A visit to the local Christian television station a few days later brought about another conversation, this time with Clarence Larson, the station engineer. Performance & security by Cloudflare. As I stated, I paid for all of my own expenses to go to Southern Illinois to collect the DNA specimens, and I am personally paying for all the DNA testing. 13 months, plus $660 for 3 months, a total of $27,980. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. Truth is Nick Miller,the 3ABN attorney suggested that she get her own attorney. By the time this episode occurred, it had been 3 months since Linda had seen the doctor with whom she is accused of having an affair a man she had only met twice! It's not about money. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feetregarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. And he is the one who offered to be DNA tested but only if I would put up $10,000.00. have been used to purchase new real estate, on which You can do with it what you want. I say apparently because the signature on the DNA testing agreement that is alleged to be Brandys looks very different from her signature on the license of her marriage to Kevin Murray, her second husband, and different from her signature on her passport. So, then Yes, the difference WOULD be if YOU are the real father. You obviously considered her expendable! _To: Christine Yates If she WAS married at the time, then tell me who she was married to - with the proof - and I will admit that that was a false accusation - and I will apologize, when I see the proof. She was not given an opportunity to stand on her own so it was impossible to tell how tall she was. Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. And will you submit to a paternity test? Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. That's what you did with Joy and Pickle. Jill Morikone serves as vice president and COO. If Danny knew that he was not the father of Trinity, why would he and Brandy keep Trinity hidden under a blanket in the back seat of a truck for the hour or so we were all together, except for the few seconds when the DNA specimens were taken? Your IP: On pages 4 to 17 of Don't you think Linda would know or any other worker at 3ABN would know if Brandy ever worked there before 2004? According to the civil suit filed Monday, Shelton, a pastor ordained by the Church of God, was suspended by that denomination in 1985 apparently after sexual abuse allegations against him surfaced. 224-8 p. 3 at ln. (Doc. (L.D. That is all processed food that is forbidden on the Health Plan and highly likely to contain MSG which is very harmful to any sick patient, particularly someone with cancer. She told me that he would negotiate a settlement for her but he wanted 15% commission. Once again you are wrong. There is no legitimate reason for them to do so. Currently 3ABN programming is carried globally on more than 100 television stations and more than a thousand cable outlets. Danny Shelton, founder of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), stepped down Friday from his position as president, naming Greg Morikone, who currently serves as vice president and production. Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. You laid yourself wide open for all sorts of accusations. Tommy, if convicted, could receive a life sentence. Danny was clearly grasping at straws to try to fabricate any type of incriminating evidence against Linda no matter how far-fetched it was. To my knowledge there has never been any Brandy who worked there before the now Brandy Shelton. Danny admitted to me that they did that. What did she get for her 11-12 hour work-days for almost 20 years, her donations of her CD royalties to 3ABN, Lindas repeated giving of her weekends for years and years to travel for 3ABN after working long hours all week, and her allegiance and total dedication to the network for almost twenty years? Simpson again refused to produce the board minutes authorizing that transaction, claiming The average person would assume that you had known her much longer. But no one had brought them. I did not know what the issues were on either side nor did I favor one over the other. Apr 3, 2022. In 2006, Danny and Brandy were married on the set at 3ABN, and their picture was on the 3ABN website. I dont know. A variety of family-oriented programs address everything from child development to parenting, and childrens programming teaches important values, character building and life skills. Three Angels Broadcasting Network offers a wide variety of family friendly Christian programming, 24 hours a day. Is it recordings? How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? This is what the U.S. governments Social Security website says: If your child is born in the United States or is a U.S. citizen born abroad, you need a Social Security number to claim your child as a dependent on your income tax return. Many more things happened in the next few months. We can workout the whens and whereass also. after accusing her of spiritual adultery. Where's the proof. Shortly after leaving, he started working a variety of jobs for 3ABN, the suit says, eventually moving to Virginia. Could this child be the daughter of one of Brandys sisters? At any rate, if