For free and confidential resources, please visit: Artwork by the amazing Sara Stewart @GreaterThanOkay - purchase SWW merch, please visit: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at Popular shows today. It seeks out keys to their carefully guarded hearts, then handles them with great care until theyre granted full access. seek peace in ways we havent had to in a long time. Aww honey, you just thats not what I said! Ohhhh me. We would have this wedding. The story is told on a podcast called Something Was Wrong. Something Was Wrong: A Podcast About A Woman Who Called Off Her Wedding With A Sociopath | by Carrie Wynn | Fearless She Wrote | Medium Write 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our. Better to go unnoticed than not measure up. Its not gonna just go away. But on September 25th, 2007, that bubble burst with the murder of one of its longtime residents. I closed the door and sat down, turning the fan and faucet on so he wouldnt hear me crying and praying. Yikes. I laughed and cried all the way home, using the experience to learn how to trust my gut and we both moved on to live our best lives.). Until the week before her wedding when she learned - something was wrong. I was so excited for an entire weekend with a couple of my favorite people! Given the subject of the podcast, she was right to have reservations, but even though she's not the sociopath in the story, she also comes off as not likeable. Pleaded for him to give it some time. I was stunned. Something felt different. Just before that, though, I had been on my piano playinga Chopin Etude Id been assigned my very first year in college, as a wide-eyed homeschooler walking into classrooms for the first time since elementary school. [Valentina] Wait, Youre Supposed to Help Me. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. Bear with me as this site goes through growing pains. But she is, self admittedly, in a bubble when it comes to her upbringing and her family. Totally. And having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God -Rom 6:22. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at But I started listenin Mon night & am 9eps into S1. What do I mean? if that's what it takes to get my daughter to see clearly. Used fake people to pressure a woman to marry him? The other side reveals the most dangerously effective person I can imagine: someone who has realized they have nothing to lose. Unraveling situations and scenarios over the past 9 months has brought so much peace. ), Through that book, God mended me in ways I never expected and might previously have resisted had I not been desperate for something to tell me who I really was and why all of me was important. I havent always written about heavy topics like abuse recovery, but after coming within 8 days of marrying a sociopath, my day-to-day thoughts and life took a massive turn. Just when I thought Id pulled everything I could from a single passage, shed tell me I was cutting a note short and to let it breathe. In public, he was extremely high-energy and intense. Both hands have independent melodies that you must differentiate between, so listeners can hear each one sing. (I remember that word so well.) Some of my darkest days have been marked by a unique sense of His presence I dont feel other times. He would flip things quickly on anyone who dared question him. And if youre hearing Saras story for the first time, wellyoure in for a wild ride!Show Notes:Something Was Wrong Podcast (Saras story is Season 1)Follow Sara @spaceandpurposeFollow Kaitlin @kaitlingraceelliottFollow SWE @so.what.elseKaitlins Website. On my off days, when Im not focused on how God sees me, I feel pretty basic and unoriginal. My family was never like this but these people remind me of a lot of families I grew up with at church. Its a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Enjoy it., It wasnt until my vocal instructor countered my argument of the day with a phrase that rang in my ears for years to follow: You need to get over yourself.. Gratchki 4 yr. ago. So, that felt oddly relieving. In todays episode, I interview Holistic Psychotherapist, Isaac Smith, MAT, LCSW, NTP to discuss why leaving an abusive relationship safely is important, the cycle of domestic abuse, creating a safety plan, resources available to all, and how others can best support those in an abusive relationship. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. With the cooperation of the investigative agency, Solvable by audiochuck takes the listener behind closed doors and speaks directly to the past and current personnel who are responsible for investigating these crimes. (Opus. *Content warning: Physical and sexual violence, rape. Our hearts. but decided on a whim to got back to season one and listen to Sara's whole story. Tee is happy to help out her close friend and coworker, Slyvia, when she becomes sick. I think that sums up my most recent thoughts in the recovery process, but I went a tad further and wrote things out on the flight to Nashville last weekend since Im trying to get better at sharing my process and the annual renewal fee for this website just hit my bank account. S1 E15: Safety + Coping Strategies for Leaving Abusive Relationships. My mom still references the night she and my dad told us they were giving us money for the wedding. As believers, we have the power of Christ within us and when we are rooted, standing firm in our identity, it is a force that can withstand anything. I was straightforward and told him exactly what I wrote at the beginning of this paragraph so that he could understand why his words hurt me so badly. Neither can you. But I thought this was it I think, and try to control my reaction and feel guilty for expressing my disappointment to the Lord. Also Listen On More Options Social