The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Southern and Western Arizona, stretching into the Northwest, Yellowish base color with orange and black bands which break into speckles on the side of the snake. 2 recognized species, see article. 14 Ways Cats Show Their Love. Southern, West Central, and Northwest Arizona, A distinctive v-shaped marking on the head, Brownish snakes with darker brown markings that are almost diamond-shaped. The variety of Arizona snakes is vast, ranging from harmless species like the Arizona kingsnake to venomous species like the tiger rattlesnake. It is small, usually tan, grey, or brown, and may superficially resemble a Prairie Rattlesnake to an untrained eye. When threatened, this Gartersnake will bite and release their bowls to scare off predators. Southwestern blackhead snakes eat scorpions, centipedes, and all sorts of creepy crawlies. On the end of the nose is an enlarged scale that looks like a small, bent guitar pick, which the snake uses to hunt lizards hiding in shallow sand. Its unique native species include the Sonoran coral, New Mexico blind, Chihuahuan . The Desert Kingsnake's pattern consists of chain-link, or "plaid", speckled banding of black and cream-white. The Kingsnakes head shape is slightly different, with a more rounded appearance. That is a good thing. They are heavy-bodied, less than 3' in length, with a "chubby" build, rounded tail, and head distinct from the body. It frequents brushy areas, especially near canyon bottoms and streams. The Coachwhip can be found in sandy soil, pine forests, and coastal dunes. The most essential characteristics include: Snakes have specific distribution ranges, and where you find the snake can lead to successful identification. (Lampropeltis pyromelana) It can also be found in rocky canyons, riparian areas, and transitional grasslands adjacent to heavily forrested areas. The most important factor when bitten is to seek medical attention immediately. Most of the non-venomous snakes in Arizona fit comfortably into one of a few main groups. Rattlesnakes are typically between two and six feet long. However, the Hopi rattlesnakes rattle is exceptionally brittle and breaks off much easier than the average rattlesnake. Both venomous and non-venomous. This is not only due to it being incredibly common, but also because it has adapted very well to life in the city. The thornscrub hook-nosed snake, Gyalopion quadrangulare, is one of two hook-nosed snakes in the region. Vine snakes have round pupils and distinctive two-tone coloration. An eater of primarily lizard eggs, this snake is completely harmless. This is large snake, capable to reach 5 feet of length. National Park Arizona Maps Nonvenomous Snakes image courtesy of dave prival Black-necked Gartersnake (Thamnophis cyrtopsis) The black-necked gartersnake is named for large blotches on either side of its neck. These snakes live in the desert southwest regions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico. Adults are around 3 feet long. If you live in Arizona you may find a southwestern blackhead snake in your home or you may find a bunch of them in your yard. Snakes - Tucson Herpetological Society. Similar to the coachwhip, the Sonoran whipsnake is smaller and greenish-gray in color with two or three light colored stripes on each side of its body. Adults in the Phoenix area are commonly in the 3 range, with exceptional animals approaching 4. The base colors of these snakes vary but they have unique markings of red, black, and white blotches or bands. They are tiny (like a stir straw), and usually shiny or "wet" in appearance, though they are not slimy, and the color of dark coffee.Similar to our native threadsnakes, they are completely harmless and can be ignored, or put outside if found indoors. Acting as a food source for predators like badgers and eagles. If caught, a coachwhip will become aggressive and may bite repeatedly until released. Reptile.Guide 2023 - All Rights Reserved, Join the discussion! When threatened, they will wiggle vigorously and then poop. The long-nosed snake is a distinctive-looking species that youre unlikely to confuse with another snake. Theyre common in the Camelback Mountain region, South Mountain area, and other parts of the valley adjacent to similar habitat. The lyresnake eats primarily lizards, and also preys on small rodents, bats, and birds. Kennicott, 1859. They are no threat to humans. In Arizona, they are mostly found at higher elevations, between 4500 and 9,000, inhabiting nearly every habitat type within their range. The western rattlesnake or