You are our defender, our fortress and our savior from evil. Help me to speak gentle words to people, especially in the middle of an argument. Energize me to pick myself up and take at least one positive step today. LORD, I ask that You give parents commonsense in how to raise their children and to discipline them. Stop me from focusing on my issues, my feelings, and what I want. In Jesus name. Build a holy fortress in my mind to protect me from my anxiety. Come Lord Jesus! It feels very much to me like we are entering into the hour of the power of darkness where if Satans plans are not stopped, there can be terrible consequences for the nation. Amen. You tell me to put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Amen. This is the characteristic of the spirit of lawlessness -- deception -- and it must, and will be destroyed, by the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man who destroys the destroyer of earth. Amen. You can post a prayer to share with others. Lord Jesus, every knee shall bow down before You, and right now, I command the spirit of lust to bow down before You and leave my life. Amen. Lawlessness has gained a foothold. We need You Father. Cause the sin of rebellion to come to the surface of our hearts to be excised by your Holy Spirit and replaced by the gifts of the spirit to do your good works so that the enemy will long for your mercy and let loose his grip on the unsaved. (KJV) VIOLENCE shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. Jesus, You remind us that our time on earth is short and that laziness will lead us to our demise. You must be logged in to post a prayer. Therefore, I want to encourage all of our intercessors to pray into this. Since we are given authority over the evil in this world I believe our call to wrestle against wicked spirits in the heavenlies allows us to bind this spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit within us., Both the spirit of lawlessness and the spirit of anarchy are in play here; I and other intercessors sensed the need for urgent prayer to bind these activities before they get any further in their activities.. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! A few of you intercessors may be led to engage at this higher level. We welcome you Holy Spirit and cry out for another visitation. this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. This is simply a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. They are fitting into the larger demonic scheme of utilizing the Marxist/Hegelian dialectic to generate anarchy so that the Marxist vision of society can be imposed. Please continue to meditate on this prayer for . Give me discernment so I can see when people are trying to take advantage of me or trying to deceive me. Your Word says to discipline a child to prevent them from death, it also says to not spare the rod, because it will not kill them. Pray also for Gods judgment to break forth against all wicked counsel assigned to cause the demise of your citizens. Lord have mercy. The Spirit of Might. Amen. In Jesus name. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Division Almighty Father, please protect me from the spirit of division in my household. Of course there are exceptions when help is needed and should be given,but marriage needs to be encouraged, not discouraged. No weapon formed against this nation will prosper. Let my heart and flesh cry out to You instead of crying for the things of this world. I pray, in the Name of Jesus, for a healthy respect and a healthy good conscience to develop within our nation. alter your agenda, Lord. I just confess for myself that for many years of my earlier Christian life I caught up with my own spiritual growth, my own agenda, and I was not able to see with spiritual eyes beyond the walls of the church and identify with spiritual discernment the infiltration of the enemy in our churches, our schools and every other area of life. 5. However, the one who holds him back will do so until he is taken out of the way, (8) and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will destroy by the breath of his mouth and wipe out by the manifestation of his arrival. (6) And so you know what holds him back, so that he will be revealed in his own time. We Produce our. Tel: (719) 487-7888 | Fax: (719) 896-5410 Whenever a prideful group makes statements and threats against law and order we must assume their words are true until proven otherwise. Yes, it is hard for the righteous to overlook these things. As we pray we need to remember again and again to let Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, direct us in our prayer and intercession. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear. In Jesus Name, Amen. Jesus, I pray that You destroy any grudges I have and soften my heart. You can post a prayer to share with others. Then turn my thoughts outwards to others, so that I seek ways in which to be a blessing to them. Help me seek Your kingdom and righteousness. The Supreme Court will hear arguments about Bidens student-loan forgiveness plan today. But this is what happens when we raise an entire generation without any values whatsoever. 2. I pray I would be a life-giver. If things are this crazy now, what will things look like when economic conditions get really bad and those young people get really desperate? Grow my hope in You for victory in eternity. Please forgive me most blessed Father and forgive the church for not upholding your standards in a nation that was initially founded on Your principles. Also, look for those at the center of a creative minority, giving them the means of implementing their plans. Bless me with steadfast conviction in You. I owe You my life and everything in it. Amen. Energize me to discipline myself and continuously push forward in action. Much prayer is needed for this situation. The Spirit of Counsel. Human trafficking is an emergency in our nation. Let me fear no mere mortal or be intimated by any person's presence. Your email address will not be published. Make me quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. I have so much respect for the good law enforcement officers across the country who put their lives on the line day after day to protect all of us, but I wouldnt want to be in their shoes at this point. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Manipulation All-Powerful Father, You are such a wonderful Father. (All those who think conservative commentators such as Bill OReilly or Ben Shapiro hold Trump absolutely above criticism obviously have not been listening to them.). 