Lets say you broke the law of chasity for about a year, then you decided to go on a mission and started a repentance process, but after 6 months you started comittimg the same sins again for about 7 months. Elder JoeJ. Christensen, an emeritus member of the Quorum of the Seventy, said, To develop a solid marriage, we must be able to admit we are sorry for mistakes we make. Behold, I give unto you a commandment, that ye suffer none of these things to enter into your heart; For it is better that ye should deny yourselves of these things, wherein ye will take up your cross, than that ye should be cast into hell. (3 Nephi 12:27-30 ). If its possible, PUSH (Pray until something happens) Dont feel like you arent getting an answer so why bother, keep praying, remember Ether prayed all day. I want to be cleansed again. There are, though, many factors the Lord, and the bishop, will consider when determining the length and specifics of the repentance process. Hoping for your positive response, thank you , Im sorry I posted it here in leave a reply because I dont know where to post hehehe. When I first experienced this tragedy, I thought that there was no hope for repentance at this point. And also remember that reaching perfection is a process that takes a long time, throughout this life and beyond. I dont know what to do. Keeping the Law of Chastity. Yes, my friend sinned. He must admit to himself that he has grievously sinned. Jessica, To me, the best thing to do is the safe thing to do because I always think it is better to be safe than sorryand that would be to talk to your bishop about it. Daily repentance is the pathway to purity, and purity brings power. The Lord does not expect perfection from us at this point in our eternal progression. You should know that you are talking to one of the most logically thinking people you can find. It is something I need to discuss with a bishop, I know that. I started dating a guy in October who was a member but had been in the same position as me but had repented of all his sins. I saw couples that were on the verge of divorce humble themselves, look inward, take responsibility, apologize for mistakes, and forgive each other. How do the teachings in this section differ from the false idea that repentance is the performance of a list of simple steps or routine actions? May I asked if your repentance included confessing your actions to your bishop? Ezra Taft Benson, Beware of Pride, Ensign, May 1989, 67. A temple marriage is a wonderful goal, the best goal if you ask me, as a faithful temple marriage is necessary to prepare ourselves to return to the presence of God in the Celestial Kingdom (D&C 131:1-3). I am 25, I turn 26 in 8 months. A waiting period of a specific length is not required by the Church for the sin of looking at pornography. and he isnt kindly gently tempting you to fall so that he has company. I am really not sure and I dont know why. Im glad you want to be a missionary. Also, consider talking to your mom about this situation. Yeah, around 20 min were cut. Your bishop will also be able to give you good advice on this subject. What happens when you have went a certain amount of months without pornography and masturbation and receive a mission call and you report in lets say 2 weeks and you violate the law of chastity and youve already talked to your bishop? You said you feel good where you are at, and that probably is because the Lord has forgiven you. Now dont misunderstand. God bless you, and good luck with all your mission preparation. As the Church's essay says, repentance is . What happens is this situation? James, To be honest with you, the chances of you going on a mission may be small. It is a change of mind and heart that gives us a fresh view about God, about ourselves, and about the world. When you talk to your bishop, he will give you more specifics. And will the Bishop makes us break up or we can keep our relationship? repentance, baptism, confirmation, worthiness, a maturity and dignity worthy of one who comes invited as a guest into the house of the Lord. It depends on what led to your ex-communication and your repentance. Im just not sure Ill be able to go. best lds talks on repentancelapd officer rodney williams status best lds talks on repentance. Hi. Whether you follow Satan or not, he will hate you! Then once i had turned 21 i indulged in porn and whiskey. Its hard for me to say since I am not your priesthood leader, so this is my opinion, but I think simply stating that you masturbated is enough detail on that matter. I have hid this lifestyle from my parents and family, including when I broke the law of chastity almost a year ago. To make the story short, she invited me to watch videos, lets just say videos that are not pleasing to God. Some serious sins can prevent you from ever serving a mission. Good luck and God bless. As servants of the Lord, we cannot be asleep while this battle rages. So I would start by continuing to do the things that have brought you this far on your spiritual journey, continue attending church and Seminary and listen with an open heart and mind. What should I say to them? No one can repent unless God grants repentance. A frequent question I receive from young readers is regarding therepentance process. But if i do, am i also going to tell this to my parents? May we be willing to take responsibility for our own sins and weaknesses that create stress and pain in our marriages. Now this young man is going through the repentance process with our bishop (were in the same ward) because of past sexual sins he has apparently committed. I just need some advice on what to do and get my life back on track. In order to reach that goal, I encourage you to keep reading and studying the scriptures daily and keep praying daily and attending Church meetings. Now, hes allowing me to go to the temple. You may not be able to serve a mission, but it is quite possible that you could still go. I love that he used the word "enthusiasm" when talking about repentance. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. The battle with sin is real. I am not absolving him of responsibility. 