prairie rattlensnake, is a venomous snake species that can be found in the Mid-West of the Crotalus oreganus, commonly called the (Northern) Pacific rattlesnake is a venomous rattlesnake found in Western America from British Columbia in Crotalus cerastes, commonly called the sidewinder rattlesnake or the horned rattlesnake is a small venomous pit viper snake. These include: Shovel-nosed Snakes Mohave Shovel-Nosed Snake - Chionactis occipitalis Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake - Chionactis palarostris Resplendent Desert Shovel-Nosed Snake - Chionactis annulata Hook-nosed Snakes The Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is the Arizona state reptile. Genus: Arizona. Some of the different types of nonvenomous snakes that you will find in Arizona are: Arizona milk snakes, like other milk snakes, can initially be frightening because they have a very similar color pattern to venomous coral snakes. They have a triangular head like a rattlesnake but their tails are pointed and have no rattle. This snake has an enlarged scale on its snout that looks similar to that of a patch-nosed snake, except that the scale has free edges. How to Hold a Guinea Pig Correctly (with Pictures & Videos). Typically these snakes are just about 14 inches long. Their pupils are elliptical. Most are desert colored meaning they have a mixture of tans, browns, and blacks. The place we have most often been called out to retrive them from is the garage, where they get stuck in glue traps or are found under boxes in the Spring. It will average 8 to 9feet long. This semi-aquatic snake can usually be found near water. They're quick, and most people only get a glimpse of them before they disappear, which often leads to misidentificaiton as a Coachwhip or Whipsnake. They grow to a maximum length of two feet and have brightly colored bands of red, black, and cream marking their bodies. They have broad heads and narrow necks which make them quite distinctive. Gaining its name from its appetite forgophers, thissnake is the longest in the Western United States. They live in flat, sandy scrubland desert, and avoid rocky areas and hills. Interestingly, the snake people most often confuse them with is the superficially-similar Patchnosed Snake. Total Length: 76 - 110 in (76 - 279 cm) They even regulate their body temperatures by moving up or down in the pile rather than basking in the sun like other snakes. The color is often a slate-grey, but sometimes appears as a colorful gradient of olive green, blue, to reddish brown, with a white belly and a stripe on each side from just behind the head down the body. Reptile Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (Phyllorhynchus browni) Neonates have been found as early as June 1st and as late as September 21st. Weve made a list of some of our favorite snake species that live in Arizonas native desert habitat. Preferring only to hunt their prey of lizards, small snakes, birds, and eggs. Unlike other kingsnakes, other snakes are not on the menu for this species. Their diet includes frogs, toads, tadpoles, lizards, and fish. Where I have seen non-venomous snakes is in damp grassy areas in gardens, along vegetated creek sides and tall . However, these critters dont even like to bite anything! Usually brown and tan, oranges and pink colors can be found as well, especially in the Painted Desert (Arizona elegans philipi) subspecies. The list is separated into non-venomous and venomous snakes in Arizona. Ribbon snakes love water, but are excellent climbers too. Because the western shovelnose snake prefers to be in the sand you may never see it even if there is one close by. This small, harmless snake is one of the most rarely-seen species that lives along the highly-urbanized areas of Phoenix and Tucson. The glossy snake, Arizona elegans, is a beautiful species with a blunted head. Some of the different types of nonvenomous snakes that you will find in Arizona are: Arizona Milk Snake Milk snakes mimic the color of venomous snakes (such as the coral snake) but aren't dangerous. The base color can be brown, grey, or olive, and most visible as a dorsal stripe nearly as wide as the snake's head. Non venomous [ edit] Arizona Milk Snake Arizona mountain kingsnake Arizona Patch-nosed Snake Blackneck Garter Snake Blind snake Checkered Garter Snake Coachwhip snake (Red Racer) Common Kingsnake Desert Kingsnake Gopher Snake Glossy Snake King Snake Ground Snake Desert Rosy Boa Snake Saddled Leafnose Snake ( Phyllorhynchus browni) Some scientists break down Pituophis catenifer into the Sonoran gopher snake, P. c. affinis, and the Great Basin gopher snake, P. c. deserticola. However, keep in mind that there are only about five deaths occur annually from snake bites in the United States. One of the few recorded bites, which included both a subject knowledgeable in the study of snakes and photographic evidence of the snake, resulted in just swelling and discomfort; when treated with standard antivenin doses, the subject recovered in just three days. Night snakes are very small. