Privacy Notice To see the judicial reports for the judges on your ballot, click on the appropriate court. Yay for Ray! Court of Appeals Division II Coconino County Superior Court Vacancies Pima County Superior Court Vacancies The Honorable Jeffrey L. Sklar Application Period Closed January 13, 2023 Pinal County Superior Court Vacancies Judges Lacey A. Stover Gard and Christopher J. O'Neil Click Here for Application Judges are appointed through a merit process. The judge wrote to the commission that the memoranda made it seem as if the defense was blaming the mother of the defendant's child for the crime. Judges are appointed through a merit process. SlovenianSpanish Hopkins became a judge for the Maricopa County Superior Court in 2015 after a career as a private attorney for several years at his own practice and at Snell & Wilmer. Ray's coworkers nominated him for being a "go-to guy" and making everyone's job go more smoothly. The Commission reviews all applications, Retention election. Legal Associations Yay for Ray! 1. Site Map rather than their mastery of political campaigns. to use this Internet service. On Dec.9, 2019, Tamika Wooton, former Democratic candidate for county attorney, was late to court. Judge Welty was appointed to the bench in 2007 and has served in the civil, criminal, family and juvenile departments of the Superior Court. This court holds the following jurisdiction: [1] . Latin ALPHALatvian Displaying 1 to 5 court records in Maricopa County Superior Courts filed on 10/15/2022. Election case files are accessible on our 2022 General Election webpage. Judicial candidates are selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements rather than their mastery of political campaigns. View a printable list of judges eligible for retention in the 2022 General Election. On May 28, 2019, Hopkins shouted at Valenzuela when she became "emotional and distraught" during a settlement conference, according to Haas. -- Select language -- He received his BA from Loyola Marymount University and his JD from the Georgetown University Law Center. Hopkins wrote that he told the employee he regretted it. Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2006-090: July 21, 2006 Order Declaring Vexatious Litigant : Michael D. Sebba: Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2008-007: January 25, 2008 Order Declaring Vexatious Litigant : Robert Earl Kroncke: Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2008-134: April 6, 2009 Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2006-090: July 21, 2006 Order Declaring Vexatious Litigant : Michael D. Sebba: Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2008-007: January 25, 2008 Order Declaring Vexatious Litigant : Robert Earl Kroncke: Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2008-134: April 6, 2009 Commissioners are appointed by the Court's Presiding Judge from attorneys who apply and are recommended by a selection Commission on Judicial Conduct Staff Login, Translate this Page: Judge Welty was born and raised in Phoenix. Maricopa County Superior Court judge Stephen Hopkins was reprimanded for unprofessional conduct after a prosecutor and a public defender joined in on a complaint. Mr. Billotte holds a masters degree in Public Management from Carnegie-Mellon University and is a 1991 Graduate Fellow of the Institute for Court Managements Court Executive Development Program. Cases and proceedings in which exclusive jurisdiction is not vested by law in another court. Feedback Hopkins was the only Maricopa County judge who. Haitian Creole ALPHAHebrew Return to Last Page. All Rights Reserved. The Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct, became a judge for the Maricopa County Superior Court, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements Maricopa County Superior Court judge Stephen Hopkins was reprimanded for unprofessional conduct after a prosecutor and a public defender joined in on a complaint. Hopkins said to his knowledge the "so-called stakeholders" in the criminal justice system have not expressed concerns about him to the presiding criminal court judge. The Clerk of the Superior Court makes no warranty of any kind with respect to data or documents accessed, unless CatalanChinese (Simplified) Have thoughts about Arizona's legal system? Judges are appointed through a merit process. Disclaimer: Judicial candidates are selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements rather than their mastery of political campaigns. You need to move your case along, counsel, to something that matters!," according to the complaint. Show unavailable courts. "I have had experience with what is expected of judges both here and across the country," he wrote to the commission. SlovenianSpanish There are 98 Superior Court judges in Maricopa County who are appointed to the Bench by the "I am actually stunned that the position of 'the Office' is that the lawyers within the County Attorney's Office share the concerns set forth in the Complaint. Be an Informed Voter! Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review, rejected Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Benjamin Norris. "Such an action would obviously be prejudicial to a defendant if it is his lawyer who arrives late," Haas wrote. In 1978, voters removed Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Fred Hyder and Arizona Court of Appeals Judge Gary Nelson. Educator Links The commission consists of six judges appointed by the Arizona Supreme Court, two attorneys appointed by the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Arizonaand three members of the public appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state Senate. Central Court Building. EstonianFilipino Delgado started working at Maricopa County in the Adult Probation department and recently celebrated five years with the Justice Courts. Volunteer-CASA 2022 June Relocation Chart - Commissioners. Thank you for visiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. WebAny and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents physically filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court. Obtaining Records The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is part of the Arizona State Judiciary. Your forms. Judges are appointed through a merit process. According to the complaint, the judge had the jury leave the courtroom while the lawyer was questioning the defendant and then became hostile when finding out thecross examination wasn't close to ending. WebThe Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is dedicated to providing a safe, fair and impartial forum for resolving disputes, enhancing access to our services, and providing innovative, evidence based programs that improve the safety of our community and ensure the public's trust and confidence in the Judicial Branch. WebSuperior Court Judges. All Rights Reserved. The Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court is not responsible for the content of external sites. Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2006-090: July 21, 2006 Order Declaring Vexatious Litigant : Michael D. Sebba: Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2008-007: January 25, 2008 Order Declaring Vexatious Litigant : Robert Earl Kroncke: Maricopa County Superior Court: AO 2008-134: April 6, 2009 WebAppellate court judges as well as superior court judges in Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties stand for retention. WebJudicial Performance Reports. WebThe Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is dedicated to providing a safe, fair and impartial forum for resolving disputes, enhancing access to our services, and providing innovative, evidence based programs that improve the safety of our community and ensure the public's trust and confidence in the Judicial Branch. To see the judicial reports for the judges on your ballot, click on the appropriate court. UkrainianUrdu ALPHA The Clerk's Office can provide public access to the records of the actions of Superior Court online or by visiting one of our offices. Displaying 1 to 5 court records in Maricopa County Superior Courts filed on 10/15/2022. Site Map It's easy to be an informed voter. (The system is unavailable Tuesday through Saturday from 3:00 am to 4:00 am.) The Governor reviews the applications, interviews each finalist and appoints one of them That's a system where governors appoint people from lists of candidates selected by independent commissioners. WebJurisdiction. Additionally, he has served on numerous state and national court management committees addressing the use of technology in the courts, preservation and transcription of court records, professional development of court managers and juror diversity. Search All Parties Attorneys Judges. All rights reserved. The Clerk of the Superior Court makes no warranty of any kind with respect to data or documents accessed, unless It oversees all of Arizona's judges, court commissioners, hearing officers, referees and other judicial officers. Interpreters Court is held 24/7/365 for certain types of hearings, and a Maricopa County judicial officer is always on-call to support specific requests requiring judicial approval from across Arizona. Retention election. Click the button to find out more. Of note: Crandell is one of 15 finalists for three positions on the Court of Appeals Division I which will be selected by Gov. Haas claimed Hopkins was "visibly angry" at Salazar's new attorney during a court proceeding on June 5, 2019. WebAZ Superior Court Judges - Arizona Voter Guide Arizona Superior Court Judges Coconino Superior Court Maricopa Superior Court Pima Superior Court IrishItalian Show unavailable courts. Hopkins denied that he didn't try to defuse the situation. Chinese (Traditional)Croatian SwahiliSwedish This year, three Arizona Supreme Court justices appear also on the ballot: James Beene, Bill Montgomery and Ann Timmer. Careers 2. He should be well-versed in his ethical obligations under the Code.". Court Vacancies Judges are appointed through a merit process. ThaiTurkish Prior to becoming a judge, he was an Assistant U.S. Attorney with the United States Attorneys Office for the District of Arizona for 16 years, where he served as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Section and the Chief of the National Security Section. Arizona may be on the verge of booting three sitting judges from office in one election. Address: He has sat on the bench for high-profile cases, including the trial of the former Hacienda Healthcare nurse accused of raping and impregnating an incapacitated patient. Address: ArabicArmenian ALPHA IcelandicIndonesian WebJEFF FINE Go You are now exiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. Volunteer-FCRB Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. GermanGreek Cases of equity and at law which involve the title to or possession of real property, or the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, toll or municipal ordinance. Context: Under the system adopted by voters in 1974, Superior Court judges in Arizona's most populous counties, along with those from the VietnameseWelsh Judges are appointed through a merit process. 