Media Pages Share This Show Latest Episodes [Diana] The Devil in Disguise New Episodes First E S15 E5 Feb 23, 2023 1 hr 9 min Play with Wondery+ Yet. (Do you kinda feel that? As for her parents and how they handled this, I just hope the people speaking on that have a daughter of their own, becuase if not, STFU about it until you do. Agreed. The pain of wondering and uncertainty is realand often buried deep. You will be inundated with why I love this company and my job. I'm on episode 10 and have enjoyed it but also feel like maybe Sara is a littleextra lol. That the ground beneath our feet doesnt feel the same and were somehow powerless against it? This is why isolation vs. community involvement is a big factor here. I remember my piano instructor taking me so far beyond what I thought a piece could possibly require from a pianists hands and brain. Hear their newest album, Wonder Under via iTunes. Still in the first season of it, and was instantly hooked after the first episode. It made me realize my identity as a woman needed restoration, not correction or managing. John and Staci talked about the world-changing power of feminine beauty, and how it reflects the heart of God in a way masculine strength simply cannot. National Domestic Violence hotline 1-800-799-7233 Tee befriends Sylvia and feels compelled to help her. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. I have spent the last two days binging this, mostly at work (made the days go really fast! Pretty dang quickly. Id seen the cover many times, writing it off as a fluffy Christian Girls are Ladies in Waiting lecture. I have a feeling she's had to be the family empath, which made it a natural role with the narcissist fiance. Until the week before her wedding when she learned - something w Listen Later. Since I was still healing and my sense of self-worth was mid-restoration, I couldnt feel a proper anger over what someone had done or tried to do to me. If I was a gossip, help me see and change it. If I was upset, hed wind up saying, maybe I did ___ to you [yet to be proven], but YOU did ____, ____, and ____ to ME!. Eventually, I became one of those things weighing him down and needed to be more aware of it (according to his friend Kimmy Jane Powers). Sorry not sorry, youre rigur, Just finished episode 4. His toxic work environment was taking a toll. 1. Let me recklessly forget about my weakness as my awareness of Your strength grows. He also called people out and shocked a culture by giving women a voice. I felt sick to my stomach and wish Id reacted differently now, but at that point my discernment had faded and I deferred to him. If you're sensitive to the topic of abuse, I would skip it. Taking things personally yet again. The things this man put her and her family through is so intriguing and heartbreaking. In private, (more as time went on), there was a heaviness or something often weighing him down that I felt the need to support. Physical abuse is evil, but emotional abuse is insidious as it hides, especially with gaslighting involved. A cornered narcissist will spin you up in so many words that youll forget the origin of the conversation, forget your own point, and somehow end up at fault for something you still dont understand. I agree. I'm sure this was a neon sign for my abuser. I was told this past week that when were wearing rose-colored glasses, red flags just look like flags. Thank goodness, because without their constructive input, I never would have taken a good hard look at things and asked myself what I could have done differently! Until the week before her wedding when she learned - something was wrong. The Something Was Wrong podcast meetup/live recording last week and although we had no idea what to expect, it was incredible. Your body is exhausting itself, constantly on edge/in fight-or-flight, trying to figure out your footing and what is up vs. down. The first season deals with a young woman named Sara who was in engaged to a man who she later found out was not who he claimed to be. This group is all for free speech, but it must also be a safe space for similar victims of abuse or adjacent behavior. Until the week before her wedding when she learned - something was. Disturbed and confused, Iridian decides to seek the truth for herself. This episode comes out for free on Thursday, February 16th 2023. It seems easier in the moment, but at what hidden costs? Its fine, Ill just spend the weekend at home. You didnt show nearly the same excitement once you saw me. Youre loose-lipped! as if it was obvious and went about his business. That dude wouldn't still be breathing if it was my daughter. All excuses, brain-washing, and influences melted away. If I got distracted and checked out from making a daily connection with Him, I always knew I had Sunday to reset and re-center myself. This season, 11 incredible survivors share their stories of shocking life discoveries and the recovery from them. Abuse Recovery, christianity, Uncategorized. During this season, chemicals are bonding me to him and altering my brain, making it increasingly difficult to see clearly no matter how intelligent or discerning I might be. A dog I adored (he physically abused and terrorized her), a home I admired daily, roommates who made life a blast and a neighborhood I would sit and breathe deep in. The series is told through the lens of the survivor so if you aren't Or experiencing fulfillment. We were using Voxer to talk with him right up until everyone parked at home base. (I realize not everyone reading this shares my beliefs. When my story is released to the public, in all its true-crimey-ness, Im thrilled to know that it will ultimately point to the miracle He did in rescuing me. In a healthy relationship, how does a typical child run to their dad? Claim and edit this page to your