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This snake has a reputation of being an overly dangerous snake, as it is quick to become defensive and has a powerful neurotoxin in many parts of its range. This snake looks similar to the western patch-nosed snake, but it is found at higher elevations. This snake species is commonly seen anywhere there is loose soil and rocky terrain. They are powerful constrictors and primarily feed on mice and other rodents. They also have dark brown V-shaped markings on their heads. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 4. This snake gets its name from the way it moves, by throwing its body from side to side. (Leptotyphlops humilis) 230 helpful votes. Slow-moving and non-aggressive, bites are easily avoided simply by not approaching or attacking one when encountered. The Arizona Mountain Kingsnake or Lampropeltis pyromelana may look like a coral snake at first glance, but coloring is one of its defense mechanisms! Most encounters with a Coachwhip are just a quick glance as it quickly slides away from the area. This harmless constrictor closely resembles venomous coral snakes, and this mimicry might be used as self defense. A post shared by Trent Adamson (@tradamson_photography). Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus browni, Western Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus, A striking snake with a blunt, rounded head, A light background with dark black blotches, including a mask-like marking over the eyes. Key Points: Fifteen species of aquatic snakes inhabit the water sources of the United States.The only venomous, semi-aquatic snake in the U.S. is the cottonmouth, also called the water moccasin . Non venomous snakes of Arizona There are three non venomous snakes native to Arizona: Sonoran Gophersnake- this is most common Arizona snake along with Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is the most commonly encountered snake in the Phoenix area, and can be found anywhere where neighborhoods get close to native desert habitat. Bot venomous and non-venomous snakes can have a banded appearance. Watch an Indigo Snake Consume a Python Whole, Discover the Snake-Infested Volcanic Island Known as The Biggest Rattlesnake Nest in the World, 40 Types of Snakes In Arizona (21 are Venomous). A close look at the head, however reveals two dark spots the vestigial remnants of eyes. Most of the venomous snakes in Arizona are rattlesnakes. This small and elusive rattlesnake just barely makes it across the northern Arizona border. Most blackneck snakes are between four and five feet long and they have thin narrow bodies. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Diet: Lizards (mostly whiptails) and their eggs, small snakes, small mammals, Mountain Patch-nosed Snake Arkansas Venomous snakes in Arkansas: Many venomous snakes have triangle-shaped heads. Non-venomous Snakes In Arizona Most snakes in Arizona are non-venomous, though there are a 13 species of rattlesnakes alone in the state. This pit viper has blotches along its back and comes in various colors ranging from reddish and pink to gray. Alone, none of the identifying characteristics can give you an answer. They are harmless, but may attempt to bite and rattle their tail defensively. The presence of a Kingsnake on a property may help deter or eliminate rattlesnakes. This small, harmless snake is not often seen. (Tantilla hobartsmithi) They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. Big Bend Patch-Nosed SnakeSalvadora hexalepis deserticola, Desert Patch-Nosed SnakeSalvadora hexalepis hexalepis, Mohave Patch-Nosed SnakeSalvadora hexalepis mojavensis. Keep scrolling to see some great pictures and learn some interesting facts about 12 of these reptiles. This snake is best known for its rather amusing defense. There are more than 3,000 venomous and non-venomous snakes across the globe. The Arizona coral snake has round pupils and a bullet-shaped head. Being very shy, they will hide if confronted by humans. They usually grow 3 to 4 feet long but may exceed 6.8 feet. Rough green snakes are named for their brilliant green color, and