After a month of negotiations with no success, the 180 miners walked off the job and began what would be a 13-month-long strike on 26 July 1973. Then one of the striking miners is murdered, and no one is prosecuted. Barbourville -- William "Ed" Bruner, 62, Hopper Funeral Home. Harlan miners started to organize in the 1920s, a struggle that culminated in a long and violent strike in 1931. I said, Why didnt you tell me? They said, Because we didnt want you to leave. I said, I wouldnt have left!. How long did the Harlan County strike last? Without external sources, viewers are unlikely to see the causal links between the 1968 Farmington Mine disaster, the murder of Joseph Yablonsky and the 1972 election of reformist Arthur Miller, whose efforts to bring the Brookside miners into the national miners union precipitated the strike. Nationalism, the new issue of Jacobin is out now. Eastover also hired prisoners to 'provide security' in and around the mine. For the episode of Justified, see, Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, Murder of workers in labor disputes in the United States, List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States, "Hall of Fame: Power of Arts & Creative Expression -", "TROOPS WATCH AS HARLAN VOTES: Turbulent County Ballots Heavily", "TROOPS AGAIN MOVE ON HARLAN COUNTY: Occupation of Kentucky Area", "Prepare to Meet Thy God: War in the Harlan County Coal Fields",, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 20:44. He works in Atlanta, GA and 4 other locations and specializes in Neurological Surgery and Orthopedic Spine Surgery. Ive got to think the advice is Once you go, dont leave.. Later, the United Mine Workers said that the agreement with Eastover, a subsidiary of the Duke. Todd Melby: Wow. Days Of Darkness-- John Ed Pearce 5. Bruner, 39 years old, said to be a foreman at one of two struck Duke Power Company coal mines in the county. As I watched the movie, I wasnt exactly sure what was happening, just that it was chaos. Barbara Kopple: No. The next day soldiers entered Harlan to end the violence. Martin County In doing so, they would also ensure two secondary objectives: establishing a worker's Safety Committee and increased hospital and medical benefits. HARLAN COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) - 3/22/2022 Update: Officials with the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet confirm to WYMT James Brown's body was found approximately three miles into the mine and . The replacement workers often drove through the picket lines, injuring the striking workers. It takes place in 1974 and follows a strike by Kentucky coal miners, as well as efforts by UMW reformers to kick out the union's corrupt president, Tony Boyle. To plant trees in memory, please . IN william F Whifinger Box 2*5. It's a reminder of the county's heroic history of struggle and solidarity. 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If you have any information about any of these items call the tips line 303-239-4243. August 2012) Prescribed by Treasury Department Treasury Dept . This contract is a message to every nonunion coal operator in the land that coalmining families have had their fill of deathtrap mines, starvation wages and meager benefits in return for their labor.. That was the morning that everybody had guns. They were talking about it and I was able to raise $12,000 as a loan from somebody and off I went to film the Miners for Democracy. Title cards throughout Harlan County, U.S.A. report on what caused the strike and what happened during the struggle between coal operators and the United Mine Workers of America: "In the summer of 1973, the men at the Brookside Mine in Harlan, Kentucky[,] voted to join the United Mine Workers of America"; "Duke Power Company and its subsidiary, Eastover Mining Company[,] refused to sign the . A miner was killed by a company foreman. However, there were no reports of any of the strikers using their guns during the strike. Shortly after the end of the strike, the UMW faced another national obstacle when their contracts across the country expired. Only late in 1939 did intransigent Harlan coal masters reluctantly sign on with the union. I worked on other peoples films doing sound and editing, but this for me was the very first. The strikers expected protection but upon replacing deputized mine guards, the National Guard broke the picket lines instead. Harlan became one of the poorest counties in the United States. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. For the claim to greatness, lets start with a few of its indelible images: the buoyant opening shot of miners, looking like boys as they jump on a conveyer belt carrying them into the underground; the harrowed face of an old miner, animated with indignation, as he describes how the life of a mule was worth more than a mans to the owners; the vitality of union activist Lois Scott grinning as she pulls a pistol from her bra, promising to fight fire with fire; the dreadful flashes of gunfire in the pre-dawn light; a wad of a murdered mans brain tissue on the ground; an aged mother collapsing beside the open coffin of her son. Barbara Kopple: I dont know. Afterward I tore a sheet from a calendar on the wall and wrote the words to 'Which Side Are You On?' After Arnold Miller won, I wanted to see if he would keep his promise. 8 How many miners died in the Harlan County War? Spotted in Whitehorse: our issue #101 cover girl J, @mullenpat moderates the #ALFF2023 q&a for THE BAL, @yukonfilmsociety Pitch Session! The Brookside strike is vividly recounted in Barbara Kopples masterpiece, the documentary Harlan County, USA. Registered users can login to the website. As you look at the film today, what are some moments or a particular moment that you are most proud of like, Oh my God, we captured that.. WASHINGTON, Aug. 29 (UPI) Striking mine workers and the Eastover Mining Company reached agreement today to end a 13month strike that had caused one death and economic hardship to the communities of Harlan County, Ky. I sincerely hope that this agreement will end the violence and bitterness which has been associated with this strike, W. J. Usery, director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, said in announcing the agreement. The Harlan County War, or Bloody Harlan, was a series of coal industry skirmishes, executions, bombings and strikes (both attempted and realized) that took place in Harlan County, Kentucky, during the 1930s. An open shop allows union membership but does not mandate it. You have to be on one side or the other. . Miners and their families responded by occupying the railroad tracks to keep the still-loaded trains from carrying coal away till they were paid. Some women in the BWC stabbed a police officers after he had dragged one of them away from the picket line. The coal miners, lean and tough from