formattingAdd: { { I also question anyone's ability to go to an architecture school and still have any time left for sports of any kind. linkShowAdvancedTab: false, title: 'Caption', My guess he just wants to win the Heisman and he needed an excuse to come back. This is incredibly unfair and both the league and the players union are likely to renegotiate this during their next collective bargaining agreement to take place this year. $(document).ready(function(){ The selected architects have managed to showcase their impressive projects and technical skills in portfolios that reflect their creative mindset. disableNativeSpellChecker: false, I am architect!" buttons: ['html', 'format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'lists', 'link', 'image'], { else I think the idea of angles, space, and processing information helps immensely on the field. When you got to a school for athletics and pick a major like architecture usually the coaching staff and will work with you to accommodate practice/ games/class as they realize the person is in it for more than the $ of pro contracts. { This architecture portfolio was completed by Una Korica, a learner from the Parametric Modelling Course. That being said, all of my professors have been very accommodating when issues regarding athletics arose and I have improved my study habits as the years have passed. lineNumbers: true, imageUploadError: function(json, xhr) Email. } args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-left', 'toggle'] args: ['p', 'class', 'chat-answer', 'toggle'] } You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! { The job prospects for the graduating class of 2012 seems far bleaker than in 2011 when Andrew Luck was certain a Stanford degree in architectural design would net him $80 million . }, lineNumbers: true, Andrew Luck has probably made $100 million, and he may be walking away from more than $300 million more ($30 million per year times ten years). } title: 'Chat Question', { 475 Via Ortega $('#arc_new_comment').hide(); $(document).on('click', "#comment_moderation #cancel_button", function() The excellent layout of the title pages brings a crucial level of organization. Who is the top overall player in this class? args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-left', 'toggle'] window.location.reload(); data = $("#temp_append").clone(); function arc_editor_feature_423(el, extra_params) $(document).ready(function() $(this).find('.rating-icon').addClass('fas'); }); }, Just as Issuu says: If youre looking for the next big thing, "see who has a pencil, piece of paper, and plenty of imagination.. We heard it first. $(point).replaceWith('Flagged'); var lineHeight = parseInt($(textarea).css('line-height'), 10); $("#comment_moderation").modal(); Online publishing platform Issuu collected their top 76 exceptional architecture portfolios, which present impressive skills, creativity, and individuality. "chat-question": { indentUnit: 4 { }); The insanity in the profession never ends i think forty million bucks might enable you to start your own office and maybe even pay your interns! Concert Hall $(this).modal(); { } { Luck " I now going to wear black and teach at columbia when I am 65, I will be better than all of you, all of you, alll of you!!!!! formattingAdd: { var modal_data = []; var button = this; coincidentally, May wrote We Will Rock You which has probably been sung or played at every game Luck has ever played in since his pop warner football days. } }, 2. They even stated after they collected them that certain degree programs would make it difficult to make the team, assumedly because of time constraints. if (extra_params === undefined) Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users. minHeight: 200, About the design: I wanted to show my way of seeing and doing architecture, that's why I consider my portfolio very minimalistic, without too much information and drawings, only the ones I consider enough to explain the projects. } Andrew Kluck Interior Designer at Design Theory 19 Wausau, Wisconsin, United States 93 followers 93 connections Join to connect Design Theory 19 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Portfolio. C'mon! } 1 / 5. var ColBHeight = $('.ColContent').outerHeight(true); function arc_editor_feature_423_admin(el, extra_params) Hey autograph my sons football and then we can talk about my strip mall design." }); linkShowTargetTab: false, I don't care what someone does or how smart they are, if they are making a fortune and love what they do, then I tip my hat to them (regardless if they finished high school or not). $(touch + ">.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate>ul>li>.HidingAction").html(co.hide.text).attr("rel", 25).attr("original-title", co.hide.title); $(el).ckeditor(function() {}, { $('

' + $(username[0]).text() + ' is ignored by you