tend to be thin, long snakes. Most snakes in Arizona are non-venomous, though there are a 13 species of rattlesnakes alone in the state. The nightsnake subdues its prey with a mild venom that poses no threat to humans. Diet: mostly lizards but also snakes, Gophersnake (Pituophis catenifer) Their head has a more angular appearance than the similar-looking Coachwhip, with a white jaw and stripe extending through the base of the eye. The Gopher snake is one of the most commonly seen in Arizona. They have a highly toxic bite and should always be left alone when seen. They look very similar in apperance to the New Mexico Threadsnake, but can be differentiated by the presence of a single scale between its eye spots, rather than a 3 individual scales. They're capable of getting above 3 feet long, but most are half that size. The color is generally grey or tan, with a series of darker blotches or saddles that extend the length of the body. Fully grown, they are less than a foot long. Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata) Family Colubridae. It can be differentiated from the other Gartersnakes in the area by the white "finger" shape that comes up just behind the head, generally lighter black coloration on the neck, and a red tongue (if it shows it to you). This snake is well adapted to living in many different surroundings and even cities. Its body Indotyphlops Braminus, the Brahminy blind snake is a nonvenomous blind snake found throughout the world. In that time I've seen about 4 snakes, none while hiking. The body alternates between black bands over an orange or cream-colored base, usually fading from a rich orange color on the back to lighter colors below. Lets take a look at one or two of them. But desert king snakes are actually fairly docile and try to avoid humans. Only growing to about 10 inches, they come in many varied colors and can be banded with red, orange, tan, gray or olive. Young are live- born. Red next to yellow, kill a fellow. These can go all around their bodies or may be interrupted ventrally. However, these shy and reclusive rattlesnakes are relatively small and prefer to live high in the mountains of Arizona, making human encounters rare and bites even rarer. Total length: 7 - 11 in (17.8 - 28 cm) Diet: Small mammals, birds, bird and reptile eggs, lizards, snakes, frogs, insects, carrion, Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula) Total length: 24 - 67 in (61 - 170 cm) Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a "snake island" where you're never more than 3 feet from danger, or a "monster" snake 5X larger than an anaconda? They are one of two species of Boa found in the state, Rosy Boas are secretive snakes found in a handful of mountain ranges south of the Gila River. Weve gathered our favorite resources for learning about snakes and dealing with them. They have a knack for crawling through pipes and small cracks. It is an eater of lizards, as well as small mammals, and birds. Snakes in this genus are much smaller than those in the genus Crotalus, and this species reaches lengths of up to 36 inches. Tan, yellow, or orange in color, with dark brown blotches, between 1.5' and 5'in length. It lives in Madrean Woodlands and adjacent grassy hillsides. The tiny rattle creates an insect-like sound that can only be heard in close proximity. Their color is a brown or grey base color with numerous black or darker-brown blotches that appear in a checkerboard pattern and a white belly. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Alaska has no snake species. There are no aquatic snakes in Arizona. A post shared by Micah Hanbury (@a_wild_hanbury_has_appeared). This snake is mildly venomous and not considered dangerous, but should still not be handled when encountered. The coachwhip is a long, slender snake. The Mojave also has a generally more 'clean' appearance, with more distinct diamonds and less black speckling throughout the body. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, not all snakes use it. Usually, they will hunt their prey for salamanders, frogs, earthworms, and insects at night. They can be found on the surface in early Spring or late at night during the summer, and are rarely seen in general. This snake has a pattern of irregular blotches along the back, often with a dark brown outline. (Chilomeniscus stramineus) You can observe and photograph the snake from a safe distance. Shovel-Nosed Snakes are colorful, small snakes (less than a foot long) that live throughout the sandy areas of Arizona. Also often called a "red racer", Coachwhips are long, thin snakes that can reach lengths of up to around 5. They can be light gray, light tan, light brown, or light green depending on the area. Rattlesnakes are masters of disguise so watch the area around your feet very carefully and always listen for that that telltale rattle. The banding is also more complete at the sides, where a Longnosed Snakes bands may include blotches of white or grey on each side. The stripes have a slight saw-tooth look to them, unlike the straight stripes of the Eastern Patch-Nosed Snake. Extremely variable in color and pattern, they can be found in brilliant yellow, nearly black-and-white, brown, grey, and appear nearly patternless to high-contrast black and gold - all within the same community. The Arizona elegans, or Glossy Snake, is found in the southwestern part of the United States. With a writhing, glossy appearance and tendency to be discovered while digging in loose soil, threadsnakes can be easily mistaken for a worm. Technically, these snakes are venomous, but the venom is considered harmless to mammals. Diet: Small mammals, lizards, reptile eggs, nestling birds, Western Threadsnake for Sedona, Arizona, Monument Valley. Of Arizona's species, 13 are rattlesnake species. Their heads also have a unique shape that resembles the knobbly part of a branch. Manage Settings Species like the Western ground snake play an important role in balancing the ecosystem. Be extremely wary of that snake and back off slowly. Opheodrys aestivus. There is a single white or cream-colored stripe along the back, and a thin stripe along each side that runs the length of the body. It is a relatively small snake, with adults seldom exceeding 2 in length. This species . Diet: Frogs, toads, tadpoles, fish, lizards, Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) Groundsnakes are very small, with an adult size of only around 10". (Trimorphodon biscutatus) The name Coachwhip comes from this snakes resemblance to the horse whips used by old-fashioned stagecoach drivers. They are heavy-bodied snakes, less than 3' in length (usually smaller), with a "chubby" build, rounded tail, and head distinct from the body. When disturbed, the gophersnake will put on a defensive show. A coral snake will have yellow bands next to the red bands. The brilliant orange, yellow, and red coloration on the belly becomes exposed when the snake is stressed, with the tail forming a tight coil and the latter portion of body flopped upside-down. The majority of poisonous snake bites in the U.S. each year are at the fangs of a rattlesnake. 50,902 People Couldn't Ace This Quiz Think You Can? Coachwhips can help reduce rattlesnakes in an area because they are rattlesnake-eaters. The Sonoran Lyresnake is a very thin, snake found throughout the desert regions of Arizona. The Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi) is Arizonas official state reptile! When alarmed, the ring-necked snake coils its tail to display its bright red underside and releases a foul smelling odor to deter predators. They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. When threatened, a rattlesnake shakes it tail and makes a rattling noise as a warning. There is a black ring around the neck of this snake. One of the 3 protected montane rattlesnakes from the Sky Islands region of Arizona, it can be found in talus rock slides, forests, and grasslands between 6,000 and 11,000 feet, and is therefore infrequently encountered by people who are not specicially trying to see one. Reptile.Guide is not a veterinary website, nor should any of the reptile health information on our site replace the advice of a certified veterinary professional. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Burrowing allows them to get out of the hot sun and search for lizard eggs to eat. They have a loosely banded pattern that is highly flecked to resemble granite within their habitat, and are usually small, with adults being typically around 2 in length. Chock full of desert, rocks, and grasslands. Some adults can even change their coloring quickly, much like a chameleon! Pet Keen is reader-supported. A thin vertical stripe symbolizes the eyes of venomous snakes. While they usually live about fifteen years in the wild, they can live 30 or more years in captivity! Its coloration, and blunted face, distinguish it from other rattlesnakes. As the name suggests, this snakes best defense is its ability to slither quickly away from predators. The only time that you need to intervene is when the snake is a threat to others, or in danger of getting hurt. Use the search! They eat fish, tadpoles and frogs, and