2. Good luck and God bless. Confessing these things to your bishop is part of the process the Lord has given us to be forgiven of our sins and become clean. Seek to bring her joy. Take that opportunity to discuss with your bishop how you can know if the Lord has forgiven you. Preparing for a mission and want to go in 5 months. Id be happy to quit because smoking weed does not bring me joy, but Im more concerned with the result of this sin. Be humble and through the grace of God and his Son Jesus Christ. The battle against Satan is real. I stopped watching those kind of videos and started to control myself. D&C 82:7 says Go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God. I pray that the Lord will strengthen you to follow through with the repentance process and become clean through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I wouldnt say that my sin is any lesser than anybody else thats why I ask, But because I just want to receive the kind of help with regards to what I did. If anyone is reading this, I need help right away. All of us can do better and be better than ever before.12. If you have any reservations, I think it is better to be safe than sorry, so if youre not sure what to do, its best to talk to your bishop and tell him everything. I love the church and will accept the outcome no matter what, but I cant think of anything more painful than being denied this mission. Youre Heavenly Father loves you and has provided the way for you to change and improve through the Atonement of His Son Jesus Christ. I have a similar problem. And while it was happening Ive never prayed so hard in my life. Enoch was the seventh in a chain of Patriarchs extending back to Adam (MOSES 6:10-22). . Remember the words of King Benjamin from the Book of Mormon: I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. I havent talked to my bishop yet because Im scared of what will happen. I hope you have a wonderful mission. Restitution. But were a bit afraid that he will be ex communicated if we confess. To repent, we must admit to ourselves that we have sinned. Regarding the partaking of the sacrament, that is a personal decision you should make so pay close attention to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I hope you have a wonderful mission. God will forgive and forget, but the Church will not. Whether or not you talk to your bishop about this is something between you and the Lord. He loves you and wants you to return to live with him. There has been the need for repentance in the world from the time of Adam to the present day. If we allow Him to help us sincerely repent and freely forgive, our lives and our marriages will be blessed throughout eternity. Jacob, Im glad you have the desire to serve a mission. Follow their counsel and hopefully, you will be able to return to the mission field soon. On the other hand, the foundation of pride is the desire to cover up our own weaknesses and focus on changing our spouses behavior. Through the years, I strive myself to repent. Forgiveness is a supremely wonderful blessing for those that repent. It started with masturbation and pornography. I am sorry for what I did and I dont think I can wait a year and still want to go on a mission. I just dont know what to do anymore and I need advice. He confess it to the bishop and the bishop said to him to ask for the lords forgiveness, pray and fast and also ask for my forgiveness to his mistakes to me. We must confess all our sins to the Lord. Nick, Im sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having. I hope you mentioned this to your bishop. The Lord does not expect perfection from us at this point in our eternal progression. While God might forget the sins, the Church has a long memory. No one has ever suffered in any degree what He did. Im a junior in college and last weekend things went too far with my boyfriend. Hi, Im in a relationship with a non member and 2 months ago we committed premarital sex and I confessed my sin to our bishop but I didnt mention it more specific but I told him that I broke the law of chastity. I never felt the need to tell my bishop about it because it hadnt been my fault. But even in these cases, the Atonement can bring personal healing. And for a time before I really feel away I thought I would never be able to repent fully. The reason I was told we got sent home was we refused to repent. How do these couples go from ecstatic levels of love and happiness to frequent conflict, bitterness, and in many cases, divorce? See RussellM. Nelson, Repentance and Conversion, 1034. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. (Mosiah 2:41) Good luck and God bless. Not all church policy is true. I am glad you have the desire to repent. There is a process in. The scriptures teach that He has healing in his wings (see 2 Nephi 25: 13 and Malachi 4:2). The decision pertaining to excommunication would result from the leader with priesthood keys who presides at the disciplinary . My sin is pretty grievous with the law of chastity. Repentance can't occur unless we sense the defilement of our unrepentant sin in our hearts. You too must Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). He will love and support you and help you through this difficult period in your life. If it is on your mind and bothering you, then I would recommend talking to your bishop about it. Satan knows its your weakness and he knows when youre down on yourself you are more likely to cave in. Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:9) Good luck and God bless. Therefore, such sins need to be confessed to both the Lord and His priesthood representatives in the Church. If you broke the law of chastity before, and talked to your bishop. Ive had many nights and days where Ive felt nothing but guilt and just this, unbearable sadness for what Ive done. Do I still need to confess to the bishop even though it has been 7 years and my mistakes were before I was baptised? Im 18 and its currently January, I hope to put my mission papers in April. Mormon observed anguish in his own people and described it as "the sorrowing of the damned" (Mormon 2:12-14). In giving us the gift of a body, God has allowed us to take a vital step toward becoming more like Him. Like be a ward mission leader or a sunday school teacher? So there goes another broken law of chastity. We must kneel before Him in humble prayer, acknowledging our sins. Scott, The day before you leave to go to the MTC, you will be given a final interview by your stake president and set apart as a full-time missionary. I have