when new changes related to " are available. He was recognized for the many ways he sought to improve public access to Floridas state courts, including the placement, for the first time, of court filings and other important documents on an official website and the commencement of live broadcasts of all Florida Supreme Court oral arguments by live stream, over cable TV, and via satellite. He was recognized for his long career (more than 50 years) as a lawyer and judge, during which time, he touchedand improvednearly every facet of the states criminal justice system. In particular, he was singled out for his leadership in remedying the caseload backlog paralyzing court systems around the country, for spearheading reforms in caseload management practices, and for developing solutions to help alleviate prison overcrowding. Judge Samantha Schosberg Feuer, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, was awarded the Distinguished Jurist Award by the Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Association of Women Lawyers. Bestowed annually by the National Center for State Courts, this prestigious award is one of the countrys highest judicial honors; it recognizes a state court judge who demonstrates the outstanding qualities of judicial excellence, including integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, professional ethics, creativity, sound judgment, intellectual courage, and decisiveness. Judge Leifman was selected for his work helping people with mental illnesses who are in the criminal justice system or are at risk of incarceration: Judge Leifman has built a national reputation for his pragmatic, collaborative, and focused approach to finding long-term solutions that improve peoples lives and the health of the community and the courts, said NCSC President Mary McQueen. Chief Judge Bertila Soto, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, received the Johnnie M. Ridgely President's Award,created by the Dade County Bar Association in 2005 to honor Johnnie Ridgely's life and commitment to service during her more than 42 years as executive director of the organization. Judge Martin Bidwill, Seventeenth Circuit, received the Judge of the Year Award from the Fort Lauderdale Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates, whose mission is to uphold the jury system by educating the American public about the history and value of the right to trial by jury; Judge Bidwell, who has been on the bench since 2005, was honored for his many years of hard work as a jurist. Judge John Schaefer, Sixth Circuit, was selected for the John U. Bird Judicial Excellence Award by the Clearwater Bar Association; the award was created to recognize a local judge for his or her honor, high ideals, personal character, judicial competence, and service. An attorney for the man charged in the 2018 killing of Fort Myers police officer Adam Jobbers-Miller told Lee County Judge Robert J. Branning on Tuesday that he intends to rely on the insanity . How to vote | .widget-value { * General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able) Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible) . The institute drafts, discusses, revises, and publishes Restatements of the Law, model statutes, and principles of law that are highly influential in the courts and legislatures, as well as in legal scholarship and education. Judge Virginia Baker Norton, Fourth Circuit, earned a Master of Laws degree (LLM) in Judicial Studies from Duke University School of Law. For full print and download access, please subscribe at https://www.trellis.law/. Promoted and recognized for his service on August 7, 2015, Colonel Slayden will be taking over the 164th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. Judge Elizabeth Rice, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, was honored with the 2020 Outstanding Woman Lawyer of Achievement Award by the Young Lawyers Division of the Florida Bar; this award recognizes and celebrates the achievements of a woman lawyer or judge who excels in her field, possesses an excellent reputation for integrity, exhibits dedication to her community and her profession through bar-related or similar activities, and demonstrates a commitment to the success and advancement of young women lawyers. Judge Martha Warner, Fourth District Court of Appeal, was selected by the Florida Association of Women Lawyers to receive its highest honor, the Rosemary Barkett Outstanding Achievement Award, for 2020. Judge William Haury, Seventeenth Circuit, received the Broward County Bar Associations President's Award, given "in recognition and appreciation for your outstanding commitment, loyalty and service to the bar and legal community.". This award recognizes Judge Salters work with law students and practitioners to improve legal assistance to those unable to afford private counsel: for instance, he co-chaired The Florida Bars Pro Bono Legal Services and served on the Access to and Delivery of Legal Services Subcommittee of the Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice. Anns nomination described her as conversant in matters relating to budget, travel policy, Florida Court Education Council policy, education program details, venue selection, and hotel negotiations. Mail Address: Lee County Justice Center. Connect with breaking news reporter Michael Braun:MichaelBraunNP (Facebook),@MichaelBraunNP (Twitter) or mbraun@news-press.com. Judges are non-partisan officeholders. width: 150px; The program is put on by the Lee County Sheriffs Office. Judge Renee Goldenberg, Seventeenth Circuit, was presented with the Florida Association of Women Lawyers 2016 Jurist of the Year Award; this award, established in 2015, recognizes jurists who have consistently, fearlessly, and impartially promoted the rule of law respecting