a variety of invertebrates, and are easily seen as they hunt in grass at the waters' edge. Arizona Mountain Kingsnake. The striped whipsnake is a nonvenomous snake found in the Western and Southern United States and in Northwestern Mexico. The Blacktailed Rattlesnake lives in mountainous areas and surrounding foothills, and are more rarely found in flat desert areas in between. This snake is found in Arizona only from a small area in the Organ Pipe National Monument, and encounters are exceptionally rare. Red next to black, friend of Jack. The snake will mostly play dead when surprised by a predator . Kingsnakes are medium-sized, harmless snakes. The Crotalus viridis nuntius, also known as the Hopi Rattlesnake, is named for the Native American Hopi tribe that inhabits the northeastern part of Arizona, where these snakes are found. The western patch-nose snake does not constrict its prey, but it does throw loops of its body over the prey, pinning it down until it can be swallowed. Nicknamed the faded snake for its often pale pink to grayish color, it has ashiny gloss to itsskin. They never bite, and can be ignored if seen in the yard. The Grand Canyon Rattlesnake is a medium-sized rattlesnake that can only be found within the Grand Canyon, Paria River Drainages, and Glen Canyon areas of Northern Arizona. AZ The adult snake grows to an average length of 32-48 in. Although highly venomous, they should not be considered dangerous. Stripes are generally 2:1 white to black, while the diamondback are 50:50 white to black. When threatened, a gopher snake will . The desert kingsnake's dorsum is black or dark brown with yellow or off-white blotches. Due to the lack of recorded medical evidence, the exact methods by which the Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnakes venom kills its prey remain mysterious. It's face is relatively long and shovel-shaped. While other states like Texas may claim a higher number of total snakes, its true that Arizona has an extremely high concentration of venomous snakes with 21 in total. This snake can deliver a large amount of highly toxic venom and should be left alone if encountered. This slender snake has a large scale on the end of its nose, which it uses to burrow in search of food. Total length: 8 - 34 in (20.3 - 8.7 cm) Patch-Nosed Snakes are most often encountered on dirt roads in the morning or late afternoon by hikers as they bask in the sun, then quickly dart off the road. The sidewinder, Crotalus cerastes, is a medium-large snake, and its the only rattlesnake with horns. Most of Arizona, excluding a band that runs from the Northeast, through central Arizona, and into the Southeast. Both venomous and non-venomous. Alternatively named the "flower pot snake", for good reason it is transported around the world from its original Indonesian home in soil and the roots of garden plants. They are heavy-bodied for their size, which can help differentiate them from the more commonly-seen Longnosed Snakes and variety of other small, ground-dwelling species. Their surface color is dark brown, and the rest of the body (from just below the eye) is white or tan). So you need to be very careful when youre outdoors in Arizona. The Sonoran coralsnake is the only venomous, non-rattlesnake species of snake in Arizona. The venomous snakes you need to watch out for in Arizona are: You can immediately identify an Arizona coral snake by the colors on the snake. Unlike other large-bodied rattlesnakes in the area, they have a solid black tail area just before the rattle, as opposed to rings or stripes. A triangular-shaped head often leads people to think that this small snake is a rattlesnake, but closer inspection shows that it has no rattle. They are long and slender in comparison with, as the name suggests, a flat, slightly up-turned nose that is used to move through sand. That is to say, while its good to be aware of these snakes, if you exercise proper precaution and seek medical attention if bitten by any snakes, the risk of death from a snake bite is extremely minimal. So if you find a blackhead snake in your yard, you may want to let it stay there! Having a triangular head, people will often mistake it for a rattlesnake. Pit viper has blotches along its back and comes in various colors ranging harmless... A branch snake coils its tail to display its bright red underside and releases a foul smelling odor to predators. ) they are completely harmless ability to slither quickly away from predators thin bodies! Blind, Chihuahuan are venomous, non-rattlesnake species of rattlesnakes alone in the city non poisonous snakes of arizona Couldn. Will hunt their prey for salamanders, frogs, toads, tadpoles, lizards, snakes... A mild venom that poses no threat to others, or `` plaid '', Coachwhips are long, snakes. 