2. Let us also remember when a nation loses respect for human life it will reap violence and this is where were at, so Lord let Abortion become illegal and let us repent of our murders to the unborn. Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? As you will see below, all over the nation, young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers and committing criminal acts in large groups. Start by reflecting for a moment on that word lawlessness. Oh God, deliver me from my oppressors. Welcome to the prayer against evil spirits. In Jesus name. The Spirit of Understanding. THE SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS IN AMERICA IS FROM BELOW - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Your light. The eroding of the truth and the eroding of justice brings about blindness. The most powerful antidote for the times we are living in is to strengthen our "prayer muscles." Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Lust Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, I am on my knees, asking You to protect me from the spirit of lust. ], (Excerpted from Charisma News, article by Michael Snyder. Open my eyes to see people as they are. A Prayer To God In Time Of Great Sadness A Prayer To Know Your Grace In My Life A Prayer To Prepare My Mind A Prayer To Produce The Fruit Of The Spirit A Prayer To Remove Hindrances To Fruitfulness A Prayer To Share The Gospel A Prayer To 'Be Holy As God Is Holy' A Prayer When Feeing Lonely A Bond Of Unity In The Body Of Christ You say to be strong and courageous. Amen. Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I decree that, by your grace and wisdom, I, my family, my church and all those that concern me are well taught of You. Amen. Your Word says that You have ransomed me and I am free. In the name of Jesus, I confess that I don't have the spirit of laziness and procrastination. I have subscribed to his show the and find them extremely insightful. Your agenda will go forward in spite of this wickedness. Required fields are marked *. This spirit of lawlessness is rampant in our nation today. Have mercy on us, most merciful for we, as a Nation have grieved You, we have sinned and done many wicked, evil things in your sight. so that the Church may beempowered to doall that Christ commands for the glory of God the Father. In this II Thessalonians passage, however, this work is the opposite of the Word of God and is rather he power of Satan and lawless one who is at work in the world. He lives inside of us and is the only hope we have in these times of tribulation. The eroding of justice brings increased rebellion. Pray that Jesus would find those who belong to the body of Christ and save and deliver them from this world. a flash mob stormed a Walgreens in Philadelphia on the Fourth of July: Philadelphia police have released surveillance video showingdozens of teens vandalizing and stealing from a South Street Walgreens on the Fourth of July. First Prayer Tactic: Piercing the cloaking. So please pass on information and guidance you receive either as individual intercessors or as cohorts. You are so righteous and holy, oh Lord. I feel the darkness all around me and cannot sense Your presence. First the eroding of the truth brings deception. Do it for me! His return is nearer than what a lot of people think. For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Philippians 3:14 Meaning of Press on Toward the Goal, 40 Most Powerful Bible Scriptures on Gods Will, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. Flow Your power through me so that I run the race of this life to receive the eternal prize of being with You in heaven. Destroy my sense of self. I take my authority, and I command all seducing spirits of deception, delusion, confusion, compromise, complacency, laziness, manipulation, and fear to leave my spirit, soul, mind, body, health, finances, family, relationships, business, and projects according to the will and word of God. We agree, dear God, in our lack of diligence in prayer and faithfulness to Your commands. THE SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS IN AMERICA NEEDS PRAYER - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! You are Lord of glorified in the the mighty name of Jesus Christ! This possibility, that we are in a time of Satans heightened plans for evil, is also indicated in the mass shooting in Las Vegas and the Islamic terrorist truck attack on Halloween. Make me into a righteous child of God. Stop my mind from questioning that You are indeed the alpha and the omega. Hinder and confuse those who seek violence and agitate others, bringing them to their knees in repentance. Focus my mind on ways to be a blessing to the people around me. When an attitude of lawlessness pervades the atmosphere, people stop wondering about right and wrong. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. Here are the reports which must be discerned. Only You are righteous and Your laws are what is good for us. I need Your divine intervention to cast the spirit of addiction down to the lowest part of hell. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Delusion King Jesus, I worship You. For people like Jim who are disenchanted with the church, may you lead them where you truly reside. Jesus said that lawlessness would increase in the end times. Lord, this is great! He's the man of righteousness. Its not about rebelling against civil authority or committing a violent crime. This week, when ICE officials showed up to arrest an illegal immigrant in Nashville, the mans neighborsformed a human chain around himin order to keep that from happening: When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrived at a Nashville home Monday in an attempt to detain a man there, neighbors and activists gathered to support the man, who remained shuttered in a van with a child for hours before the agents left. And it is a spirit that is at work throughout America today, leaving a train of destruction in its path. In Christ Jesus name. Amen. Send the Holy Spirits fire of revival to the churches. Help me to focus my life on becoming closer to You and being an example of You to others. Father, we have forgotten You in favor of selfish choices that have destroyed the very heartbeat of Your social system, the family, the perfect order You established. Please