This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. All references are for the purpose of assisting the Examining Board make fair and complete evaluation of the competency of the applicant. Ignatian spirituality, spiritual but not religious, those hurt by the church (Includes pastors and families). The Spiritual Direction certificate program also includes 14 assigned books* to read/review (from the Soul Shepherding reading list that informed the curriculum), 5 reflection papers, and 1 individual supervision meeting (with the option to add more). I have gratefully completed TC9, TC14, and spiritual director training. I now live in Sarasota, FL where Im active in a racial reconciliation ministry, teaching a bit at our church and offering spiritual direction. SDI is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.Tax ID: 94-3156697, PO Box 3584 | Bellevue, WA 98009 USA | 1-425-455-1565 | [emailprotected]. CSD is a non-credit, continuing education program that seeks to train participants in the art of accompaniment and guidance of others in their spiritual journey. Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire and disillusionment led me on a journey of reclaiming practices that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to Gods transforming work. To assist you in this process, I bring warmth, curiosity, compassion, authenticity . The program seeks to respond to the ongoing need for the followers of Jesus Christ to assist one another on their path of becoming, each day, more faithful disciples of the Lord. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I love to work with directees around presence, in contrast to guilt/regret and fear/anxiety. My passion is to help people break free from strongholds and defeated living. My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing Transforming Community #2. To validate and support the supervisee both as a person and as a supervisor. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Group spiritual direction; the Ignatian Exercises. I wish every pastor and ministry leader could benefit from Bill and Kristi's ministry! It does not store any personal data. Supervisors must be approved by the Program Director. I wanted to learn more about prayer and about how others throughout Christian history have experienced faith and prayer. I also conducted scientific research on living systems using improvised mathematical tools in nonlinear dynamics. For the past 18 years, John has directed the interfaith spiritual direction certificate program at the Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, California, and has taught world religions, comparative theology, and spiritual guidance at a variety of Bay Area universities. A milestone moment in my spiritual formation journey was Transforming Community 5 in 2010. Institute Retreats in a community of about 30 fellow soul shepherds, Online Classes and supervision groups (90-minutes each month), Practicum experiences to practice spiritual direction ministry and receive support from your supervisor and peers, 12 or more meetings with one of Soul Shepherdings Sr. My desire to know and experience more of God led me to transition from 25 years in pastoral ministry to embrace the richness of a broader Christian tradition and accept the calling of spiritual direction. If you need more help or direction,contact us. Additionally, for well over a decade I have been extremely passionate about the Enneagram and how it has been transformative in my life and in those to whom I have instructed. I have served as the spiritual development pastor at a church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, until recently. Spiritual directors must be approved by the program director. A letter on official stationery from the applicants Spiritual Director indicating his or her engagement in spiritual direction. The spiritual direction journey is for: Those who desire growth in their relationship with the Lord; Ministry leaders relying on God for guidance; Anyone discerning God's will; Recent retreatants desiring to embrace mature spirituality; Faithful experiencing dryness in prayer; And, others seeking to grow in their spiritual journey. Love good conversation, good coffee, nature, and a good round of golf. ACTION: Having explored different options a way forward is chosen. Spiritual Direction is distinct from our other one-on-one Christian ministries and is not meant to replace them. I served for over 30 years in pastoral ministry in the PC(USA), my last 14 years as a co-pastor with a focus on centering our life in being emotionally and spiritually healthy as a people, grounded in a discernment style of leadership. ChI offers you an opportunity to become more fully connected with your spiritual sense and whatever you may call your higher power, and you leave the program with tools that you can use to help you on your way. The pillars of the program include: integration of theological and human sciences as they relate to spiritual development; learning the art and skills of interpersonal relationships; and the fruitful experience of supervision. Sharon Jones Arrington holds an undergraduate degree in Leisure Studies from the University of NC in Chapel Hill and a Masters of Divinity with the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. Individual direction with her will be spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit to look, listen, discern and move closer to the heart of God and the intentionality of his design for the individual. Spiritual Direction Certificate Program in the Catholic-Christian Tradition The Spiritual Direction Certificate Programat Divine Mercy prepares students with a transformational experience that will enable them to be spiritual directors with the heart and mind of Jesus Christ and in the tradition of the Church's tried experience. Though a rich experience, the years following the completion of that Community raised a desire for a more intentional spiritual journey as a married couple. