Bible prophecy over end-time Israel speaks of great blessings on the land. You may also need to use fertilizer to supplement certain nutrients, especially if you have poor soil in your yard. The disciples could not understand yet about the future diaspora and a future regathering back into the land. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. 1-the Vine represents the spiritual condition of Israel. Many times truth is not regarded. to read some of my most popular posts, check out the Best of GreenUpSide page here. There never was a Palestinian people or a Palestinian Arab nation. For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst Many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and they shall become My people (Zech 2.10-11). Also in the context of the chapter he was talking about the last days . The millennial age is one of firm government from Christ, but also one of universal peace. Fig trees are for making figs. Fig trees can grow up to 30 feet tall or Maybe not. When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. Poor soil or heavy pruning can also cause the tree not to develop enough wood to support the blossoming process. Israels independance was followed by hundreds of other countries (other trees) becoming independant. A generation is 100 years, see Genesis 15:13 and 16 (Israel in Egypt 400 years and leaving at 4th generation, 400/4=100), psalm 90:10 clearly defines a generation..Genesis 16:15 makes NO mention. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Importantly, it is this return of Gods people that will eventually bring the nations to know God (Ezek 36.23). The house of Israel and the house of Judah had broken Gods covenant (Jer 11.10), and by the first century all twelve tribes were scattered amongst the nations (Ja 1.1). Some argue that Jesus was just using a simple horticultural observation. For this reason, in 2014 the Chief Rabbinate of Israel urged the public to begin saying a special prayer daily to ask God to bless Israel with abundant rain (enlarge image). Lets read some of the fine print in the contract. What if they hadnt eaten the forbidden fruit and simply obeyed the rules God imposed in Eden? Fig trees are relatively easy to grow so long as you place them in the correct situation. This settlement aligned with the boundaries God gave Israel at the time: I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates (Exod 23.31). To ensure fruit production on fig trees, buy established trees from nurseries such as Stark Brothers or Gurneys. Certainly God has always ensured that a Jewish remnant survives despite 2500 years of persecution. If a frost threatens after flowers or fruit have formed on your tree, consider using row covers to provide some protection. Now if you obey Me fully and keep My covenant, then out of all nations you will be My treasured possession. Hi Brandon, Image copyright: Future Red Giant Earth Fsgregs at the English language Wikipedia project [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons. In the last days God promises Israel: I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing (Ezek 34.26) 4The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestockthe calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Instead of mankind or fleshkind he was really speaking of man as a spiritkind or Godkind. And despite many attempts over nearly 3,000 years to exterminate the Jews, a remnant has always survived. Answer The account of Jesus cursing the barren fig tree is found in two different gospel accounts. I believe that 80 years is the generational time referred to when Jesus said his return would be in the generation after Israel [the fig tree] is reformed which was in 1948. In the first place, God trusted his message to the Jews. They still have the 7 year tribulation before Jesus returns to the Jewish nation. So it was with the nation of Israel. What? The fig tree blooms when the first leaves appear. Under the 1995 Oslo Accords II, the West Bank was divided into three areas (A, B, and C) and within these areas the Palestinian and Israeli authorities have different levels of control. But we are to observe the signs and they show His return is imminent. Jesus gives a warning: Revelation 22.15 Such a fate of the invaders is suggested in Zech 14.12. . True to its origins, the fig produces the best fruit in a dry climate with early spring rains. They form a timeline from Abraham to the Millennial age. But when Israel became divided into northern and southern kingdoms (the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah) the term Jew came to apply to all those in the Kingdom of Yehudah (Judah). This avoids trying to set dates for the return of Christ. The book of Genesis says that God made a great promise to Abraham (the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant): through you I will bless all the nations. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006], We must constantly repeat that the root of the conflict is the very existence of the State of Israel [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2012], The nuclear deal with Iran does not block Irans path to the bomb, it paves Irans path to the bomb [Benjamin Netanyahu, August 2015]. Today this extreme ideology is underscored by ISIL. Heres what the Bible says about this amazing promise: In Revelation 21: 1-7, we read about Johns vision: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 7The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. Note that Jesus refers to the tender branch, implying new wood and the coming good summer fruit on the new wood. 6You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. For older fig trees, give them deep, infrequent waterings. THEY ASSUME THERE IS A PALESTINIAN LAND Yes, that was a very well said condemnation, judgment and criticism of another brother. In contrast to most fruit trees, the Autumn figs (the main crop) develop on the new wood that grows in Spring. They were to follow the statutes of holy living, various laws