Kentucky mountain life, knew how to fight back. The strikers reported attempted bribery to denounce the union, being shot at numerous times, having dynamite thrown at them, shots fired into their homes, and constant verbal threats. Barbara Kopple: I never felt that. Does Kopple go overboard in portraying the Appalachian proletariat as so socially progressive? On April 1, Harlan County is 200 years old. You couldnt stand up in the coal mines. The 1973 UMWA Convention in Pittsburgh was a celebration of workers democracy and workers power. By then, a powerful UMWA represented 400,000 working miners, promising safety at work and an escape from the poverty that had consumed generation after generation. Eastover agreed to a speedy election for union representation at its High Splint mine in Evarts, about 10 miles from the Brookside mine. So did Barbara Kopple withHarlan County,USA. Federal soldiers were routinely dispatched to the coal fields in response to what one governor called a reign of terror.. Bill Bruner. Stinking Creek-- John Fetterman 7. In June of 1973, workers at the Brookside coal mine in Harlan County, Kentucky voted 113-55 to replace their membership in the Southern Labor Union (SLU) and join the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) union. The workers' salaries were comparable with other miners throughout the country, so the issue of salary was not addressed. The main goal of the strike was the right of the workers to form a union as part of the UMWA. A police captain said that the shooting had occurred after Mr. Jones and Mr. Bruner exchanged some angry words. Stellar Skarsgard plays Warren Jacopovich, UMWA organizer. Jones, who died about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, was allegedly shot by Bruner late last Saturday afternoon on Jones Creek at Verda . Previously, he was a film critic for The Globe and Mail newspaper from 1995 to 2015. Which Side Are You On? was written in the immediate aftershock of a midnight raid on Reeces home and her children by Harlan County sheriff J. H. Blair, in search of her husband. Eastover agreed to rehire the 59 employees who had gone on strike and been dismissed. Mineworkers and their families in Harlan County, Kentucky, have blockaded the railroad tracks of a deadbeat employer. It also features Lexington, Kentucky where the local U.S. What happened to Bill Bruner . . Point of View Magazine392-401 Richmond Street West Toronto, ON M5V 3A8 Canada, Running in theatres March 2 - 5, @kingcanfilmfest. How many miners died in the Harlan County War? By June 17, the last mine had returned to work. Thats not because its comprehensive or rigorous but thanks to the intensity of feeling communicated through both song and language. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Which side are you on? They say in Harlan County, there are no neutrals there Youll either be a union man or a thug for J. H. Blair Which side are you on? "[12][13] He protected the miners despite the fact that a bomb had killed Harlan County Attorney Elmon Middleton several weeks earlier.[14]. "Harlan County" won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1977, but it had been years since the film was shown on the big screen. I remember Aronson from the 1980s -- a big wheel in the contra propaganda apparatus. Blair. MEDICAL SCHOOL Columbia University Vagelos School of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Mr. Jones, who leaves a 16yearold widow, was shot In the head by a shotgun blast from short range. Ted is the miner/husband/father Silas Kincaide and Holly is the wife/mom Ruby Kincaide. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The coal miners, lean and tough from Kentucky mountain life, knew how to fight back. Bill Bruner is scot-free. "Silly Bill"/"Old Time Cinda" - The Hill Billies Todd Melby: Good. My Land Is Dying-- Harry Caudill 10. Union members were beaten, their families terrorized. I'm one of them and I feel like I've got to be with them. Mr. Harlan County is in the 17th percentile for safety, meaning 83% of counties are safer and 17% of counties are more dangerous. I worked on other people's films doing sound and editing, but . There are no longer any unionized mines in Kentucky, but Harlans miners are currently continuing the regions legacy of labor struggles against wealthy and powerful coal corporations: they are blocking the coal trains from leaving a mine that laid them off. Still, the Wall Street bankers and East Coast industrialists who owned the vast seams of the Southern coalfields would not give up without a fight, and Harlan remained Bloody Harlan. Armed company guards and sheriffs deputies patrolled the steep mountains and narrow valleys of the Kentucky Appalachians. In "Bloody Harlan" in the 1930s, miners and union organizers faced bayonets and many died fighting the coal bosses, helping to fuel a national wave of organizing. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Harlan County War, or Bloody Harlan, was a series of coal mining-related skirmishes, executions, bombings, and strikes (both attempted and realized) that took place in Harlan County, Kentucky, during the 1930s. Barbara Kopple: I guess that day was the scariest moment because I went up to one of the organizers and said, Do you think theyre going to shoot at us today?. Sometimes the verses have been changed, but she wrote that song. Still, there is a spirit that lives in Harlan, along with the ghosts of battles past. The Harlan County War, or Bloody Harlan, was a series of coal mining-related skirmishes, executions, bombings, and strikes (both attempted and realized) that took place in Harlan County, Kentucky, during the 1930s. Both sides filed complaints with the National Labor Review Board (NLRB) accusing the other side of bargaining in bad faith. Kopple unfolds the story with ellipses, flashbacks and digressions. A goddamn fella when he tried to do somethin. How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?He told Adam that he could eat the fruit of any tree in the Garden except the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.11. There, miners and union organizers fought the coal bosses for nearly a decade for the right to have a union in a county where all but three incorporated towns were owned by the coal companies. There have been wars, phylloxera again in the mid-'80s, the big recession in 2008 and the Great Depression of course before that. Remember Aronson from the picket line County line the union verses have been changed, but this for was. Have blockaded the railroad tracks of a deadbeat employer for union representation at its High Splint mine Evarts! Is used to store the user consent for the Globe and Mail newspaper from 1995 to.. On other peoples films doing sound and editing, but reports of any of the workers to form a of... 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