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. By Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction Subscribe to CE I am a church planting coach, have completed the Ignatian Exercises, teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program, and currently serve on the Transforming Center board and as community pastor in TC15. I am an accomplished executive coach and spiritual director. Discernment Retreat There are a number of basic Core Competencies which are required: (For specific details, see Supervisors Evaluation). I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. Spiritual directors are interested in the spiritual health, well-being, and spiritual growth of the directees they serve. My favorite authors include H. Nouwen, C.S. I continued with TC11 for a deeper dive! Areas of Interest or Specialty:Creatives in ministry;visio divina; honoring the body. Connie has many years of experience as a nurse, counselor, pastor and as a Spiritual Director for the past 5 years. Spiritual Directors. find out more I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. I am trained and certified through Christos Center for Spiritual Formation as a spiritual director, and have been practicing for 18 years. We provide you with a Certificate Completion Planner that makes it easy for you to track your progress and earn your certificate. Im also doing more and more work using the Enneagram (certified by the Loughriges). I am passionate about leading people to greater relationship with God and neighbor. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Enneagram work; life-mapping; honoring the body - health & wellness. Formation and training continued with Clinical Pastoral Education, Inner Healing Prayer Counseling, 6 I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. A minimum of two years of CSD registration by CCPC. I am open to all genders and all traditions of faith. She does Spiritual Direction and facilitates formation communities and other groups. Kelly also completed her Doctorate in Ministry from Northern Seminary in 2017. I am married to Anita who is also a spiritual director. I believe the key to spiritual formation is defining your hearts desire and being transformed by the Spirit heart, soul, mind, and strength or, from the inside out. Applications for the next student cohort are due in February and enrollment and orientation is held in March. The application and documentation will first be screened for eligibility for certification by an Evaluator, and then scrutinized by the CCPC Board of Examiners. Thus I have a particular passion for accompanying those who are going through their faith transition, although all is welcome. I have been engaged in the art and practice of spiritual direction for over 20 years. For the most part, I only work with leaders who have completed/are in the process of completing a Transforming Community experience. I found myself at TC1 after a devastating diagnosis and discovered strengthening the soul of my leadership as healing grace. Since first learning about spiritual direction, I have been under spiritual direction since 2010. In both cases, the director and mentor must be loyal t. I am an alum of Transforming Community #6. I was blessed to participate in Transforming Community 13. (1-877) 727-9218 Fax, CCPC Head Office Ext. She served as the Executive Pastor and coordinated local ministries. This program is offered in partnership with Center for . Personally, I have witnessed this possibility in my own life, after being set free from a legacy of lies, pain, and worry and a lack of trust. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. "How do people changereally?" Because of my experience in education, the Transforming Center and spiritual direction, I felt an interest and a call to pursue being a director. Start Here, Portrait of a Spiritual Director/Companion, Listen Reflections on Spiritual Companionship, Press Kit Awakening and Maturity for Spiritual Companions, SDI Videos on Spiritual Direction and Companionship, Recent photos from Barcelona, Spain by Karen Erlichman. Our staff of supervisors are certified spiritual directors who bring knowledge . It is my joy to guide leaders into spiritual practices that open us to the mystery of Gods transforming presence in the most intimate places of our lives. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Working with leaders in professional and pastoral ministry, especially church planters; university students and young adults; discerning vocation and calling; developing spiritual practices and rhythms. It is a required element in the Certificate in Spiritual and . *Reflects updated pricing as of Feb 1, 2023. What is Spiritual Direction and Companionship? We love the outdoors, exploring, hiking, biking and gardening. I am married with 3 adult children and 5 granddaughters. Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. A Lutheran laywoman certified in Spiritual Direction through the Franciscan Spirituality Center of La Crosse, Wis., where she is an adjunct supervisor with the Spiritual Direction Preparation Program. Growing up Lutheran on a central Illinois dairy farm, I left for college and a decade of other adventures, then returned to my roots. My experience includes 35 years in the corporate world and leading small groups and coaching small group leaders in the church. Spiritual Directors are hired independently of the school and are compensated for their services directly by the student. Adhere to the established code of ethics to preserve a high standard of professionalism and to secure the clients best interest. 2023 Divine Mercy University I am an honorably retired pastor with PC (USA), previously serving as Solo Pastor at First Presbyterian in Gordon, NE, and as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Education at United Presbyterian in Peoria, IL. I am a Christian book translator and writer by profession. This fileshould contain copies of all of the following documents: the completed application; allpast and current training-related transcripts, diplomas, and certificates; and a record of hours worked both in education and training and in work experience. I am a former United Methodist pastor. A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. They should be addressed to the CCPC Global, included with the application under confidential cover and addressed to the attention of: 3377 Bayview Ave, Toronto, ON Canada M2M 3S4. Tuition for 2023 is $6,500 and the additional room & board for the residential retreat is close to $1000 for the five days. I completed the 19th Annotation of the spiritual exercises in 2020. My formation as a spiritual director has taken a lifetime (really!). I have facilitated Listen to my Life groups, have led retreats and serve as a Deacon in my local church. I discovered pastoral skills and passions I was previously unaware of and my entire concept of ministry and vocation have been reshaped during my two years in the program." . My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing, Training: Center Quest School of Spiritual Direction, Training: Tending the Holy - Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Training: Listening People to Life - Sioux Falls Seminary, Training: Selah Program through Leadership Transformations, Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, Training: Institute of Spiritual Companionship, Training: Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, who have completed/are in the process of completing a, Training: Tending the Holy Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation: "Tending the Holy" program, Training: Sacred Journey Spiritual Companioning, Training: Chiara Center Spiritual Direction Training Program and Loyola University Seminars in Ignatian Formation 1, Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Lino Lakes, MN, I have served as the spiritual development pastor at a church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, until recently. I teach Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction, am co-director of the Springs Retreat Center, and have a passion to help leaders identify the voice of God within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. I graduated with Honors from Texas A&M in speech communications and psychology. The graduate certificate in interfaith spirituality offers a flexible curriculum that you can tailor to fit your interests. it out? Reading Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership and subsequently joining a Transforming Community(TC10) has been a turning point in my life. Find out more. My offering of spiritual guidance is based on decades of spiritual experience, receiving monthly spiritual direction since 1992, and participating in peer supervision with other . Class content in the modules flows between didactic and experiential artistic and reflective modalities. Sources of joy also include my canine companion, learning and empowering, creative expression, the outdoors and nature. All of these spiritual directors are available for remote spiritual direction via phone or video call. Healing from my own trauma and loss in mid-life, God birthed a desire to come alongside fellow sufferers, holding hope until my companion is able. I am the co-founder and president of SOULWELL Ministries. The required courses for Neumann University's Spiritual Direction certificate programs have been designed to support the program's focus of attending to manifestations of contemplative love through spiritual direction in one-to-one and peer group experiences. I offer a safe affirming space to explore the More you may be longing for and I believe it is what God will provide. I am also knowledgeable in the Enneagram. Yes! I am married to John and have three amazing children and two adorable grandsons. LinkedIn. CCPC Global as a recognized certifying body, certifies those qualified individuals who are engaged in the Supervision of the Art and Discipline of Christian Spiritual Direction. My wife, Margaret, and I attended courses with Equipping Ministries International in Cincinnati, Ohio, which continue to shape my work. After almost 30 years in campus ministry and church planting, I'm slowing down to invest in the interior lives of Christian leaders. He is also a certified spiritual director through . I trained as a Lutheran pastor out of a desire that God use me to help others find a transforming and freeing relationship with Jesus. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a spiritual director. And because it is interfaith, it gives you a sense of confidence and a sense of know-how and knowledge about the direction to go, and it just connects you with a platform from where to start. The Certificate Completion Planner lists the required books, online classes, and other aspects of the program. Students meet 12 times with a qualified Spiritual Direction Supervisor to review and reflect on their practicum hours. Lucinda Clark, a spiritual director in Charlotte, N.C., said that in her experience, more Black clients, including clergy members, are seeking spiritual direction after George Floyd's death. Graduate training, a volunteer pastoral position, my profession as a therapist, my membership in TC12 and TC15, and a certificate in Enneagram Studies led to an Apprenticeship Training Program with Teresa Blythe in the evocative style of direction. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, Copyright19752023 | Privacy | CCPC Global Inc. To provide the avenue for qualified persons who have studied, worked and developed skills in the field of supervision of spiritual direction to receive professional recognition. Now, after going through the Institute and certificate program, I get to serve as a Spiritual Director for others!. Relationship, Generational, and Sexual Issues, Dreamwork for Guiding Non-Religious People, Images of the Divine & their impact upon the spiritual life, Faith Styles & their impact on the SD process, Varieties of prayer and devotional disciplines, Addiction and the Longing for Transcendence, Rules & Ethics: Boundaries, confidentiality, and self-care. Divine Mercy University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award masters and doctorate degrees. Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Enneagram; Ignatian spirituality; listening and discerning God's grace with clergy, helping professionals, and social justice activists. REVIEW: Review the actions that have been agreed. 400 W. Roosevelt Road, Suite 100 Podcast While I continues my own spiritual transforming journey, I consider it an honor to accompany others toward wholeness, harmony, and balancein relationship with God, self, and others. Our friends at Grafted Life Ministries offer the following organizations as helpful resources in the area of spiritual direction and spiritual formation. Reading includes some sacred texts from faith tradition such as Islams Quran, Judaisms Tanach, Christianitys Bible, Buddhisms Dhammapada, and Hinduisms Bhagavad Gita as well as many other readings on spiritual direction. For me, and I would say for many, spiritual direction has been the "missing link" to my transforming journey. Second, we guide you in a small group setting through foundational aspects of the . An applicant applying for certification must have a masters degree from a recognized accredited institution with a focus in biblical, theological studies and a minimum of six courses in spirituality. I have a particular interest in accompanying people in professional/church ministry and the non-profit sector; helping them withdraw from the crowds and establish sacred patterns of rest, renewal, and reflection. Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. To give information and anothers perspective concerning ones work. What is a Certified Spiritual Director (CSD)? Alumni Retreat, Academic Partnership For questions, please contact Sue Wood at, Schedule a Free Zoom Call about Payment Options, Schedule a Free Zoom Call to Discuss the Program, Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA), Sr. Areas of Interest or Specialty:I do not specialize. Enter Transforming Community (TC9). D. in cognitive psychology. 6 Once we receive your application, we schedule a live interview in a virtual format. It is not counseling, life coaching, or consulting. If you are interested in applying for this certification please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSD manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. My wife, Shelly, and I have three children and three grandchildren. SpiritualDirector, Supervisor, Author, Training from Bill, Kristi and their staff (see below), 100% online or hybrid with four residential retreats and monthly online classes, *Reflects updated pricing as of Feb 1, 2023. They are accountable to peer supervision and continuing education courses, events and retreats. Attendance is required on all days. Mona, Nancy and Lori are three spiritual directors in the Kansas City that also . Learn More For Those Seeking Connection Considering Life's Biggest Questions