the equal rights of all who come before them. background-color: grey; Bill Dean Fox, 39, pleaded no contest before Lee County Judge Robert J. Branning on six of eight offenses including felony charges of possession of a firearm, trafficking in cocaine and . In addition, in honor of her exceptional service to the youth of her community, Judge Gagliardi was honored with the Boy Scouts of Americas Silver Beaver Award. } Judge Cindy Lederman, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, was distinguished with the 2018 Janet Reno Womens Leadership Award; coordinated by the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University, this award is given to a nominee who has demonstrated a commitment and ability to effect change in her community or organization to benefit youth, particularly those at-risk of entering the juvenile justice or child welfare systems. Lawyers for the 32-year-old Desmarethighlighted what they said were unconstitutionalaspects of the statute that guides the state's death penalty. Judge Jewett is actively involved in education programs for students aspiring to be attorneys, such as the Florida High School Mock Trials. Hughes was indicted on the ethics counts in Lee County in November. Judge John E. Jordan, Ninth Judicial Circuit, was presented with The Honorable James B. Glazebrook Professionalism Award. background-color: white; Mr. Stephen Woodin, Sr., Seventh JudicialCircuit, a Florida Supreme Court certified county mediator and director of the Flagler Mediation Center, was honored with a Presidential Volunteer Service Award for his contributions to the field of mediation. Judge Mark W. Klingensmith, Fourth DCA, earned a Master of Laws degree (LLM) in Judicial Studies from Duke University School of Law. The program is put on by the Lee County Sheriff's Office. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. General Magistrate Robert J. Jones, Eleventh Circuit, was distinguished with The Florida Bar Family Law Sections Honorable Raymond T. McNeal Professionalism Award and with its first ever Trailblazer Award. Zieler's case is currently before Branning and scheduled for a motions hearing March 7 and a trial call on March 10. James R. Adams. Lawrence M. Watson, Esquire, received the Sharon Press Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution Award for 25 years of visionary leadership, professional integrity and unwavering devotion to the field of alternative dispute resolution. PHONE: 239 LEE-VOTE (239-533-8683) display: inline-block; Member of the Judiciary. .widget-row.Green { We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. Judge Lisa-Carol Phillips, Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, was named the Judge of the Year by the American Board of Trial Advocates, Fort Lauderdale Chapter. Most notably was the relocation from the Annex on the Parkway to the City Center. Deceptive. Judge Nina Ashenafi-Richardson, Leon County, is the recipient of the 2019 Distinguished Judicial Service Award. Why? Judge Steven Rogers, Fifth Circuit, was recognized as the 2016 Justice Teaching Select Committee Judge of the Year by Justice Teaching, the statewide law-related education initiative established by Justice R. Fred Lewis in 2006 that aims to partner a legal professional with every elementary, middle, and high school in the state. She has been honored with dozens of awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award and a Margaret Brent Women Lawyers Achievement Award, and she is a member of the Florida Womens Hall of Fame. THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEALS INCLUDES THE 9TH, 10TH, AND 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUITS. Steinbeck. The Professionalism Award recognizes his passionate service on the Executive Council of the bars Family Law Section, performed with exemplary professionalism and with courtesy towards those with whom he served. Judge Scott Bernstein, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, received the 2021 Judicial College Award for Teaching Excellence; presented by the Florida Judicial College, which is tasked with training all of Florida's newly elected and appointed judges, the annual award honors a faculty member who has shown dedication and excellence in teaching the new judges. 239-LEE-VOTE (533-8683) Office Hours: M - F 8:30a.m. Award recipient is Debbie Howells (pictured left with State Court Administrator PK Jameson) who works in the Administrators office. OR is our default operator: David Abbott will become David OR Abbott if it isn't placed within quote marks. The Award of Excellencerecognizes an employee whose contributions throughout the entire year assisted the OSCA in fulfilling its mission to the judicial system. Judges are non-partisan officeholders. Judge Walter L. Skip Shafer, Sixth Circuit, was posthumously given the John U. Bird Judicial Excellence Award; presented by the Clearwater Bar Association, this award was created to recognize honor, high ideals, personal character, judicial competence, and service. Judge Bruce Anderson, Fourth Circuit, has achieved board certification in civil trial law from The Florida Bar. | Here is an excerpt from her nomination. Leighs nomination also noted she is quick with praise and valued feedback following meetings and other events, as well as a penchant for encouraging messages left on white boards around the office. Patty, more than anybody I know, is always thinking about how to include others and better operate as a team. Joseph Zieler charged 26 years after murders Zieler, of North Fort Myers, was charged in the slayings of. font-weight: bold; This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Robert J. Branning is a judge for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida in Lee County. As chief justice when the September 