201 W. Jefferson Street This recognition honors him for going above and beyond the call of duty as a justice court clerk. Arizona Revised Statutes Show unavailable courts. The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is comprised of Superior Court, Adult Probation and Juvenile Probation, which includes juvenile detention. Look up a Justice Courts Case Look up a Superior Court The Judicial Branch of Arizona In Maricopa County -2023. Interpreters Judge Welty was an adjunct professor at ASU and has taught extensively on a broad range of topics for the U.S. Department of Justice and the State Bar of Arizona, and for several years co-chaired the New Judge Orientation Program for the Arizona Supreme Court. Haas accused the judge of a pattern of unprofessional conduct. 207 Marijuana Conviction/Adjudication Expungement Requests. 0:00. In counties with populations greater than 250,000Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal countiessuperior court judges are chosen through a merit selection system. It's easy to be an informed voter. WebAny and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents physically filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court. Voters have the power to remove or retain judges during the retention elections. proof of filing or error. WebMaricopa County Clerk of Superior Court | Home Show/Hide Now Available: Election case files are accessible on our 2022 General Election webpage. Judicial candidates are CORP Website In his response to the complaint, Hopkins wrote that the prosecutor was "obviously" surprised when the defendant chose to testify during the trial and that the lawyer was unprepared. According to the complaint, the attorney tried to explain there was a misunderstanding. Human Resources, Volunteer "I believe that overall my judicial temperament is consistent or above the norm for judges before whom I practiced.". Latin ALPHALatvian Thank you for visiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. Maricopa County Superior Court judge Stephen Hopkins was reprimanded for unprofessional conduct after a prosecutor and a public defender joined in on a complaint. State of play: Maricopa County Superior Court judges Rusty Crandell, Stephen Hopkins and Howard Sukenic are losing their retention elections, and are down by more votes than are left to count. Careers Get a free daily digest of the most important news in your backyard with Axios Phoenix. View Court Calendars, Case Histories, Minute Entries for the following: Availability: Home Locations Contact Us Press Publications Employment JEFF FINE Go I Want To Services Records Forms About Apply Online: Deferral and Waiver of Court Fees Learn More Our Services Make a Cases of equity and at law which involve the title to or possession of real property, or the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, toll or municipal ordinance. All rights reserved. Applicants for judicial appointment are screened by the Commission on Trial Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. Yay for Ray! Judicial candidates are The Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court is not responsible for the content of external sites. WebJudicial Performance Reports. Judicial candidates are selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements rather than their mastery of political campaigns. WebSuperior Court Judicial Officers. Quick Links. Little Colorado River Case Information & Docket, Apply Online: Deferral and Waiver of Court Fees, Now Available: eFile for Family Case Initiation, Passport Services Available by Appointment Only, 620 West Jackson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003. Before you vote, read the JPR report before you vote on the judges on your ballot. All rights reserved. WebSuperior Court Judicial Officers. Home to the Arizona Diamondbacks- imagine the lush green field and the magnificent baseball stadium in your wedding photos. The judge told the parties he "usually" brings the jury into the courtroom to wait on the late lawyer's arrival and warned it would be done in the future. WebSuperior Court Judges. WebJEFF FINE Go You are now exiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. WebThe primary responsibilities of the Clerk of the Superior Court include keeping and maintaining dockets, recording each Superior Court session and preserving official court documents. 602-506-3204. It pointed to the cases against Clifford D. Rogers,Giovani Melendez, Shepail Vaughn, Jayvion Esters,Anthony Albert Salazar andBarbara Valenzuela. This page was last updated on: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 9:27 AM, Address: Delgado started working at Maricopa County in the Adult Probation department and recently celebrated five years with the Justice Courts. Volunteer-AmeriCorps, Helpful Links Powered by, Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review, To learn more about the Commission watch the short video, Before you vote, read the JPR reports and get the facts about the judges who appear on the ballot so you can be confident and informed when you ". Address: Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. RomanianRussian In reviewing the FTR my voice was raised more than it seemed at the time," he wrote. Thank you for visiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. Applicants for judicial appointment are screened by the Commission on Trial Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. Career Opportunities He has supervisory authority over the Superior Court and Adult and Juvenile Probation departments and oversite authority over all lower courts in Maricopa County. FinnishFrench The Clerk's Office can provide public access to the records of the actions of Superior Court online or by visiting one of our offices. State of play: Maricopa County Superior Court judges Rusty Crandell, Stephen Hopkins and Howard Sukenic are losing their retention elections, and are down by more votes than are left to count. 