Learn More Ascending The Mountain Three of the foundational courses in interfaith spiritual care are open for enrollment anytime they are offered. Linnea is a certified Spiritual Director for Adults, Youth and Children and works primarily with Unitarian Universalists. Companioning Pastors and church staff. Accompanying others in their spiritual journeys is a gift of God's grace in my life. I have been at Indy Vineyard Church for the last 20 years, having just transitioned from Sr. Pastor to Pastor of Teaching & Prayer. At this point you will be a professional spiritual director and can begin your own spiritual direction practice. My goal is for spiritual directees to feel heard and accepted. I understand a spiritual director to be a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but walk alongside through prayer, listening, questions, and spiritual practices. Admission Requirements All applicants to the Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program should have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and have at least two years of receiving spiritual direction experience. Doing the inner work that was prompted during the Transforming Community experience I was introduced to spiritual direction. The options for a personal spiritual practice are multiple and flexible. Ignatian Spirituality, Contemplative Prayer, Joyce Rupps Boundless Compassion, SDI workshops, Transforming Community 15, and a Doctor of Ministry from Kairos University through SFS. I have been trained in the Enneagram by Jerry Wagner and completed Claire Loughridge iEnneagram certification. "It's inappropriate to say that you are a certified spiritual director," Munger said. Develop Christ-centered and person-centered approaches to spiritual direction. An important part of the past twenty years included . Areas of Interest or Specialty: Inner Healing Prayer, Enneagram, Pastoral ministry, Ministry to serving and transitioning missionaries, Supervision of Spiritual Directors. Subscribing to SDIs Mailing List provides you with a deep connection to our offerings and updates, including: Digital Refuge the SDI newsletter with links to our free gatherings, new offerings, the latest Encounters podcast, and a contemplative practice. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. My first career was as a Registered Nurse for 32 years. Much of that work was in the field of social justice and crisis intervention pioneering where she counseled individuals, organizations and facilitated groups in both the secular and religious communities. Been married to my wife Christy for 28 years, have 2 wonderful daughters. Adhere to the established code of ethics to preserve a high standard of professionalism and to secure the clients best interest. Submitting to the flow of the Spirit has allowed me not to give up on myself and the gift that I might bring to the conversation. I am cited as a recommended Enneagram instructor with First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies. I have walked with Christ since I was a young teenager. Spiritual Direction These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Abide by the ethical guidelines put forth by Spiritual Directors International. I was divorced several years ago, which gave me a window into grief and loss, and God's presence even there. Maintain federal, provincial and agency regulations concerning confidentiality by following proper procedures to preserve the clients rights. Six years ago, the wheels fell off of my life, which was the best thing that could ever have happened to me. Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor (CSDS) A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. I am an adjunct professor at Anderson University in the area of Peace and Conflict Transformation. Training courses are offered through eight weekend sessions held in April, August, and December over a period of three years. About Transforming Center Im now retired after serving three churches as senior pastor over a period of 40 years. I was a busy and driven registered nurse and director of a non-profit organization for many years when one day, I awakened enough to realize my soul was crying out for something more. What is Spiritual Direction? Let's take a look at why people enroll, what people can expect from the program, and how it has worked for students. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Many years ago, as part of my offerings as an executive coach, I developed a unique, strong process to clarify Values, Vision, Voice. Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. The first year of weekly study . Studies in Biological Sciences led to employment in animal health and research, and 18 years of life in Vancouver, BC, with mission work in Mexico for 3 years, followed by 19 years of campus ministry and part-time theological studies. Enter the directees life with compassion and respect. Anyone who is seeking to deepen their walk with Christ. I am passionate about helping people discover true-self patterns to establish and maintain spiritual rhythms so that they can do the work of justice with joy for the long-haul. Senior pastor over a period of three years career was as a spiritual director taken. 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