0000004329 00000 n 0C evaporating temperature. Base Type Refrigerant Supply Openings Return Openings Design Special Y :YORK 5 0 :50 Ton Capacity :208/3/60 P :Packaged Rooftop 0 5 1 :50 Ton Capacity C :R-22 :230/3/60 A :Air Cooled 0 6 0 :60 Ton Capacity E :R-410A 4 6 :460/3/60 L :Scroll 0 6 1 :65 Ton Capacity 5 8 :575/3/60 4 0 :380/3/60 4 5 :400/3/50 F :Full Modulating Gas Heat SS Staged HX . or services performed by an unqualified person. Or see AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR & DIAGNOSTIC FAQs for A/C-#2 - more recent Q&A about A/C or heat pump troubleshooting and repair. xb```f``9AD2,8X%`2@ a6lkQghhl*21 (Dec 27, 2014) scott said:AC cooling works fine. 0000016387 00000 n hb```V~Ab, 01f$Ul%0U(c QAQA`HlL!.uc c!w&$Cn2x=`gd !ACfdR04;$o*aK$$O &HA,jREtZ NLDp444p4H0 `i$O ny4;sE1200q>qe-%;|62\0-+ @#(` What else needs to be turned on? One person came and changed the compressor . The zone proportional band is divided by two and each half is active above and below the zone setpoint. I have a heat pump with a gas furnace as my Aux heat. (Sept 25, 2014) ron said:thanks danjoe . 4500 / 7200 6000 / 9400 Wet Bulb Temperature ( F) of Air on Evaporator Coil, Min. Sam you need an onsite expert; the sound could be a control, relay, or even sheet metal movement. 0000028479 00000 n On 2017-07-31 (mod) said: trapped ducts? 0000012438 00000 n 0000015329 00000 n It kicked on, and it DOES blow out of my ceiling vents, and the air is cold. Could it be the thermostat wiring or is my control board going bad?? See HVAC NOISE group 3 - hiss, huff, hum where we discuss humming sounds coming from the compressor/condenser unit. In order for compressor operation COMFORT. Singer incremental under window electric unit.Compressor over heated and has seized. After about 5 minutes, the A/C shuts off completely, and both blinking lights go out- indicating that either the board is "bad"- or that there is "no power". trailer << /Size 447 /Info 257 0 R /Root 260 0 R /Prev 388150 /ID[<9c9adb6447156adb91c835487fbd2480>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 260 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 253 0 R /Metadata 258 0 R /PageLabels 251 0 R /Outlines 263 0 R /PageMode /UseOutlines /OpenAction 261 0 R >> endobj 261 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 262 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj 445 0 obj << /S 1554 /T 2077 /O 2173 /L 2189 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 446 0 R >> stream 0000043048 00000 n 0000008259 00000 n 0000017547 00000 n We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. :7 }~vWl.b3+OlnRN]zJ,,M%T~ RtJ+ 5*x(Ew@!t-'655s-X Tempstar 2.5 ton gas pack comes on, but the condenser fan will not, Johnsee FAN, COMPRESSOR / CONDENSER UNIT. Retested. 0000015977 00000 n Noticed more frequently as outside air temperatures got cooler. (July 6, 2015) Melissa said:Air conditioning turns on,blows cool air, but never reaches desired tempwhat could be going on? Despite the call for cold from the thermostat no power is being delivered to the contactor to pull it in and start the compressor. If a single compressor is energized the control will monitor the supply air temperature and respond as follows: TABLE 5-6 HEAT STAGE ON WHEN SPACE INPUT SATISFIED. It does not seem to be blowing very well. 0000013337 00000 n A bad reversing valve on an air conditioner or heat pump can usually be found by checking the temperatures on the four refrigerant lines entering and leaving the valve. when I turn on my ac instead of cooling the heat comes on. Let us know if anything you read there is unclear and I'll be glad to respond further. Primary components of the AHU include air filters, cooling coils, and supply fans, usually with a variable speed drive (VFD); see Figure 1. 0000005609 00000 n The sound comes once and then it's gone till the next cooling cycle (when the compressor switches on and switches off again). while charging to 58 lbs (R22), there was heavy frost past expansion valve at tis suction line pressure. They changed the capacitor and it never really cooled very well after that. I am from India. I suspect a compressor motor is failing. When working normal, the temp is great. 0000004273 00000 n Operational supply humidity (OprSH) OprSH displays the space humidity. I turned the A/C on from my thermostat. On 2017-06-09 by (mod) 0000011233 00000 n I have an old unit that will not blow cool/cold air. It worked fine until all at once it stopped. Joe (June 27, 2014) troysaid:AC runs continuously, thermostat is set to 74 and inside temp is 76. I cannot relight the pilot on the water heater - I turn on the gas line, hold down the pilot valve - a few minutes and it won't light. Economizer operation will occur with either, or. 0000047463 00000 n To I'd any sensors of question you'll need to check the unit wiring diagram, as I cant cite a generic answer. 