Danny Shelton had really bought those 48 acres as he claimed in his post-nuptial agreement, But just minutes before we were to meet, Danny called me on my cell phone and asked to change the location again, to the Post Office in Benton, Ill. Court-approved, legal DNA testing requires: 1. a picture to be taken of the one tested . A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. Burden of proof on Linda. Is it witnesses? It doesnt take an Einstein to figure it out. he divorced in Guam in June 2004 But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. and that will not stand up in heaven no matter how much you think you are right! the PDF of Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. I have not posted these documents maliciously, I just want to know the truth as everyone should. We are not owned or operated by any person or outside organization, and neither are we funded by any church or denomination, although many of our employees and volunteers are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 3ABN suedover Tommy! 2008 Form 990 filed with the IRS, and not signed until January 15, 2010, that language It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. Danny Shelton told me that Trinity Murray does not have a Social Security number. So what if Brandy worked at 3ABN in 1999 or 2000?! Brandi was baptised at the same time . Obviously, no one at 3ABN, including Danny Shelton, wants Lindas side of the story told. Whether Linda knew Brandy worked there at that time is irrelevant. Why? Why was I given Xerox copies of the documents, copies that could easily have been altered? a 92 pp. I told her that was not a good way to talk about the juice made from the nutritious green leafy vegetables that God has created for us to help nourish a sick body. Now, why would I say that? You tell me that when a person accuses another of doing something wrong they have to prove it. No one could be seen sitting in the back seat of the truck. At the time that I first heard about you and Brandy, I told my friends, in an off-hand casual way, that I had worked with her, not realizing that ANYONE would later claim that she was NOT there at that time. But when that was unsuccessful, he repeatedly tried to stop us from videotaping her temper tantrum. We are all accountable to the Lord for our actions. They failed to prove it so moved on to other accusations. Wouldnt she already know that she is the mother of Trinity? Why has Danny, at every turn, tried to silence Linda and others - with Silence Agreements? News reports stated that Since YOU are the one who threw Linda out of her marriage, her home, and her job so rapidly and so precipitously, it is natural for people to say "Why?" Why did you come up with such a conclusion? Linda is not the person saying this. Whoa! He is also suggesting that I chose an unaccredited lab to save money. Both labs I chose are fully accredited by the AABB, the acknowledged accrediting agency. Shelton promptly announced in an interview with the Adventist Review that evangelism campaigns in large cities will be a priority for the broadcasting ministry, starting with a project in London next year. That home has been sold and. That would mean that the child was conceived in May or June of 1999. ". And tell us WHY you fired her! Melody Shelton Mundall Firestone had no grounds, Biblically, to divorce, remarry and divorce again her first husband (which makes him her first and second husband and the father of 4 of her children) and marry Mr. Firestone in the SDA church. Also when you make a statement "But it is publically known that You Personally were looking..blah blah blah. Lorraine Day, M.D. Nine-year olds want to be "grown up" - not carried around like a baby. 48 acres of land was given to Danny in exchange for $96,000. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. .truth wouldnt it be wise to pursue Jesus and the truth rather than mindlessly and vapidly supporting an institution without even demanding evidence? Additionally, 3ABN Radio, and 3ABN Latino came on board in successive years. do you know how ridicules that is. Brandy and Danny watched as every specimen was placed in the container, then one of them personally sealed every container. 3ABN's ", the proceeds from that sale Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to "mend broken people" through the powerful messages of God's Word. I would never have believed that you can hold yourselfin so high esteem that you won't admit that you could be wrong. And why would Brandy get tested too, something that is not always required in Paternity testing? There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. If I have misinterpreted any of these publicly obtained documents, chronologically or in any other way, I invite any reader to show me my error and I will correct it. I strongly encouraged her to follow the Health Plan but finally she told me - and eventually she told Danny too - that she didn't want to do it. So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. I was just referring to the fact that Brandy was pregnant and apparently not married at the time, and that would be a touchy situation for her to be working in a Christian institution that does not condone pregnancies out of wedlock, and that would have been a probable reason that she would have quit - back in 1999 or whatever year she became pregnant. So, it's my life that is at stake. Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. Nor was she allowed to stand on the ground when she was brought out of the truck for 30 seconds so I could swab the inside of her mouth. Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is a 24-hour Christian television and radio network, consisting of nine television channels and five radio channels in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and French. The Reverend Tommy Shelton was a pastor at the Ezra Church, was accused of sexually abusing boys in the 1980's. He then began to work after those allegations for the Three Angels Broadcasting Network. In 1993, 3ABN Russia began producing Russian-language programs that now air on over 500 cable stations via satellite across the entire former Soviet Union, along with significant program distribution over the Internet. It the child presented for testing really IS Trinity Murray, and Danny Shelton is NOT her father, then why all the secrecy? And obviously both Danny and Brandy would know whether Danny is the father of Trinity. A few months later, he moved his toiletries and other things out of the bathroom that he had shared with Linda for years, into a separate bathroom in their home, and simultaneously began regularly working out at home, something he had never done before, subsequently purchasing a Bowflex gym set to begin vigorous bodybuilding. You're the Dr. so let me ask you if I take a paternity test it will determine whether or not her daughteris mine? I don't have to ask Linda things that I have experienced myself. I want to hear both sides of any issue I investigate. My crew and I were in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois, Post Office at 10:30 A. M. on Wednesday morning, April 29. Only much later did I realize that Danny was actually talking about his own marriage and Linda - and not about a couple he was counseling. But important in that conversation was that Danny had told me that the woman he was counseling had NOT committed physical adultery. There is no one on earth who will back you in your statement. Danny Shelton keeps repeating that, No reason is needed in the State of Illinois for an employer to fire an employee. (How convenient for him and all of you.) All of these pieces of information are required when one is tested at a DNA testing laboratory, and these were all requested by the laboratories to which I sent the materials. Or is everyone so terrified of Danny Shelton's vengeance with his demonstrated propensity either to fire - or sue - anyone who doesn't agree with his version of events or who even whispers a kind word about Linda and her innocence. I have no goal in collecting money from you or anyone else. When Dannys mother, Goldie, was found to have inoperable cancer (her abdomen was opened up and closed up by the surgeons because she was full of cancer), Danny called me right away. The tape only recorded Lindas voice. 1. The truth is that there are forty accredited DNA testing labs. But I KNOW Brandy worked there at that time. If Brandy was NOT married when she became pregnant, then you are admitting that my suggestion is correct - that the situation might be "touchy" for her to be working at a religious broadcasting network that generally would NOT condone pregnancy outside of marriage. Updated 4/2/2010 states in part: However, that real estate was apparently given to Danny Shelton by 3ABN instead. And I know that the Lord sees everything we do, so my word is good. I guess I should just let you believe what you want as you are as bad as Joy and Pickle in making claims YOU CANNOT PROVE. To: Danny Shelton I don't have that much money but I could probably borrow it. Danny purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on new property nearby. The board also backed a proposal by Gilley to elect Bruce Fjarli as its chair, a position that . After introducing himself to Danny, he pulled him aside and said, I dont know why Im telling you this, but I believe a satellite uplink station could be built here in southern Illinois out in the Thompsonville area. Interestingly, Clarence volunteered this information with no knowledge of Dannys dream. Watch the complete 3-hour documentary, featuring interviews with those who experienced the miracles of 3ABNs early days firsthand, along with archival footage. (End of pertinent section of Dec. 23, 2008 e-mail). After that, Danny and I had many conversations by e-mail. Danny deliberately and falsely - made Linda the object of contempt to point the finger away from him and towards Linda - in order to cover up his own despicable behavior! Circumstantial evidence it is, but a lot stronger circumstantial evidence than anything you have against Linda Shelton. In 2008, Walker went to law enforcement in Virginia, where there is no statute of limitations on sexual abuse allegations. . But, as anyone can see, I had much more association with Danny during the years I was coming to 3ABN than I had with Linda. When Danny arrived for the DNA testing, he said he did not bring the tape, but that when we were finished, John Lomacang would bring the tape and allow me to listen to it. purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on (Her other daughters name is Jody, who is probably named after Brandys twin sister - now deceased). (Doc. (See below from Google search). In court papers she wants to know what kind of vehicles I own now and many other things that do not pertain to her. 2. fingerprinting of each person who is tested In these results the DNA testing laboratories do not explicitly state that Brandy Shelton is the mother of the child tested, and I am not schooled in reading DNA test results, so I dont know. p. 3 at Table 1). Each hour of every day, our television and radio channels offer sound biblical preaching and teaching, as well as the best guidance on a wide range of health and family topics. Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. I have to get her consent since it is her daughter but I don't see that as a problem especially when I can let her know that you will be paying us $10,000 to see the results that I am not the father. 63-20 p. 5 at 16(c), p. 9 at Request #1). 154 Just because I know what I saw does NOT mean that I "hold myself in high esteem." Judge RejectsPlea Deal. On July 10, 2008, 3ABN, Danny Shelton, and Attorney Gregory Burden of proof on Lorraine. There are still major questions left unanswered about this DNA testing episode, in addition to the even bigger question as to WHY a husband - Danny Shelton - who claimed to love his wife, Linda, would falsely accused her of both spiritual adultery (whatever that is) and physical adultery, would destroy her reputation publicly, would have her fired from her job of 18 years, would tell her within about 4 weeks of his first false accusation against her that he wanted her out of his house, would divorce her in a Quickie Guam divorce less than 3 months after his first false accusation against her, and order 3ABN employees to remove Lindas name from every television program, every document, and every other nook and cranny at 3ABN within one month of the time she was fired and divorced by Danny? But he did. Brandi was baptised at the same time as Melody's daughter---Fall 2005 3ABN Campmeeting. Shelton, you must be the luckiest man I know, because you have a clean sweep of every satellite in the horizon without microwave interference on those two acres. website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Hillsborough County, the These apparent discrepancies require in-depth follow-up. An international Christian radio and television network based in West Frankfort in southern Illinois and the brother of the network's founder were named in a federal child-sex-abuse lawsuit filed in Chicago on Monday. the courthouse noted It makes no sense. Have there been rumors circulating to that effect? Danny and Brandy vehemently refused to allow Trinity to be photographed. Is Danny sharing his money with Brandy? The Bible paints a clear picture of hell, and Danny Shelton takes you verse by verse, with an easy-to-understand, commonsense approach to Scripture. As I said, she may have come to 3ABN AGAIN in Nov. 2004, but YOU were looking for housing for her in August of 2004. and I worked with her at 3ABN either in 1999 or 2000. Noting that 2,500 new Christians needed a place to worship, 3ABN purchased an unfinished 70,000 square-foot building and began remodeling it to meet this urgent need. Its your job to expose it not to cover it up! The name Trinity is also curious, particularly since Brandy at the time of Trinitys birth apparently was not particularly religious or maybe not religious at all. And that is exactly where Danny wants Linda! We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit company, and are governed by a Board of Directors who work very hard behind the scenes to ensure we stay true to our mission. What about those who don't choose God? In addition, I had no idea in, at first, that Brandy had any children. To: Danny Shelton The 3ABN International network has the same/similar lineup of programs as 3ABN's flagship network. I was never allowed to authenticate that the child tested was actually Trinity Murray as I was never allowed 1) to see original documents (Passport and government I.D. On March 1, 2010, Brandy Shelton filed for divorce from Danny Lee Shelton. My working with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999 places Brandy in the West Frankfort area at the time she became pregnant. In May of 2000, three months after the birth of Trinity, Brandy married Kevin Murray, (marriage certificate) who is now, or has been, in jail as a drug offender (cocaine and marijuana) according to public records. But one very important factor was documented: Both Danny and Brandy kept the child hidden, and kept all identification information about the child secret. Brandy and Shawn Brannack divorced on October 7, 1999 when Brandy was already 4-5 months pregnant by a man other than her husband. Please note that Linda fought the Protective Order because Protective Orders are often used to protect the guilty. A talented pianist, ET also appears as a guest artist on network events. 3. the social security number of each person who is teste If you think Linda was done so wrongly by me then you could take the money and give it to her. How would you come up with that? And within a week or two she died. On Those interested can monitor the case docket at He has conned you completely. Please notice that I did NOT bring it up. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. I was told how to find the forty accredited DNA testing laboratories and I could arbitrarily choose one which I did. That will all come out in due time. 3ABNs ministry accomplishes this goal with 24-hour-a-day television and radio networks, as well as far-reaching ministries of 3ABN Books and 3ABN Music. I was gone over the holidays and just got back today and read your e-mail. (Doc. In addition, I was not allowed to videotape or even take a still picture of Trinity Murray, something the DNA testing laboratory requires. DNA Diagnostics Center performs 3 out of 4 private paternity tests. He played college football at Washington . 858-348-0040, From: Rockford Press_ Later I was able to establish by my 1999 Schedule book that I worked with Brandy in June of 1999.). But you believed her without proof. Don't you see that adding such a condition only makes you look even more guilty! Neither Danny nor Brandy signed that agreement (they gave no explanation for not signing it), but Danny made up an agreement of his own that I signed and sent back to him and Brandy to sign. What would be his motivation for trying to extort $10,000.00 from me, if it wasnt outright greed? Since such court records are public information, It was several months later, in June of the same year (2004), when the fact that Danny was divorcing Linda became public knowledge that I again heard the term spiritual adultery bantered around, and I realized in retrospect that Danny had not been talking with me about a couple he was counseling but he had actually been referring to Linda. It is highly unusual for a 9-year old to stay quietly - under a blanket in the back seat of a truck - never looking out the window or wanting to watch the commotion going on right outside the truck window. Here is where I ask Danny if he is willing to take a paternity test since HE (NOT I) brought up the subject of Trinitys paternity. One of the companies needed another piece of information to complete their data before they sent out the results. on sexual assault charges in Virginia on March 16, 2010. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. The dirty laundry is waiting to be exposed. Otherwise, why wouldnt they produce it! The child was never allowed to sit up in the back seat of the truck where she could be seen. American football defensive lineman who was taken in the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft by the Cleveland Browns. And this began a full two years before Danny suddenly started accusing Linda. In that agreement, Danny decided (for unexplained reasons) to drop the demand that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested, even though for the previous couple of months he had held to his requirement of demanding that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested. that these board minutes were subject to attorney-client and work-product privilege. They can be altered easily in the process of copying. The cost is the same. The cover story is that Brandy has gone back to Florida to go to beauty school. But she had already been going to beauty school in Southern Illinois. According to public documents, Brandys first marriage was to Shawn Brannack on 6/10/96, three years after she gave birth to his child, Jody. Brandy divorced Kevin Murray, the man she claims is the father of Trinity, just a little over 3 weeks before she supposedly left metropolitan Tampa in sun-drenched Florida to arrive in Danny Sheltons tiny, rural, rainy, home town of Thompsonville, IL (population 588) - - - - - supposedly knowing no one. It hurts you and sets you up to believe other falsehoods that Satan wants you to believe. But, on her own, Goldie decided to drink bean juice. And as predicted, she became bloated and unable to eat. Am I going to receive a copy of the testing results? But for you to continue to say that you worked with Brandy while at 3ABN was nothing more than a mistake but you should at least be willing to concede that you might be wrong when someone is willing to put up a great deal of money if you can prove you are right. Thanks again for talking with me tonight. Danny has very deep pockets. She came to 3ABN for the 1st time in Nov. of 2004 period. The reason this is important to say is that when I arrived in Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens, Brandy became very angry and accused me of harassing her family. I had done nothing of the kind. Danny Shelton, Yvonne Lewis-Shelton 3ABN at Altamonte Springs SDA Christmas 2018 Tiffany Rose 28 subscribers Subscribe 2.6K views 4 years ago Danny Shelton - Founder of 3ABN with his. He would have to accuse her again of adultery citing the pregnancy test as his proof - and thereby he would have to admit that he had been going through her things. Why hasnt Linda been allowed to publicly tell her side of the story without the fear of being taken to court frivolously by Danny who will get yet another Silence Agreement against her to shut her up for good, so her side of this tawdry episode will never see the light of day? 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