pray for the people of East Palestine! Purge the spirit of pride from me. God have mercy on us. I am God, your God. In Jesus name. I am suffering and am weak. She said it was frightening. In Jesus name, Amen. The disturbing video shows the girls approaching their unsuspecting victims on the street before proceeding to slap them and wrestle them to the ground. God does not answer pray we because we pray only he said seek my face and turn from our wicked ways then he will hear from heaven our nation is full of wickedness his word changes not murdering babies marriage is a mockery. Lawlessness - Contrary to or without regard for th e law, lawless violence. You can eat the fruit and you wont have to pay for it!. Crush all bitterness that is lingering in me, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth. Prayers for divine protection: Father, I thank you for the gift of life and sound health, in Jesus name. We can as a way of taking back ground yielded to Satan in our own hearts and in the corporate culture. Create an IFA account or login to comment, pray and interact with our community. Pray for a spirit of prayer and repentance to be poured out on the church, so that the country will turn back to the Living God (Jonah 3:8).,,, Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International, Announcing the Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession and Spiritual Warfare, Announcing the New Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession and Spiritual Warfare. Thank You for Your word and prayer. One of the weapons that can fight fear is faith and when this is absent, then there is a chance for fear to penetrate. Protect me from the spirit of laziness, oh Jesus. Pray for strong protection for all of us being called into this battle. This is where prayer for discernment and binding plans of the enemy are needed. Amen. These seven spirits are said to work together, bringing forth the power of God to wars, judgments, and other forms of divine intervention . We indeed are concerned for our families, police officials, leaders both spiritually, and politically, and all people for their own personal safety, and protection, and we earnestly call on you LORD for your help, for all of our help comes from you. In Jesus holy name. When the spirit of adultery came, he ran away and let the Lord fight his battles. Paul says this deception will come because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved (verse 10). I believe that for most of us this call to engage the demon of lawlessness will not be direct but as it is manifesting through the human beings. Bind the Spirit of Lawlessness Our authority, in Jesus Christ, for binding and loosing is found in Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, and John 20:23. We are well grounded in the Word and we know the difference between the holy and the unholy. Lawlessness has entered the body of Christ in an unparalleled manner. Protect everyone LORD, and dismantle every evil agenda against our youth, and young adults, who are doing adult crimes at a such young age, for they are to be joyful, and happy in their young years, but instead are heeding to the enemys will, and evil works, because their minds are open to him. 3. But as part of Gods overall strategy to defeat this evil, we as intercessors must do this in every context. Digest what it means to be lawless. Lord shine your light in the darkness in this nation and drive it out. Low self-esteem: This also allows the spirit of fear. Click below to log in. In reflecting on this, Jon Gurley adds an insight that is powerful affirmation of the role of prayer in holding back evil: Many have debated about who the one who holds him back is. Keep me close to You always, forever confessing Jesus as the resurrected Son of God. Satan is using the same lie on Christians today; day after day, he convinces masses of believers that they can sin without paying any penalty. Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Thwart their plans, put the fear of God in their hearts so they might turn from the enemy who keeps them captive to his evil plans. But lets move decisively into seeking guidance for prayer. Purify me so that I speak and act honestly with others. Make my cup overflow with Your love. Intercessors Cooperating With The Holy Spirit, Discerning The Times, High-level Intercession / November 3, 2017 by Brad Long / 1 Comment. Bring Your Presence, Wisdom and Peace to our political system and destroy the strangle hold the enemy has on our people and Nation. Women acting as men, men acting as women, children disrespecting parents and being raised to believe they are the center not a part of Your bigger picture of the family as the training ground for the necessary understanding of law and order. God is NOT saving the world, He always judges the unrighteous, we know that; Noah, Nineveh, Sodom & Gomorrah, Israel (Kings). 3. Amen. I need Your help to protect me from the spirit of perverseness. 3. (Paul Wilbur is at City of Zion in Texas till tomorrow if you want to livestream more on what God is doing!!!). Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Anger O God Enthroned on High, You are so powerful, God. It was higher for Democrats, 91%, than Republicans, 61%. Jesus is the righteous one, 1 John 2:1. The attacks on the officers started as they were arresting another young man, and in the video, they can be seen handcuffing the man while he was splayed out on the hood of a car.e. Amen. Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. How would you respond if you were attacked like this? I also pray that The Church will pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 until You come with Your Spirit and Power bringing a mighty change within. P.O. Place the fear of You, oh God, in my heart as Joseph had. Many intercessors have been passing information on to me that seems credible enough for us to go to the Lord and ask direction as to how to pray. To Your commands this also allows the spirit of Manipulation All-Powerful Father, I ask that you destroy any I... Our political system and destroy the strangle hold the enemy has on our and... All of us being called into this battle and I am free you can post a prayer to with... Fear of you, oh Lord the name of Jesus, I pray that the Church may beempowered doall! An unparalleled manner for those at the center of a creative minority giving! 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