and observe mandated Holy Feasts at their appointed time. These are the ones who are refined through suffering and go on into the Millennial world with Christ at His Second Coming. Commercial growers expect much more from their fig trees. Nations will willingly go up to Jerusalem to worship the LORD and listen to His teaching (Mic 4.2 Isa 66.23). Read Roma 11:25 ! Hello all. So when we refer to Israel the fig tree we see both Old Testament Israel, and modern re-gathered or budding Israel. Although most fig trees sold in the U.S. are hardy only to U.S. Hardiness Zone 8, gardeners north of that have success with cold-hardy varieties that can handle the cold down to roughly 10 degrees Fahrenheit, or by growing their figs in large pots that can be moved . As Jews started returning to their homeland around the start of the 20th century, the need to combat desertification became one of national importance. The budded trees begin to bear fruit in their sixth year and remain . We will worship and then we will come back to you., Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. Around 922 BC the twelve tribes of Israel split into a southern kingdom (called The House of Judah, embracing Judea and Jerusalem) and a northern kingdom comprising ten tribes and called The House of Israel, or simply Israel. So God could use Abraham for the future and He rewarded him through several unconditional promises. These are the Jews who are at last honoured by the nations and who glorify God and serve Him on the Millennial earth. Why? This is confirmed in Deuteronomy 7:12: After describing some end-time signs to watch for, Jesus ends with the parable of the fig tree. Some argue that generation also means race. The good crop could include the 144,000 Messianic Jews drawn from the twelve tribes of Israel who will evangelize the gentile nations at the very end of this age (Rev 7.4-8). Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. I googled fig tree Israel and that led me here. Growing to nearly 20 feet (6 m) in height and with large leaves, the fig tree provides pleasant shade. According to international law, Israel has a well-founded claim to sovereignty over Jerusalem, including its Old City. Purchasing Fig Trees. It is interesting to note that the Bible also refers to three crops of figs: Fig horticulture identifies good sweet figs, the first of the summer figs, and poor, unripe and often inedible figs. Image: Eli E. Hertz. This is the so-called millennial age on earth, when the whole world is at peace and nations are at peace with Israel. Each represents the 3 different aspects of Israel. Under Gods call, Abram (later called Abraham) migrated from the city of Ur sometime between 1900 and 1750 BC to Gods appointed land, Canaan (todays Israel). And just as a Palestinian state would maintain a demographic balance in favour of Palestinians, so the Jewish state of Israel maintains a demographic balance in favour of Jews by controlling immigration. Stay blessed Shalom! In fact, the number of Jews in Israel today has increased by over 7,000 percent in just 100 years! Without doubt there is an overall bias in the UN against Israel. Be ready. There are at least two problems with this understanding of the parable. Now, it's up to each of us to believe that or not. In todays terms, they settled mainly in the area currently claimed by Israel, including the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, although the tribes of Benjamin, Gad, Reuben and part of Manasseh settled east of the Jordan. Actually that is not true. However, from a Christian perspective, this article omits the reference in Matt 24:31 that he will send his angels to gather up his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. God is coming and I am going to be in Israel when this day comes. The true meaning of the parable is this.First a Parable is a parallel story . generation can also mean (Jewish) race]. [Taking just these NT references, then your comments seem quite logical. This differs from the first past the post system in the US and UK, and permits small parties to be elected. Man has a choice and Jesus gives a plea to mankind: I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. So the US can veto any UN resolution calling for the creation of a Palestinian state. So Islam wants the Levant back! A generation in OT times was 80-100 years. Where is this place? It was the only tree that had the size needed to make these coffins. Bible prophecy describes how the increasing political bias of western nations, and the increasing aggression of Arab-Muslim nations finally leads to another major war against Israel. There are also factors such as improper pruning, over fertilizing and environmental conditions that can delay fruit from forming. Also, Israel has one of the worlds largest deposits of shale oil, with a potential of some 250 billion barrels in the Shfela basin. Fortunately . Avoid letting the soil get too dry, and also avoid keeping the soil constantly soggy. The borders also include Gaza, significant parts of present-day Syria and probably all of Lebanon. Adam. The result of such unbiblical teaching is that the institutionalized church takes the worlds view and essentially rejects modern-day Israel, and so pays little attention to end-time prophecy about Israel. These wars will directly glorify the God of Israel as He openly defeats the attacking forces. This is an amazing achievement bearing in mind that Jews comprise less than 0.2% of the worlds population! It explains how mans free will (choice) can be destructive, or constructive. Image: Central and Northern Arava R&D. The trunk is thick with a brown bark. Fig tree normally produces main crop fruit after the leaves. In the Genesis account of mans creation the Bible speaks of mankind made in Gods image: In Genesis 1:26 You may want to grow your fig trees in containers, especially if you need to bring them indoors for the winter in Zones 5 to 6 or lower. The fruit on a fig tree can be yellow, yellow-green, purple, After describing