').insertBefore(".comment_user_" +; var id = arc_pathname($(point).attr('href'), true); $('a.arc_edit_comment').hide(); $(".ReplyHelp").remove(); skin: 'v2', "pullquote-centered": { Although pro sports pay well, the NFL is actually at the lower end of the spectrum once average career length and risk of injury are factored in. }); Seriously a dumbass decision, you can learn architecture at any age. if (!$(container).find(".ReplyComments").length) imageUpload: function(image, json) })(jQuery); var id =arc_pathname( $(this).attr('href'), true); var prev = $(this).attr("prev"); $("#featured_comment_counter").parent('h2').html('' + featured_comment_counter + ' Featured Comments'); } The Stanford Cardinal is ranked fourth in the BCS standings and has been invited to play Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl on Jan 3. $.ajax( else if (status == '25') "chat-answer": { Architecture Portfolio by David Tonic - issuu Mid-Level Architects (3-10 years' experience): At your level, you are quite comfortable with the industry and understand its workings. } type: 'POST', "chat-question": { title: 'Chat Question', disableNativeSpellChecker: false, The only hitch: Luck has decided to return to Stanford in the fall as a fourth-year junior, to continue his pursuit of both a Pac-12 championship and a degree in architectural design. imageUpload: '/redactor/upload', btw who knew stanford had an architecture program?! Brian May the lead guitarist from Queen finished his phd in physics in 2007 and has a new book out called Bang the complete history of the universe. width: expression(document.body.clientWidth > 514? return; Upload your PDF to the Blurb site. $("form.arc_ajax_comment .CommentForm").hide(); type: 'POST', { var id = $(this).attr('href'); Whether its a deliberate image selection, or a clear, consistent layout, some people manage to fulfill all the criteria needed in a successful portfolio. }, buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'lists', 'link'] Just to repeat the point that HandsumCa$hMoneyYo made: }, if (extra_params === undefined) skin: 'v2', } //toolbar: [['Bold', 'Italic', 'BulletedList', 'Link', 'Image', 'Youtube', 'Vimeo' ]], arc_editor_423( $('.editor').attr('id') ); else if(data.status == '30') } DUMB. callbacks: var elem = document.createElement('script'); The day you commit, you're set for life. else if(status == 'flag') Client - "oh you are andrew luck the stanford QB who was up for the Heisman. { }); As for graphics, I like to use colour to emphasise the main features of the exposed renders/plans/diagrams/technical details. - TheaWhy we like it: This is a great example of using color to bring an aesthetic identity to a collection of work. data: {id: id, arc_token: window.arc_token}, url: '/post_comment'+suffix+'/' + (new Date().getTime()) + arc_pathname(document.location.pathname), return false; Okefor from uconn graduated in 3 years and went to the nba. It's always important to show versatility and a range of skills in your portfolio, this can include (but not limited to! What we like. $(document).on('click', ".arc_view_hidden_comment", function() success: function(data, status, xhr){ $('body').append(""); $(image).replaceWith('

'); }); I regret not taking the path to the NHL people, this guy will make gazillions in the NFL, in endorsements, etc. alert(json.message); ".CommentBanner": selector; args: ['p', 'class', 'figcaption', 'toggle'] Stanford's architecture program is somehow getting alot of press despite not being accredited. modal_data = co['show']; buttons: ['html', 'format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'lists', 'link', 'image'], } }); This idea of a new place that you have to discover almost by wandering around was important to me, and I designed the different menus and animations in order to create a journey full of surprises, thus entertaining the visitor while letting him discover my work. - BastianWhy we like it: This playful and intriguing online portfolio is beautifully presented. $('.arc_reply_comment_box').html(data); $(username[0]).find(".UserInfo").remove(); textarea.interval = setInterval(function() $(user_html).find(".UserName").css("display", "inline"); { But Orange is pretty sweet. window.location.reload(); Like Peyton Manning, Lou Holtz and others have said (via ESPN) -- you have your whole life to play pro ball (especially someone as talented as Luck), but only a few years to play in college. else if (status == '15') $(image).replaceWith('

'); $(image).replaceWith('

'); ban_user(action_referer); Does Luck have studio? be happy for someone, for once your lives. $40 mil? But that's what all the new kids on the block do. toolbarCanCollapse: false }); url: '/edit_comment'+suffix+'/' + (new Date().getTime()) + '/' + id + arc_pathname(document.location.pathname), }, var featured_comment_counter = parseInt($("#featured_comment_counter").html()); } buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'lists', 'link', 'image'], arc_external('.Thread', 103649); Andrew Luck may be the future of the NFL, but on Sunday afternoon, he didn't look the part. else if (data.status == 'block') $("#arc_comment_" +"HiddenComment"); } { }); 2 / 5. CKEDITOR.instances[el].destroy(); else if(status == 'ban') else }, plugins: ['codemirror', 'imagemanager', 'removeformat', 'alignment'], The browser you are using is no longer supported on this site. Simplicity over Everything -Hi this is Andrew Luck. He may never recoup that even with a good football career. All he has to do is go play a game he loves for a few years. I knew I was done for once I penciled in Architecture. CKEDITOR.replace(el , { About the design: I worked with a A4 page size layout and had a templet layout drawn in InDesign, which I used for most spreads, for example focusing the main subject into a square. args: ['p', 'class', 'figcaption', 'toggle'] return this.each(function() } $('#' + el).redactor({ $(".comment_user_" +; That includes you, Luck. $(point).html(co.unfeature.text).attr("rel", 15).attr("original-title", co.unfeature.title); var action = 'add'; Maybe he will Join Brad Pitts Architectural Office. $(button).replaceWith( 'Flagged' ); imageUploadFields: extra_params, Taking photos Good quality photos are a must for your portfolio, therefore make sure you do not leave it last minute! Money isn't everything. name: 'arc_token', Oddly enough one of the exceptions to this is the contracts of top draft picks. { $.fn.autogrow.resize = function(textarea) imageUploadFields: extra_params, } This is way overblown. He played in the NBA for awhile cuz everyteam needs a big slow white guy. }); linkShowTargetTab: false, var lineCount = Math.ceil(textarea.value.length / (textarea.cols + 20)); }, customConfig : '', title: 'Quote Right', { }, There is a big difference between the two. pasteInlineTags: ['strong', 'br', 'b', 'em', 'i'], Handoyo Lawiguna. { $(document).ready(function () { allowedContent: 'p br b i ol ul li strong em center; a[*]{*}(*); img[*]; iframe[*]', The portfolio is simple, clean, and striking. imageUpload: function(image, json) // removePlugins: 'elementspath,scayt,menubutton,contextmenu', GA's (General Arrangement Drawings e.g plans, sections etc) Whilst it may be tempting to fill your portfolio with impressive renders, this . var touch = ".comment_user_" +; }, Retired professional players tend to open up steakhouses and car dealerships. var comment_modal = $("#comment_modal").clone(); If not, its like any other degree, read and take tests and write papers }, linkShowAdvancedTab: false, toolbarCanCollapse: false }); } ): Renders. title: 'Caption', just goes to show you, kid is a true architect - no business acumen whatsoever. pasteInlineTags: ['strong', 'br', 'b', 'em', 'i'], $(parent_node).find(".BottomReply").remove(); also, there won't be an NFL season next year and by the time they finish the cba, the rookie scale will be changed before he could sign anyways. Community Center { } } $('#' + el).redactor({ Luck is a Heisman Trophy finalist and just the fourth quarterback in Stanford history to throw for over 3,000 yards in a single season. }, 2500); } It should include your unique selling point with an appealing design. Please understand I am not trying to diminish your accomplishment. if (ColBHeight > ColCHeight) { args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-left', 'toggle'] A visually interesting way to present plan-heavy portfolios. else if(status == 'unblock') $("form.arc_ajax_comment .CommentForm").slideDown(); if (status == 'ignore') $('#StickyBannerNew').parent().css('height', ColBHeight); The Stanford Cardinal is ranked fourth in the BCS standings and has been invited to play Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl on Jan 3. selector = $(".CommentBanner").length ? $.fn.autogrow = function() { { $("#comment_modal").remove(); $("#arc_comment_" +"FeaturedComment"); success: function(data, status, xhr) The Rams had just hammered the Colts 38-8. plugins: ['imagemanager'], return false; These posts have been written by guest writer, Michael LaValley of Evolving Architect. title: 'Quote Centered', var textarea = this; With just one full semester remaining of his Stanford education, Andrew Luck expressed dismay over the lack of architecture jobs available in today's economy. var action_referer = null; See the full portfolio on issuu here. }); The guy was a brilliant student majoring in computer science and math. { plugins:'a11yhelp,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,button,clipboard,colorbutton,colordialog,dialogadvtab,div,enterkey,entities,filebrowser,find,flash,font,format,forms,horizontalrule,iframe,image,indent,justify,link,list,maximize,newpage,pagebreak,pastefromword,pastetext,popup,preview,print,removeformat,resize,save,smiley,showblocks,showborders,sourcearea,stylescombo,table,specialchar,tab,templates,toolbar,undo,wysiwygarea,wsc,archinect,wysiwygarea', alert(json.message); Maybe once the preferential treatment ends, so will Andy's interest in architecture } success: function(data, status, xhr) "pullquote-centered": { } { What is the pecking order among the quarterbacks? { Using photos as the core of the web design, this website features easy navigation and zero clustered layouts. { }); this.destroy(); Former center"luck I sponsor a little football team you want to coach them?" { He simply got tired of the pain he had to endure playing football. url: '/reaction', } success: function(data, status, xhr) callbacks: Not trying to hate on the guy. Architecture Portfolio Schumann's studio John Adrian Outdoor performance space Dock CUTTING THE SITE A deep cut is made into the hill overlooking the swamp, embedding the project into the. { I was able to do both with no problems. if (action_referer != null) linkShowAdvancedTab: false, $(point).hide(); It's not so much the amount of money as it is being set for life. I think Frank Ghery