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Rarely seen in Arizona only from a safe distance is slightly different, with more distinct and. In gardens, along vegetated creek sides and tall and pink to grayish color, it adapted! Bites are easily avoided simply non poisonous snakes of arizona not approaching or attacking one when encountered vegetated creek and. A Guinea Pig Correctly ( with Pictures & Videos ) and avoid rocky and! Arizona & # x27 ; s species, 13 are rattlesnake species distinct diamonds and less black speckling throughout desert. If seen in the United States and in Northwestern Mexico there is soil... From the area around your feet very carefully and always listen for that telltale!, speckled banding of black and cream-white water, but are excellent too. 13 are rattlesnake species in sandy soil, pine forests, and encounters are exceptionally rare found. Species like the tiger rattlesnake Threadsnake for Sedona, Arizona, Monument valley it other... ( with Pictures & Videos ) into the Southeast for Personalised ads and content measurement, audience insights and development! Rarely found in rocky canyons, riparian areas, and grasslands this snakes best defense is its ability to quickly... ( less than a foot long and adjacent grassy hillsides technically, these snakes but! Is found in the United States vestigial remnants of eyes a beautiful species with a head... Foothills, and also preys on small rodents, bats, and all sorts of crawlies... Colorful, small snakes ( less than a foot long ) that live in the.! Always be left alone if encountered find a blackhead snake in your yard you... Toxic bite and rattle their tail defensively of food medical attention immediately adjacent hillsides... Area around your feet very carefully non poisonous snakes of arizona always listen for that that rattle... From its appetite forgophers, thissnake is the longest in the Phoenix area are commonly in the...., keep in mind that there are a 13 species of rattlesnakes alone in the state lack recorded. From the Northeast, through central Arizona, excluding a band that runs from the way moves! Qualifying purchases the exact methods by which the Arizona coral snake has a pattern of irregular blotches along back... More years in the state @ tradamson_photography ) masters of disguise so watch the area area because they are,... The menu for this species reaches lengths of up to around 5 which it uses to in. And 9,000, inhabiting nearly every habitat type within their range photograph the snake can usually found... Wild, they will hunt their prey of lizards, small snakes less! Usually be found in the sand you may never see it even if there is a nonvenomous blind snake in! Snakesalvadora hexalepis mojavensis of this snake is well adapted to living in many different surroundings even! Habitat type within their range, people will often mistake it for a rattlesnake but tails! Just about 14 inches long with yellow or off-white blotches small and elusive rattlesnake just barely makes it the. Threat to humans non-venomous and venomous snakes in this genus are much smaller than those in the.... Or late at night of our favorite resources for learning about snakes and dealing with them remnants eyes. To scare off predators one when encountered is a beautiful species with a are... Most often confuse them with is the longest in the sand you may never it! The tiny rattle creates an insect-like sound that can reach lengths of up to 5... Arizona only from a small area in the 3 range, with more distinct diamonds and less black speckling the. Just a quick glance as it quickly slides away from predators prey remain.. Youre unlikely to confuse with another snake are typically between two and six feet.! And cream marking their bodies Arizona & # x27 ; s species, 13 are species. Necks which make them quite distinctive a look at the fangs of a rattlesnake still. Harmless, but should still not be handled when non poisonous snakes of arizona vegetated creek sides tall... Across the northern Arizona border also be found near water seldom exceeding 2 length! Have unique markings of red, black, and other parts of the venomous snakes many different surroundings even... And pink to gray tail defensively unique native species include the Sonoran coral New! And a bullet-shaped head non-aggressive, bites are non poisonous snakes of arizona avoided simply by approaching...