3. DutchEnglish WebThe Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer Public Access to Court Case Information, a valuable online service providing a resource for information about court cases from 177 out of 184 courts in Arizona. Powered by, Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review. "When a judge fails to afford all interested parties the right to be heard and fails to remain 'patient, dignified, and courteous,' such behavior undermines that trust," she stated. The commission was provided video clips showing Hopkins' behavior and pointed to six cases from May 2019 to January of this yearas examples. Hopkins disputed the claim in his response and said he wasn't hostile but firm. The Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct, an independent state agency, investigates complaints against judges. WebAZ Superior Court Judges - Arizona Voter Guide Arizona Superior Court Judges Coconino Superior Court Maricopa Superior Court Pima Superior Court SerbianSlovak Judges are appointed through a merit process. WebThis recognition honors him for going above and beyond the call of duty as a justice court clerk. The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is comprised of Superior Court, Adult Probation and Juvenile Probation, which includes juvenile detention. Support local journalism. Phoenix, AZ 85003, The Judicial Branch of Arizona is committed. Context: Under the system adopted by voters in 1974, Superior Court judges in Arizona's most populous counties, along with those from the Court of Appeals and Arizona Supreme Court justices, are picked through merit selection. Court of Appeals Division II Coconino County Superior Court Vacancies Pima County Superior Court Vacancies The Honorable Jeffrey L. Sklar Application Period Closed January 13, 2023 Pinal County Superior Court Vacancies Judges Lacey A. Stover Gard and Christopher J. O'Neil Click Here for Application an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents physically filed Cases and proceedings in which exclusive jurisdiction is not vested by law in another court. IrishItalian "The judge yelled at the attorney, stating: 'That's not going to work! Obtaining Records Superior court judges in smaller counties are still chosen by voters in direct elections. Hopkins stated that Marshall has never appeared in his courtroom and her complaint doesn't reference any specificcase. WebThe Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review (JPR) is responsible for developing performance standards and thresholds, and conducting performance reviews of justices and judges who are merit selected and subject to retention elections. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. NorwegianPersian To see the judicial reports for the judges on your ballot, click on the appropriate court. Currently this includes judges and justices serving on the Arizona Supreme Court, Court of Appeals The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is comprised of Superior Court, Adult Probation and Juvenile Probation, which includes juvenile detention. State Bar of Arizona 3. "Judge Hopkins has demonstrated a pattern of unprofessional conduct through his discourteous and impatient treatment of defendants, their attorneys, and prosecutors," the attorneys wrote in the complaint. "But in this case as well as the selected cases that are referenced in the Complaint I did not use derogatory or profane language.". 602-506-3204. The Judicial Branch of Arizona In Maricopa County -2023. The prosecutor agreed with the request. The training must be approved by the commission's executive director, and Hopkins must provide a proof of completion. Flashback: Voters had only rejected judges three times prior to this year's election. Judicial candidates are selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements rather than their mastery of political campaigns. Self-Service Center Delgado started working at Maricopa County in the Adult Probation department and recently celebrated five years with the Justice Courts. EstonianFilipino Court Vacancies Services provided via partnerships of Maricopa County, AZ Clerk of Superior Court. WebThe primary responsibilities of the Clerk of the Superior Court include keeping and maintaining dockets, recording each Superior Court session and preserving official court documents. Human Resources, Volunteer Support local journalism by becoming a member. He also told the commission that he is familiar with the conduct of his fellow judges in the criminal department. National Center for State Courts Judges are appointed through a merit process. The Judicial Branch of Arizona In Maricopa County -2023. Information for Prop. This year, three Arizona Supreme Court justices appear also on the ballot: James Beene, Bill Montgomery and Ann Timmer. Yes, but: Other judges who have received low or even failing grades from the commission have managed to keep their seats in previous elections. WebMaricopa County Clerk of Superior Court | Home Show/Hide Now Available: Election case files are accessible on our 2022 General Election webpage. Volunteer-CASA Volunteer-AmeriCorps, Helpful Links WebSuperior Court Judges. WebMaricopa County Clerk of Superior Court | Home Show/Hide Now Available: Election case files are accessible on our 2022 General Election webpage. He has served on the bench in Family Court and Criminal Court. FinnishFrench Crandell and Sukenic met the standards, but by relatively low votes. In addition to the appointed judges, there are more than 60 commissioners who are hired by the Court to serve as judicial officers. There are 98 Superior Court judges in Maricopa County who are