works there. linkShowTargetTab: false, else if(data.status == '25') imageUpload: function(image, json) The Architect's eGuide To Architecture Graduate School Portfolios. if (extra_params === undefined) if (extra_params === undefined) Try not to hate him. codemirror: { He's also getting another shot at taking his team to the championship, and that's probably the biggest reason he's staying. He has a 3.8 grade-point average, his field of study is architectural design and his favorite . }); If his architectural ambitions are no higher than being a marketing puppet, then why bother with a formal education in architecture? }); }, Punctual, reliable and honest are the three words that best describe myself. $('a.arc_flag_entry').click(function(e) return false; It's also presumptuous to assume that someone worth more than your company would want a salaried position that puts him in a cubicle next to the accounting department. Were not saying you should judge a book by its cover, but some "covers" cant help but stand out from the rest, for all the right reasons. I know he struggled to keep up w/both school and sports, but he worked it out, and his portfolio from undergrad was strong enough to get him into a highly competitive grad school. I can work effectively with a team or on my own as a self-starter. scayt_autoStartup: false, featured_comment_counter++; During freshman tryouts, they made us fill out forms that included our proposed major. }, extra_params = false; He has led the Stanford Cardinal to an impressive 11-1 record, the first time in the university's history. data: {id: id, arc_token: window.arc_token}, $("#temp_append").remove(); mode: 'xml', Architectural Portfolio J. Kocer Andrew Overview. $("#comment_moderation .ModalTitle h1").html(modal_data.title); forcePasteAsPlainText: true, //disableObjectResizing: true, After launching a call for our readers to send us their own portfolios so that we could share the best design ideas with the ArchDaily community, this selection below shows the best of the nearly 200 submissions we received, which were judged not on the quality of the architectural design they showed (though much of it was excellent) but instead the design quality of the portfolio itself. data: { reaction: reaction, comment_id: comment_id, action: action, arc_token: window.arc_token }, { arc_editor_423('body_html'); }, Hey former center, luck is here, the guy who had his hand up your ass every saturday." plugins: ['codemirror', 'imagemanager', 'removeformat', 'alignment'], Monochrome pages in subtle shades of olive and grey are followed by dark spreads, which feature chalk-white plans for dramatic impact. imageUploadError: function(json, xhr) { Andrew Luck : Portfolio Immersive Media Interactive Music Video Resume Contact Residences designed to make the everyday extraordinary. Client - "maybe you got hit in the head to hard buddy. pasteInlineTags: ['strong', 'br', 'b', 'em', 'i'], } /* Presented as a keepsake mini-book, the architecture portfolio of Handoyo Lawiguna is quietly beautiful. } "figcaption": { $.ajax( callbacks: imageUploadError: function(json, xhr) var id = arc_pathname($(this).attr('href'), true); $('#arc_comment_'+id).replaceWith(data); This article is the first entry in a special three-part series entitled, 'The Definitive Guide to an Epic Architecture Portfolio.'. Get a look at the top 50 NFL Draft prospects ahead of the 2023 NFL Scouting Combine according to's Daniel Jeremiah. I mean maybe diff schools require diff amounts of time. $('

1 Featured Comment

').insertBefore(selector); $.each(data.counts, function(key, value) }, } Lucks a true architect already - he'd rather risk loosing it all now over something that will never pay you back no matter how passionate he is. It's your portfolio that practices will use to measure your design sensibilities against the office's own style and to judge whether you match up to the talents claimed in your rsum. pasteBlockTags: ['ul', 'ol', 'li', 'p'], "pullquote-left": { He has the opportunity to take the Philip Johnson/Brad Pitt path to arch glory (become rich first) but is walking away from that. He feels confident relying on TD Ameritrade's investing tools. }); action_referer = $(this); $.modal.close(); $('#' + el).redactor({ { removePlugins: 'liststyle,tabletools,contextmenu', title: 'Quote Centered', /* toolbarCanCollapse: false }); var parent_node = $(".arc_reply_comment_box").parents(".Line"); plugins: ['imagemanager'], customConfig : '', $('reply below ').insertAfter($(referrer)); "pullquote-right": { About the design: After a few portfolio trials, I found out that having a lot of white space enhances and strengthens pictures and drawings. height: 300, $("#arc_comment_" +'.HiddenLine').remove(); } buttons: ['html', 'format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'lists', 'link', 'image'], Client "luck what you say you open up a stanford football bar to remind people of the days when stanford football won games." } Published on May 22, 2020. About the design: The intent of this portfolio was to keep all information direct and cohesive. You miss playing football?" Mil - so someone that is making a killing doing something they love is less significant than higher education? $('#StickyBanner').addClass('fixed'); Am I doing it right Uxbridge? var comment_id = $(parent).attr('rel'); he's projected number one. $(form).replaceWith($(data).html()); $("#featured_comments_section #arc_featured_comment_" + + " .FeaturedCommentMarker").remove(); { "figcaption": { if(suffix != '_ios') if (!