0000039894 00000 n For example, here is an excerpt from Danfoss's description of setting their TEV AC does not shut off till late at night.. Have had it checked out, but they didn't find anything, freon was good, no freezing. The unit runs about 15 minutes and the C/B trips. hoo6Q2IZw6%8H+{S5P}?RX8s` ULpA3!5E-8&Rr)M-z?SPX3kCa-vPc$#OIM=0@/1rr%`d2C1axP~p=,=|%GBc"(c *Im ;TFj.m8Ez|10zXE= Q9y gy CJ,yI# T. Also check that the fan itself is not loose, wobbling, or has a binding fan bearing. 0000006895 00000 n Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. 4-5 - Bearing with Setscrew Type Locking Device, Fig. 0000018310 00000 n 0000009360 00000 n Excessive Supply Air Temp Cooling Fresh Air Intake Sensor Failure Air Temperature Sensor Failure Econ Economizing When It Should Not Econ Not Economizing When 0000016674 00000 n 0000027295 00000 n 0000013832 00000 n I did not have this problem prior to the new unit installation. The existing 3 ton blower and heater unit were reused. or a loose fan blade hitting something? The filter on the inside handler is clean. Four Seasons AC said if it is pulled out - but looks like it is pushed in - it doesn't matter if the black cartridge is up or down - it is off. This feature is only available on Constant Volume units. [York Champion Heat Pump - 2 boards, one attached to thermostat in heat and blower compartment - the other in the compressor section with compressor contactor]. Rule that out to start. 3273 0 obj <<0B9514B1D711F24DBAAA8F4654493389>]/Info 3245 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/W[1 3 1]/Index[3246 223]/DecodeParms<>/Size 3469/Prev 975203/Type/XRef>>stream 4-4 - Example of Fc Fan Shaft/Wheel Marking, Fig. 2013 Trane Heat Pump worked great cooling the house before winter,turn it on now and call for cool and real hot air blows out the vents not cool,why? d9Ibd;II later handed me a bill for 172.50 had I known I could have done it myself. 0000014509 00000 n I recently had a new 3 ton 13 seer unit installed. 4K (C) in the superheat at We have checked most of the duct work, but some of it is not visible. %%EOF AC was working but the emergency heat strips were stuck on. Not blowing well - sounds like a dirty air filter, dirty fan assembly, or motor damaged and not spinning the fan at full Speed. 2-7 - Trap Detail for Draw through Application, Air Hoods for Fixed Outside Air (Units Without Economizer), Fig. (Feb 17, 2014) Northern Beaches Air conditioning said: Many of us try to fix out the problem ourselves only,so don't try this call an expert for check up otherwise it cause more damage. 0000017936 00000 n 0000013193 00000 n 0000011342 00000 n On 2017-11-19 by (mod) - EXCESSIVE SAT (SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE) CONTROL. Hi. On 2016-04-21 by James endstream endobj 3247 0 obj <> endobj 3248 0 obj <> endobj 3249 0 obj <>stream Your system presumably already has a thermal expansion valve TEV installed. This PCBFM103S circuit control board is a guaranteed genuine Goodman OEM replacement for several Goodman, Amana, and Janitrol units. there is no effect on the compressor unit. My heat was on (but the "heat on" notation on my thermostat didn't read that it was on and the fan kept running for hours. There's no problem with cooling or fan speed per se.Thanks in advance,Sam, On 2016-04-21 by (mod) Set FAN speed to a Higher setting to bring air past cooling coils more frequently.". 0000042001 00000 n If it is not pushed in - do people feel it is safe to just push it back in? So perhaps there is a thermostat or control problem that is shutting off the compressor, OR the coil is icing up. 0000041979 00000 n Whenever the compressor gets cut off (the set cooling temperature having been reached), the indoor unit makes a very loud crackling sound - almost as if something's movement is getting obstructed. The local climate affects the temperature of the cooling water and air. 0000036652 00000 n Robert, best bet may be to run through the diagnostic sequence on the page above to see what is or is not actually running. Changed expansion valve for new one. Need urgent advice please. (Oct 9, 2014) Ronda said:We have a heat pump/ air conditioner unit. (July 10, 2014) Anonymous said:install a new compressor 5ton did all step for proper install had nitrogen flowing while brazing , check for leaks no leaks found after brazing , pulled vacuum , no vacuum drop. 0000014687 00000 n 0000018420 00000 n 0000025136 00000 n If by "trapped duct" you mean ductwork is crimped that's repairable. 0000010379 00000 n . Mauro up, you are describing a special feature on some York systems. For someone not an HVAC tech a reasonable start is a close visual inspection of the board for loose or burned components. You should see the temperature dial rotate between cut-on and cut-off on heat; there could be a problem there. Please see WINDOW / WALL AIR CONDITIONERS, (Aug 20, 2014) Anonymous said:We have 32 condos in my building with a cooling tower outside , whenever the cooling tower shuts off due to electrical storms or service that requires tower to be shut down my Florida heat pumps shuts off and will not start again unless we do it manually . I'm guessing it means "Emergency Heat". But generally, excluding simple electrical checks and visual observations for visually-detectable problems, AC and heat pump repairs require the services of a trained and properly equipped technician - a homeowner won't have either of those requisites. Got a new circuit breaker because it was kicking immediately, now it doesn't kick the breaker but the fan is really slowplease advise. 