appointed to the Bench by the Return to Last Page. WebCourts | Maricopa County, AZ Home Services Courts Courts Public Defense Information Get Copies of Court Records Law Library Resource Center Self-help forms and resources are provided by the Maricopa County Superior Court Law Library Resource Center, to assist individuals for court. with the Clerk of the Superior Court. Thank you for visiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. HindiHungarian to the bench. Career Opportunities Central Court Building. Haas retired June 30, according to the State Bar of Arizona. Legal Associations Azerbaijani ALPHABasque ALPHA On Oct. 30, 2019, Hopkins "appeared to become enraged" at Esters and his attorney by interrupting the defense "with an aggressive challenge" to a statement. Applicants for judicial appointment are screened by the Commission on Trial Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. Yiddish WebSuperior Court Judicial Officers. DutchEnglish Most judges appear to be on track for retention, except for one. El Centro de Autoservicio, Contact Us WebThe Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court is not responsible for the content of external sites. CzechDanish Applicants for judicial appointment are screened by the Commission on Trial Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. Only three judges have been rejected in the nearly 50 years since Arizona adopted its judicial retention election system. MalayMaltese Reach criminal justice reporter Lauren Castle at Search All Parties Attorneys Judges. The detention officer said the lawyer deserved it, Hopkins wrote. We're getting this case done today! We are committed to excellence and the principles inherent in the Rule of Law every person, every day, every time. 0:00. 2. Which Judges Will I Be Voting On? LithuanianMacedonian WebAZ Superior Court Judges - Arizona Voter Guide Arizona Superior Court Judges Coconino Superior Court Maricopa Superior Court Pima Superior Court The complaint claims the judge violatedthe Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct. Judicial candidates are selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements rather than their mastery of political campaigns. WebThe primary responsibilities of the Clerk of the Superior Court include keeping and maintaining dockets, recording each Superior Court session and preserving official court documents. Before you vote, read the JPR report before you vote on the judges on your ballot. Address: 201 W. Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003 Connect with the Court. Ray's coworkers nominated him for being a "go-to guy" and making everyone's job go more smoothly. Most judges appear to be on track for retention, except for one. CzechDanish Home Locations Contact Us Press Publications Employment JEFF FINE Go I Want To Services Records Forms About Apply Online: Deferral and Waiver of Court Fees Learn More Our Services Make a And it's FREE! GermanGreek Web2016 Maricopa County Superior Court Judges Bench Contact Information. Copyright 2023 Maricopa County Justice Courts, 1) tenants no longer have to pay the $46 fee to file an. Ray Delgado was our very first winner of the Justice Courts' CRAFT Award. Applicants for judicial appointment are screened by the Commission on Trial Court Appointments, a non-partisan committee. AfrikaansAlbanian On your devices. ArabicArmenian ALPHA You will be redirected to the destination page below in 0 seconds Home Locations Contact Us Press Publications Employment JEFF FINE Go I Want To Services Records Forms About Apply Online: Deferral and Waiver of Court Fees Learn More Our Services Make a Judicial candidates are selected for their legal ability and professional and personal achievements rather than their mastery of political campaigns. Subscribe to today. Raymond L. Billotte is the Judicial Branch Administrator for the Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County, serving as the senior executive officer for the nations fourth largest trial court. Search All. Haas wrote the judge expressed disagreement in "an angry manner.". The commission denied a second motion for reconsideration by the judge on Aug. 7. WebThe Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review (JPR) is responsible for developing performance standards and thresholds, and conducting performance reviews of justices and judges who are merit selected and subject to retention elections. WebThe Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is dedicated to providing a safe, fair and impartial forum for resolving disputes, enhancing access to our services, and providing innovative, evidence based programs that improve the safety of our community and ensure the public's trust and confidence in the Judicial Branch. Any and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with interviews candidates and selects finalists whose names are forwarded to the Governor. Volunteer-FCRB Context: Under the system adopted by voters in 1974, Superior Court judges in Arizona's most populous counties, along with those from the He wrote in his response his plan going into the settlement conferencewas to be direct when explaining issues. problems will be noted below. The commission publicly reprimanded Hopkins for violating three rules and ordered him to "complete training on demeanor" within a year of June 10. The Judicial Branch of Arizona In Maricopa County -2019. ", "I admit that I raised the decibel level of my voice during a part of this exchange. Applicants for judicial appointment are screened by the Commission on Trial Get the facts, be informed, and be confident when you Finish the Ballot! Quick Links. 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