11 tragedy struck, he established a workgroup to develop a plan for the State Courts System to better respond to emergency situations. In response to the workgroups recommendations, he directed each chief judge to designate a court staff member to serve as the courts public information officer, responsible for coordinating emergency response activities and providing information to, and answering questions from, the media and the public. Judge James McGarity, Collier County, was inducted into the US Army Officer Candidate School Hall of Fame at the National Infantry Museum in Fort Benning, Georgia on April 25, 2016. Judge Lorraine Kelly, Pinellas County, was recognized by the St. Petersburg Bar Association with its Judicial Appreciation Award; among the factors for consideration are a nominee's courtroom demeanor, his or her judicial experiences, helpfulness to lawyers and litigants, and activities off the bench that promote the administration of justice and civil participation. Among other achievements, Judge Lederman was recognized for serving in the Miami-Dade Juvenile Court since 1994; leading the team that created the Domestic Violence Court; developing a special docket for drug-involved mothers of newborn babies; issuing a groundbreaking ruling that paved the way for adoption by gay and lesbian couples in Florida; and founding the Girls Advocacy Project, an award-winning intervention for girls in the Juvenile Detention Center in Miami-Dade. View My Court Schedule. Judge Alice Blackwell, Ninth Circuit, was recognized as the 2018 Champion of Justice by Harbor House; this award recognizes leaders in the Central Florida community who work towards ending violence and creating lasting, positive change in the lives of domestic violence survivors. Under Florida law, s. 668.6076, F.S., e-mail addresses are public records. The 2017 Team Work Awardrecipient is the Court Education Team. Judges and court staff understand the importance ofimproving outreach to the public and local communities and continuously look toimprove their courts efforts. Exceptional People Impacting the Community (EPIC) honorees are chosen by the organization each year for their advocacy in mental health and its impact on the community, and Judge Lopane was selected for his ability to recognize patterns of behavior and his understanding of how best to structure his courtroom to manage communications with individuals who have mental health issues.. | Judge Robert J. Branning will preside over the case at the Lee County Courthouse. Congratulations to all the recipients of OSCA awards. Branning expects to rule on the motionswithin the month. Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino, Sixth Judicial Circuit, was given the John U. Bird Judicial Excellence Award by the Clearwater Bar Association. Retired Judge T. Patt Maney, Okaloosa County, who was inducted into Floridas Veterans Hall of Fame in December 2018, was appointed to the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame Council, a seven-member advisory panel that is responsible for accepting nominations to be considered for induction into the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame. Do you have to be selfish to be a striker? .widget-row.value-only { Circuit Judge Group 9, DONALD HERBERT MASON HOURS (all offices): M - F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Public Records Requests: Your credits were successfully purchased. color: white; Trial Court Administrator Mark Weinberg, Seventh Judicial Circuit, is the 2019 recipient of the Award of Merit from the National Association for Court Management. font-weight: bold; .top_disclaimer { color: black; Monitor your investments 24 hours a day, around the clock from around the globe. 239-LEE-VOTE (533-8683) Office Hours: M - F 8:30a.m. Judge Augustus Aikens, Leon County, was presented with the 2017 Richard W. Ervin Equal Justice Award; an annual honor presented by the Capital City Bar Presidents Council, this award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the legal justice system in Florida. He was appointed to the court by Governor Rick Scott in November 2014 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Mark A. } The Spirit Award is presented to an individual who enhances the work environment. Judge Lauren L. Brodie, Twentieth Circuit, was honored by the Lee County Association for Women Layers at its 2016 Judicial Appreciation Reception. Congratulations to the Court Education team. Judge Patricia A. Doherty, Ninth Judicial Circuit, received the 2018 Trial Judge of the Year Award from the Central Florida Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates. Among the factors considered for this award are a nominees courtroom demeanor, judicial experience, helpfulness to lawyers and litigants, and activities off the bench that promote the administration of justice and civic participation. Judge Lisa Walsh, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, will take on a national leadership role this October, when she will be sworn in as the new president of the National Association of Women Judges. width: 57%; We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. On Tuesday,Lee County Circuit Court Judge Robert J. Branning scheduled a pre-trial conference for spring,and,on Wednesday, listened to motions disputing the constitutionality of Florida's death penalty in Desmaret's case. He was appointed to the court by Governor Rick Scott in November 2014 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Mark A. Steinbeck. Know, is always thinking about how to include others and better operate as a Team motionswithin month! Is Debbie Howells ( pictured left with state Court Administrator PK Jameson ) who works in slayings! Myers, was given the John U. 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