0000014239 00000 n The default is 73.0F. Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. Idealized Variable Volume System Operation., when the zone air temperature is between Tcl and Tcu, cooling is required and the air system varies the supply air flow rate while maintaining a . What would be causing the inside unit to pop the C/B when the thermostat setting is moved up for warmer heat? had a new thermal expansion value installed ,did not solve problem . 2-12 - Atmospheric Sensor Probe, Page 48: Fig. eventually icing up the evaporator coil. The reading may come from the UCB RAH 0 to 10 VDC input, He claims this is not a problem but that the board may need changed in the future. Where else can we look? Air is not really cooling. 0000009927 00000 n 0000006839 00000 n Unfortunately it will run for a couple of minutes then it shut down and will not restart until it sits for awhile. In VAV systems, the supply air temperature, as well as the supply air volume, are continuous functions of zone air temperature. Un-plugging the condensate drain should allow the pan to empty and the switch to then permit the system to run. Error codes depend on the brand and model of equipment; E1 error code may mean a dirty air filter. 0000029839 00000 n Air is cool coming out of vents, but not cold. Shut off during the day..ran it at night to sleep..than other day left it on all day and at some point realized it should be cooler and it wasnt.check settings, breakersnothing wrong..what to do? 2-13 - Typical Gas Piping Connection, Checking the System Prior to Initial Start (no Power), Table 3-1 -R410-A Pressure / Temperature Chart, Table 3-2 - Low Fire / High Fire Pressures, Fig. . Supply Air CFM, Min. Any advice on what I could tell them to check for? Two mist. Aug 9, 2014) Annette said:Last night my AC made like a bang sound and it stopped cooling, the AC is not icing up, it is blowing out at 72 degrees the house will not get any cooler then 80 when it reaches that temp it does shut off and kicks back on the water was not draining but I fixed that and the water is draining fine now but the AC just won't cool what could the problem be and how much should it cost to repair, Annette I can't guess at repair costs, in part because we don't know what's broken - ranging from a bad start capacitor (trivial parts cost plus cost of a service call) to a shot-compressor motor (significant cost). I just down sized unit to 2.5 from 3 ton condensing unit,will I have to go with a larger metering device(orifice) on a capillary tube system? PS: all filters are clean. Don't just add more without also finding and fixing the leak. ect. It would be crazy to replace an entire heat pump system or even a TEV if we later found out that a duct was crimped or disconnected. What can I do to get my A/C working again. I have an split duct, York, YC 150 and it works for 5 min, the compressor turn off and show EXCESSIVE SUPPLY AIR TEMP COOLING at display, what I must to do? 0000008904 00000 n NF, I'm not sure about revving up - perhaps a cycling of a motor trying to start? (Feb 13, 2014) Mike In Warner Robins,GA, email: mew123055@gmail.com said: I have a Rudd Heat Pump A/C Unit. Sounds like a bad control, relay, or motor. CKL, CLJ, CRT, CLT, TWC, CLQ & HDC The density of the air at 20 oC is 1.205 kg/m3. Heat stuck on will sure do the trick. The unit is brand new. At ARTICLE INDEX to AIR CONDITIONING & HEAT PUMPS, you'll find an article titled LOST COOLING CAPACITY - inspectapedia.com/aircond/Air_Conditioner_Diagnosis.php. Often we don't discover a backup heat SNAFU for a long time because it's not called-on to run, especially in GA and other southern states in the U.S. and you'll see our diagnostic articles for that topic. 0000027434 00000 n He says there is a pin hole leak again. Packaged rooftop air conditioning units (176 pages), Eco2 packaged rooftop air conditioning units, 50 through 100 tons r-407c and r-22 400vac/3ph/50hz (76 pages), Packaged rooftop air conditioning units r-407c optimized 50 through 65 tons (44 pages), Packaged rooftop air conditioning units (36 pages), High wall minisplit with inverter technology (17 pages), Minisplit floor/ceiling with inverter technology (28 pages), Wall minisplit with inverter technology (28 pages), Split-system heat pumps 10 seer 1.5 thru 5 nominal tons, 1 ph/3 thru 7.5 nominal tons, 3 ph (32 pages), Indoor units ducted type with centrifugal fan (33 pages), Floor/ceiling indoor units with inverter technology (17 pages), Zf series Contactor to pull it in and start the compressor cut-off on heat ; there could be control... Heat '' check for to start 'll be glad to respond further did not solve.... Sounds coming from the compressor/condenser unit on 2017-07-31 ( mod ) - SAT! Bad? 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