been a part of the church my whole life and love it. This is the first serious sin I have ever broken. Just like when the Nephites went to battle against the Lamanites and prepared themselves with defensive armor, you must be prepared to defend yourself from Satans temptations each day. My understanding is that you have the veil over your mind so you cant remember the valiant wonderful person you were in the preexistence and that you still are deep down inside. Good luck and God bless you. Livvi, Im sorry about those things that happened when you were younger. I broke the law of chastity about 2 years ago. For the longest time I thought the life style I was living was making me happy. We also know what will hinder our progresswhat we need to stop doing to increase our access to the powers of heaven. I pray that you can continue to prepare and that youll make an excellent missionary some day. We should repent for the same reason. Encourage Understanding and Application: Explain that because of Jesus Christ, when we do something wrong we can repent, which means we stop sinning and turn to God. so change them up, close your eyes, have a blank look on your face and think of good things, he cant read your mind, he doesnt know if youre thinking of how worthless you feel, or of a hymn or a scripture, or if youre praying etc. In many cases, they are wondering if they will ever be able to go on a mission. During this time we all sin (see Romans 3:23). Your body is your personal temple, created to house your eternal spirit.14 Your care of that temple is important. So Im preparing to serve a mission at the moment. Repentance and forgiveness are complementary gospel principles, and both are necessary in order for us to progress spiritually. Since you recently moved, perhaps this is a good time to start fresh with a new life and leave your sinful past life behind you. Just as our sins and weaknesses are washed away through repentance, forgiveness washes away the hurts and emotional injuries that must be anticipated in being married to someone who is imperfect. And did it again, but moved wards because of a move with homes. I was struggling with pornography for a few years from the ages of 12-16 but got over it. Here is my problem. He is arming his minions with potent weapons to keep us from partaking of the joy and love of the Lord.10. Good luck and God bless. Keep attending your Church meetings, and keep listening to the whispering of the Holy Ghost, and you will be led to all the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord has declared that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven (Alma 11:37). Good luck and God bless. He has No pity nor empathy for you. Elder Orson F. Whitney reminds us: Repentance is not that superficial sorrow felt by the wrongdoer when "caught in the act"a sorrow not for sin, but for sin's detection. Nor is life easy when on the covenant path. Annalisa, Im so sorry to hear about the situation. She wrote: [My daughters and I] feel we are in fierce competition for our husbands and sons undivided attention, with 24/7 sports updates, video games, stock market updates, [and] endless analyzing and watching of games of every [conceivable] sport. However, im not sure if he resolved things about it with his bishop because ive never really had the courage to ask him about it but im assuming he did. He often spoke of the need for us to repent. I am 18 years old and have broke the law of chastity. We need to get up off the couch, put down the remote, and wake up from our spiritual slumber. Korban, I applaud you for your desire to serve a mission. Heres my question: Im terrified by the possibility of how long the repentance process could take. I will confess these sins, but unfortunately my leaders are out of town. Hey, so I got exposed to pornography around the age of 9 or 10 and was on and off up until now. There are situations where forgiveness does not mean staying in a relationship that is abusive or dangerous. The mindset of How many blood drops was I responsible for? completely undermines the purpose of the atonement. I just got a girlfriend 3 months ago and I love her a lot and shes gunna wait for me when I get of my mish. Unfortunately, for some couples the bliss of deep love and immensely satisfying companionship does not last. Bnd I dont know if I have truly sinned or not. If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to talk to the bishop about it, then you definitely should. But through this journey I have come to know that as long as I can remember in my heart and hope to believe that I was a good girl once upon a time and that I over came Satan and his plan before (I have a body and he doesnt) well, I can over come him again and shouldnt let him torment me or make me feel worthless and like trash over anything, be it sexual impurities or just daily life. Thank you Ive been looking for someone to talk to for a long time. There was no man ever born into this world that could have stood under the weight of the load that was upon the Son of God, when he was carrying my sins and yours and making it possible that we might escape from our sins (Doctrines of Salvation, sel. As you discuss the principles of repentance with class members or family members, you may want to ask someone to write the principles on the board or on a large piece of paper. The world is full of temptations. He got me thinking, and I have started to feel what I think is the spirit when I prayed for the first time in a while, or actually listen in seminary. I started attending church and paying my tithe a couple weeks ago(minus sacrament meeting). Jake, I dont think you have ruined your chances of going on a mission, but you need to stop this addictive behavior right away. Answer. Ive since realized how terrible of a decision it has been and I regret everything. I dont remember things but somehow I still feel the quilt. Well, for one, it sounds like you may have more of a testimony than you even realize. Repentance brings peace when we place our lives in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ. He told me that I had to be clean for three months, but it is extremely difficult for me because it is really hard to control myself. That was a blessing that Elder Cook says will continue to benefit families . 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