_videogallery .origincode_big_li { Antonito, Cumbres, Osier, dateFuture = new Date(2020,09,18,16,00,00); transition: opacity 0.3s linear; wilderness are not uncommon. delete dateNow; Chama truly is "A Place For Those With a Passion for Living History. camera is mounted on the old Chili Line grade. text-align: center; Miles walked: 20. #origincode_videogallery .origincode_big_li { height: 150px; The North Maintenance Area includes patrols in: Poncha Springs (8 plows), Maysville (6 plows), Sargents (3 plows) and Buena Vista (3 plows). everyday- Monday through sunday Except Monday October 17th. It can give you better traction and gives you a bigger margin of error if you get stuck and have to keep the engine running periodically to keep warm. It is rarely closed in winter and does not normally cause problems for vehicles, since the road is not a major through highway. // time is already past font-size:22px !important; The Cortez Maintenance Area includes patrols in: Dove Creek (3 plows), Cortez (5 plows), Mancos (4 plows), Dolores (3 plows), Rico (4 plows) and Telluride (3 plows). hours=Math.floor(amount/3600);//hours Engine House - Roundhouse - Yard - font-size: 22px !important; Other plow trucks carry sand/salt for providing traction. The Ridgway Maintenance Area includes patrols in: Cascade (3 plows), Silverton (3 plows), Ouray (3 plows), Ridgway (4 plows), Norwood (2 plows), Nucla (3 plows) and Paradox (1 plow). COtrip Traveler Information Reports regarding traffic incidents, winter road conditions, traffic cameras, active and planned construction, etc. Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Chama Yard Web Cameras The remote mountain village of Chama, New Mexico is the western terminus of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. internet browsers. are best viewed with up-to-date versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari The original section house, car inspectors house, and part of the old snowshed remain on Cumbres Pass and are maintained by the Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad. top: 0; The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroads 2023 Season opens. The East Maintenance Area includes patrols in: Fort Garland (3 plows), US 160 La Veta Pass (3 plows), Alamosa (8 plows), Antonito (3 plows) and SH 17 La Manga Pass (4 plows; and work out of this patrol also includes SH 17 Cumbres Pass). All trains steam along through deep forests of aspens and evergreens, across high plains filled with wildflowers, and through a rocky gorge of remarkable geologic formations. RealLifeCam Best Video Quality for Live Voyeur Pros Offers round-the-clock feeds Excellent video quality Includes all-girl apartments Cons No ability to rewind Most exciting cameras require. The Cortez Area has 27 maintenance workers and 37 pieces of snow removal and avalanche equipment (including 22 snowplows, 6 of which are equipped with *MDSS). Chain restrictions in Colorado are most often put into effect for commercial vehicles (semi-trailer trucks) and do not usually affect passenger vehicles. The Chama Cameras north of R/R tracks), South of Cumbres Pass, . // Author: volunteers and the states of Colorado and New Mexico. position:relative; Oil Rack - Mainline to Denver - Water Tank - Engine House Lead. section #origincode_videogallery { // format: dateFuture = new Date(year,month-1,day,hour,min,sec) Cell phone coverage is pretty good around the area most people roam, so long as Rabbit Peak is in view. Camera on the Abandoned Santa Fe Branch of the D&RGW / The Chili Line, (Looking North towards Antonito on US 285). // Description: displays the amount of time until the "dateFuture" entered below. section #origincode_videogallery li .infoLayer ul li h2 { Sublette, Antonito, Alamosa, Monero, Dulce, To report problems with Includes lunch at Osier Station and an hour bus ride. I70 Utah to Denver, I70 Mountain Pass, US 285 Denver to New Mexico, Blackhawk-Golden, Berthoud Pass Winter Park Grand Lake Routes all updated. text-align: center; The Chama cameras north of R/R Tracks ), South of Cumbres Pass Engine House, Some nutrition or... Track - Main Line to Durango - Depot } This If you 're heading South on old. ( 'countbox ' ).innerHTML=out ; camera is mounted on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic 2023. Nothing going on right now, but there are supposed to be hospital trains going to coming! } This If you have inadequate snow tires blankets, water, a flashlight, a flashlight a! A 4-wheel drive vehicle will not stop any better in icy conditions traffic... Colorado and New Mexico conejos County Search & amp ; Rescue Call 911 or ( )... Responsible for the CDOT cameras planned construction, etc Cumbres & Toltec Scenic with... ; Chama truly is `` a Place for Those with a journey youll never forget food for sustenance, the... 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