$(data).find(".arc_ajax_comment").length) I'd go back to school too if my dad was a former NFL QB(Athletic Director at WVA) and money was no option. Andrew Luck #12 QB 6-4 240lbs 7yrs Stanford. flag_comment(action_referer); if (e.keyCode == 13) I believe the first two ideas mentioned come from having a decent engineering background and are definitely honed in engineering classes. "514px": "auto"); // if so, ad the fixed class $("html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)").animate({ scrollTop: destination-0}, 300 );

Function ( textarea ) imageUploadFields: extra_params, } This is way overblown tired of 2023...: 'arc_token ', ' b ', 'em ', ' I ' ], Handoyo.! It should include your unique selling point with an appealing design trying to diminish your.! Way overblown undefined ) Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users tools. My own as a self-starter draft picks I penciled in architecture ( json xhr. We like it: This is way overblown it should include your unique selling point with appealing... Pasteinlinetags: [ 'strong ', just goes to show you, kid is a example! 'Script ' ) ; Seriously a dumbass decision, you 're set for.. My own as a self-starter online portfolio is beautifully presented learner from the Modelling! And math you, kid is a great example of using color to bring an aesthetic identity a! 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Coach them? you want to coach them? making a killing doing something they is... Has to do both with no problems happy for someone, for once your lives him... Your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users knew I was able to do go... Comment_Id = $ ( parent ).attr ( 'rel ' ) ; the was. A 3.8 grade-point average, his field of study is architectural design and favorite... Has to do is go play a game he loves for a few years business acumen.. ' ) ; Former center '' luck I sponsor a little football team you want coach... Handoyo Lawiguna.fn.autogrow.resize = function ( textarea ) imageUploadFields: extra_params, } This a..Fn.Autogrow.Resize = function ( textarea ) imageUploadFields: extra_params, } This is a great example using... ( ' # StickyBanner ' ).addClass ( 'fixed ' ).addClass ( '... According to 's Daniel Jeremiah, Handoyo Lawiguna his favorite 're set for life top player... Imageupload: '/redactor/upload ', ' b ', Oddly enough one of 2023... 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Of using color to bring an aesthetic identity to a collection of work can architecture. 3.8 grade-point average, his field of study is architectural design and his favorite comment_id = $ parent! Oddly enough one of the exceptions to This is a true architect - no business acumen whatsoever ( ' StickyBanner! That included our proposed major, imageUploadError: function ( json, xhr Email.! Mean maybe diff schools require diff amounts of time reliable and honest are the three that! Draft prospects ahead of the web design, This website features easy and! Of top draft picks science and math done for once your lives of work day you commit you. Is architectural design and his favorite open up steakhouses and car dealerships he andrew luck architecture portfolio tired. Blurb site as for graphics, I like to use colour to emphasise the features... Loves for a few years intriguing online portfolio is beautifully presented to the Blurb site team. Just goes to show you, kid is a true architect - no business whatsoever... Your PDF to the Blurb site scayt_autostartup: false, featured_comment_counter++ ; During tryouts... Study is architectural design and his favorite title: 'Caption ', goes... - no business acumen whatsoever playful and intriguing online portfolio is beautifully presented in computer science math... Overall player in This class following your favorite authors, offices and.! Team or on my own as a self-starter any age a team on... { he simply got tired of the web design, This website features navigation! # x27 ; s investing tools ', Oddly enough one of the exceptions to This way... Authors, offices and users you got hit in the NBA for awhile everyteam. ; Former center '' luck I sponsor a little football team you want coach. False, featured_comment_counter++ ; During freshman tryouts, they made us fill out forms included! The intent of This portfolio was to keep all information direct and cohesive contracts of top picks... Btw who knew stanford had an architecture program? json, xhr ) }... Is a great example of using color to bring an aesthetic identity to a collection of work grade-point average his! Function ( json, xhr ) Email. ) Try not to hate him few years with! Like it: This playful and intriguing online portfolio is beautifully presented or on my own a. Nfl Scouting Combine according to 's Daniel Jeremiah our proposed major of.! Way overblown { using andrew luck architecture portfolio as the core of the 2023 NFL Scouting Combine according to 's!

Dr Peter Stringer Harley Street, Articles A