liking. [Alice + John + Naomi] You Wouldn't Believe It. If we see what He does: Him in us? To a fault, I will assume someone meant the best but simply made a mistake. I believe the story from The Year that is No More is not my own. Shop apparel, accessories, and more! You were not ignorant, blind or naive for falling for that person and finding yourself in that situation. He used no harsh language whatsoever. He responds. I have plenty of work I can get done. I was devastated and scrambling to recover whatever Id done wrong. Despite many strange circumstances in Joes personal life, it was the best relationship Kenzie had ever hadBut when her loved ones began to suspect Joe wasnt at all who he said he was, they came together to uncover his secrets and save their friend just in the nick of time. Have you asked yourself why something just feels inexplicably wrong, confusing, and overwhelming? Scripture says we were crucified with Christ and are new creations. Was recently suggested the podcast Something was Wrong by a good friend, and wow is it GOOD! We need people and things that are rays of hope in our lives. Thats whats happening. Mind blowing. They only met the abuser because I was pregnant. Ultimately, I hope my thoughts bring either a good laugh, cry, or fresh sense of God's adoration and reckless desire for you. If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks then look no further. What an injustice. (Im generalizing. And have control issues. There are probably fewer men willing to talk about their abuse, but I hope there are active attempts being made to include those stories. 1:54:06. Ultimately, I hope my thoughts bring either a good laugh, cry, or fresh sense of God's adoration and reckless desire for you. He finally has our full attention. Something Was Wrong is an award winning docuseries podcast about the discovery, trauma and recovery of being engaged to a sociopath. Air is huge. Humans are hardwired to need a vision, a hope of something more, something bigger than ourselves to invest in and be part of. It reminds me an awful lot of rubbing a dogs nose in his own urine when he goes in the house. For free and confidential resources, please visit: Next Level PodcastGirls Next Level on Instagram: @girlsnextlevel_podcastFollow Holly on Instagram: @hollymadisonTo purchase SWW merch, please visit: by the amazing Sara Stewart @GreaterThanOkay - Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at Until one week before their wedding when she learned - something was wrong. Like Sara, my multigenerational family is critical and sheltered me. Something Was Wrong is an award winning docuseries podcast about the discovery, trauma and recovery of being engaged to a sociopath. It wont always be super serious around here. Hilariousnow Ive stared at it all summer while my heart has healed in so many ways. Even fears of those tightly-held dreams of having a family or significant other not happening or being shelved. Ultimately, I hope my thoughts bring either a good laugh, cry, or fresh sense of God's adoration and reckless desire for you. I enjoyed my life and MYSELF when this tall man dressed in a red suit holding a pitchfork showed up at my door and asked if I wanted to lose it and see myself as worthless. Happy to be an "enmeshed parent." Playlists from our community. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor. Somehow hed known this comment would get under my skin. Its ok, you dont need to make excuses. It started with the role I play in His heart. Women were not created to be helpmeets, as many in the homeschool community taught us to look so forward to being. My exs crocodile tears and contorted face felt disproportionate to the moment and the amount they were giving. Anyone who knows me well knows that I play devils advocate for just about anyone. Its a beautiful song, but it isnt on my short list of repeated favorites. If they trust me with something, I hold it close. In fact, many times he had opportunities to share grace and love with those who had differing beliefs, and instead he cornered and shamed them, calling them out. *Content warning: sexual, physical and emotional violence involving children, childhood abuse, sexual abuse of a child, rape, child sex abuse materials, human trafficking, and suicide. He would shed actual tears when we would sit together watching movies or just cuddling on the couch, and I would think geez how damaged are you that this moment means this much? Something in my gut turned. [Alice + John + Naomi] The Wheels Fall Off. Quite honestly, knowing the waves of clarity waiting on the other side, I would walk through that valley again. (I thank God for my lil bubble community all the time, by the way.). In addition to believing lies about myself, I believe my fear of failure was rooted in pride. Its easy! or to justify a divorce to their church. The more conversations Im having with people in similar situations, the more amazed I am by their resiliency and strength. !" bc wanna Google the MF. Show Something Was Wrong, Ep [Alice + John + Naomi] The Wheels Fall Off - 23 Feb 2023 Show Notes: When you decide to publish (or share your story in any public way), what was once personal and private becomes open for discussion. Thats all, folks! If I got distracted and checked out from making a daily connection with Him, I always knew I had Sunday to reset and re-center myself. The police have you surrounded. You can have your opinions about the podcast and freely share them but please no "What I/she/he should have done.." narratives please. One moment, someone he knew was a genius. Otherwise it just reveals a lack of character.). Check out Sara's personal blog, Space & Purpose. When I regained control and came out, he looked at me like I was crazy. 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