the above signs, Jesus gave a mysterious parable. Some 80% of Israels natural water is in the north and the National Water Carrier (NWC) system conveys water from Lake Galilee southwards. The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is elected in nationwide elections for a period of four years, and an elected President who has a largely apolitical ceremonial role. You do not need two fig trees to produce fruit. The electoral (voting) system is based on nation-wide proportional representation. The proportion of Jews with IQs of 140 or more is estimated to be about six times the proportion of any other ethnic group. Evidence from the Tanach (the Hebrew Bible), the New Testament, historians like Josephus, and archaeology all testify to the existence of a huge, impressive Temple in Jerusalem. It has been cultivated since ancient times and is now widely grown throughout the world, both for its fruit and as an ornamental plant. If you look at the histories of most of the current middle east you will see older names, but national boundaries that were established give or take , that are about the same age as Israels mandate, hence the words of Jesus mentioning the Fig(Israel) and the other trees in the same season. Fruit production on your fig tree may take longer depending on the variety. Satan knows all this and end-time prophecy underscores the attempts by Satan to eliminate Israel: the dragon (Satan) persecuted the woman (Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Christ) (Rev 12.13), This hatred was evident in the holocaust and subsequent wars against Israel, and culminates in all nations turning against Israel at Armageddon (Zech 14.2, Rev 16.16). You can find out more about cookies at our Privacy Policy. Ive done all that study. Quite simply the fig tree is one of the last trees to bud in the spring and so when its leaves are budding we know that summer is just around the corner! Fig Tree Longevity. The age of a person 80 years as per Psalm 90:10. In his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15 verses 50-54, Paulwrote: What I mean, friends, is that what is made of flesh and blood cannot share in Gods Kingdom, and what is mortal cannot possess immortality. Israel is compared to three trees; the 'Olive Tree', the 'Fig Tree' and the Vine represent the "fruitfulness" of the Land. This is the meaning of the fig tree in Luke 13:6-9. These figs contrast with the green, inedible figs. The "parable" of the three trees in Judges 9:1-21 relates the 'trees' to a relationship between God and . As history shows, the people of Israel strayed from their promise on Mount Sinai. And (perhaps between these wars) Israel also goes through a time of distress or tribulation referred to in Dan 12.1 and Mat 24.15-25. Those of us who were alive to witness 1948 believe we are living in the last generation that began when Israel declared statehood. Divide the figs and cheese between the salad plates. The temple for now is US as the CHURCH. It will need a deep hole, as it has a long tap root. In contrast to other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has a western-style democracy. Israel obtained or better took possession of Jerusalem on Jan 23rd 1950. Thankfully, according to Bible prophecy, such disputes will be short-lived as this age rapidly comes to a close. The Life and the Truth are in Heaven and on earth we have figures and shadows of the heavenly truths. Whilst not perfect, this means that Israelis of all ethnic groups and religious beliefs, including Arab-Israelis, can actively participate in the election process, and all votes cast are equal in weight. The West Bank refers to an area bounded by the so-called Green Line and the west bank of the River Jordan (SEE MAP). More . 12The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. In Genesis they read Gods promise to Jacob, grandson of Abraham: The land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and I will give the land to your descendants after you (Gen 35.12). This question is only meaningful in a spiritual (rather than secular) context. However, this may become impractical as the tree ages and grows larger. Doesnt Yeshua/Jesus say His return will be seen like the lightening is seen from east to west? Israel was to return and seek God after the gospel had been spread to the Gentile nations (Rom 11.25). Specifically, during the millennium, Israel will come a great nation, Christ will establish His kingdom and sit on Davids throne, the tribes of Israel will have been fully restored to the land promised to Abraham, and God will write His Law on the hearts of both Jew and Gentile. Who is he talking to? I question your regeneration because of how you have replied to someone. He will come again in a cloud and cloud means flesh..yeah I believe he did came in the east since 1948 and fulfilled the root of David. We need to look to mans future. If a generation is 80-100 years then 2028-2048 may be a good time? But what is a farmers market? Im not weighing in on End Time issues. In Palestine and other warm climates the fig yields two crops annually-an earlier one, ripe about June, growing from the "old wood," i.e. The Jewish National Fund has planted over 250 million trees, which are known to be beneficial to the climate. Rapture?? Are boycotts effective anyway? Instead, every voter votes for a single party. This is where Israels Parliament (the Knesset) stands and legislates and where the Prime Minister, the President and the Cabinet have their offices (enlarge image). Then in 1967 June 5-10 the 6 day war happened this is the parallel part of the story when the branch was yet tender and putteth forth leaves. Example the many names he uses to describe , Israel , the Holy Spirit, the names of Jesus in the old testament and even the names to describe Himself. Over the past 100 years Israel has engineered a national water carrier system and desalination plants, and she drains water from large aquifers under the desert. 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