As for those who claim it's all made of sandstone, that explanation doesn't fly either. It then took thousands of years for humanity to recover. We are like lab mice, once we are gone they will chuck some more humans down here then start the wheel again. No tree has ever been seen growing that high up, in Bolivia or anywhere else. More at Pieces of Pumapunku that show the complex system by which the bricks were slotted together. . According to the local myths, Puma Punku is related to the gods and the time of the first creation. Our solar system and our blue/green water planet is on the outer edge of one of our galaxies spirals. Sum1uallno from Mexico City, Mexico on August 14, 2013: The greatest mystery of all time is was Puma Punku 3 years ago? Hear the secrets of the UNESCO-listed archaeological site of Tiwanaku. they all ran away. There is justification for the theory that a world-spanning civilization, with complex architecture and trade, could have existed 10,000 to 15,000 years ago and was subsequently devastated when the last ice age ended. One common engineering technique involves cutting the top of the lower stone at a certain angle, and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle. It focused mainly on the internal chambers of the great pyramids. 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Unfortunately, weather isnt the only factor that has harmed the site. Meghalaya is a state territory in north-eastern INDIA (South East Asia). In its heyday, Pumapunku was a sizable complex of plazas and ramps adjoining a massive, T-shaped platform, and it featured gateways and windows carved from single blocks of stone, according to. Ok - So Ive read a lot of the posts and nobody has a logical answer - My theory is possibly dinosaurs could have been trained to move the huge stones or maybe there was ice after all it is a very high altitude area as there are no trees. The Untersberg is a great mountain straddling the Austro-German border opposite Salzburg. Sadly, just some 15,000 year old beautifully designed and impossibly cut ruins used as resting benches for weary llama herders. Haven't been here in a couple years, and I'm glad to see some interesting discussions taking place, even though it seems that we've reached the point where we're rehashing many of the same old comments. The site appears to have been destroyed by an earthquake, perhaps accompanied by a tidal wave from Lake Titicaca. I do believe we, in the modern world, can re-create what has been built here using modern tools. These places of stone as written by the people who were there say 'star people came and built them' Yet we discARD THAT POINT. Yet all that remains today are megalithic ruins from some cataclysmic events in history. Aimee Lamoureux is a writer based in New York City. For those who refute the idea of "ancient astronauts" or advanced beings, think of it this wayWe sent men to a moon we new little about in order to learn and discover. It is highly unlikely that any of the stones in Puma Punku were cut using ancient stone-cutting techniques, at least not those that we are aware of. #83. interesting comments over the yearsFirst of all, knowledge is NEVER lost, its just not used for todays life style. This is part of the reason why many people have suggested that the ancient inhabitants of Puma Punku had received outside help to create the site. But one thing is for sure, we are way, way past over do for another MEE for the 5th time. An interesting Hub with lots of comments and lots of debate, but where did the author get to? The MilkyWay our galaxy is the largest of the easily viewable galaxys. The abrupt end to the last ice age about 10,000 years ago raised sea levels rapidly enough to throw down that civilization, causing a return to primitive ways. I do miss the authors replies, though! We dont know our past becuase it would scare us to death and we would realize a grand truth- EVERYTHING IS POINTLESS. When north and south poles ice melted. We find unbelievably old artifacts made of precious metals precisely because they don't corrode (or they oxidize very slowly). These stones, he wrote, suggest prefabrication not found at the other Tiwanaku sites. Puma Punku is just one of several stepped platform constructions that have been excavated at Tiwanaku. The largest of the puma punku stone blocks is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick, and is estimated to weigh about 131 metric tons. Ellen Lloyd - - The mysterious site known as Puma Punku, "The Gateway of the Puma.". We may never have these answers until they decide we are ready for them to come backthat is if they still exist and I hope they do. Did they have advanced technology similar to ours and then die off? In 1945, Arthur Posnansky estimated that Tiwanaku dated to 15,000 BC using archaeoastronomical techniques. @GreenCrimson: Just what exactly was carbon dated? Located on the southern shores of Lake Titicaca in the modern Department of La Paz, the city was a famous pilgrimage site for the region. Not even a razor blade can slide between the rocks. Until recently, conventional wisdom suggested that the desertion was prompted by a severe, prolonged drought that ravaged the crops and made sustaining a large urban population impossible. The most prevalent common denominator to the whispers and signs coming from all sides all around me is ( HURRY ). Other stone art depicts what archeologists think is the veneration of ancestors. Civilizations like the Assyrians, ancient Egyptians, the Maya, the Indus Valley peoples, and many others the world over were, if true, the second wave of civilizations, not the first. My day visions sometimes make me pull off the side of the road -- they are so strong. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Home Privacy policy and copyright Bad Archaeology: what is it? If you do look at some of the "route-outs" on some Puma Punku pics, you CAN see flaws in some of the chisel-outs. I know I my heart aches for missing my king and my people I loved so very much. Simply incredible. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The construction, and destruction, of the site does. Any guesses? They also reproduce. Available at:, Robinson, J.P. (2019) The High-Tech Stonework of the Ancients: Unsolved Mysteries of Master Engineers. Ancient Origins. Who didnt like these noses to dothisso consistently and violently, across continents? THERE!! They found a scrole nex to the toom where was supposedly burried, : Talmud Jmmanuel by Judas Ischarioth and Billy Eduard Albert Meier, and this one: Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel (Jesus) by James W. Deardorff, This was build by the sons of god, mention in Genesis Chapter 6 verse 1-4. Scientists are supposed to have open minds when theres a lack of evidence or evidence that contradicts accepted theory. For a time, the stone portraits found at Tiwanaku were believed to depict those first humans. jesus did not say so my friend because jesus died in india. Our clan has burial caves that contain the bones of ancestors;having an opening stone so huge that it's impossible to move it even 1 mm by a 100 people. The elder replied that yes, his stories seems to have lost all relevance in todays world, the younger mans stories are more captivating an exciting an need to be told for todays young peoplebuthe replied, my stories are never an will never be lost, even if no one talks to me until the day i die an i cannot pass these stories on my stories will never be lost. Maybe we already have a advanced civilisation but we are not on the guest list. Next, check out some of the worlds oldest structures. Not only were these stones cut somehow, but they were finely cut. (Note1: That the future is behind us makes perfect sense: think of sitting in a train facing backwards. I recently heard a radio interview about all the space junk orbiting the earth right now and a caller asked how long it would take for everything to either drop out of orbit or fling off into space if people disappeared tomorrow and the fellow being interviewed (I believe he was from Nasa but I can't confirm) said that most of it would be gone in just a few hundred years and in a couple thousand years all of it would be gone. No one said aliens are from a different planet. Both are very well written, but approach the subject very differently. I could easily tell her what was around the corner of each building. Faces carved by the Tiwanaku at Tiwanaku City, an example of the art the great civilization left behind. Also, Tiwanaku seems mostly made up of small bricks, easily transported, not the massive megaliths of Puma Punku. That teacher moved away and I dropped my quest because nobody else took me seriously. Anyone interested in the history of warfare or weaponry should make sure to look at ancient Egyptian weapons and how the Egyptian armies utilized their technological superiority. They are calling us home now!. Even a house cat can walk outside and survive. Why would it take them so damn long to come up with the transition from hunter/gatherers to agriculture/civilization only about 7000 years ago? In my opinion, I think that civilizations, many civilizations at that, were erected, survived longer than we currently have or will, and were wiped off the planet in the remote, remote past, leaving little evidence. But what they left behind was so magnificent that when the Inca found its ruins 500 years later, they thought Pumapunku must be the spot where the gods had created the world. Defining Bad Archaeology Diversity in archaeology Misrepresentation Why not ignore it? I've visited the sites more than once, t. Even today, the stonework of the temple is considered so precise that ancient alien enthusiasts, it was made by lasers and other extraterrestrial technologies., Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America. A huge mistake was made by the writer. There would be major cracking and pitting. Point counterpointand point well taken. Then again, the bribe required to pay Bolivian officials might be a deal breaker. Run along and donate to your church, now. Perhaps representing the alumni or what would constitute a degree today. The two most revealing As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Been there done that. Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible The absence of items not made of stone to me indicates nothing other than tremendous antiquity. Otherwise, there would be signs of radiation, broken bits of metal, and anomolies such as advanced technologies. He wasn't talking about the evolution of man when he wrote his book, but he was talking about the evolution of animals an plants. The blocks are cut and shaped so well they fit together perfectly. It is the largest monolith, which people had ever moved. It is possible that one half of the "H" was done by one person and the stone flipped over to be repeated by another person. Prior to Herodotus, no one had presented a systematic, thorough study of the past, attempting to link events with how they shaped history. (2018) Reconstructing ancient architecture at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: the potential and promise of 3D printing. Heritage Science . In assembling the walls of Puma punku, each stone was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones and the blocks fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. Others say that Puma Punkus residentshad technology available to them which was later lost perhaps power tools and even lasers . Being a civalisized people they were not going to muck with our natural evolution processes as they probably used earth mult times until the resource they needed was exhausted or to difficult to extract and or was more easily found elsewhere. This has led some to suggest that the most plausible explanation is violent internal social upheaval, a kind of implosion that tore Tiwanaku society apart. dakebeeagceb. Pumapunku and its surrounding homes and monuments emptied suddenly. all the way back to the Ice Age. To support this theory, they point to the evidence that some structures, including the Gate of the Sun, werent brought down by time or looters; they were deliberately torn down and broken. To build a place like Puma Punku, there must have been significant planning and writing involved, but there is no record of any of this. And it looks so utterly destroyed, bombarded almost, in the damage you see another link with the valley temple and the osirion in egypt, also so utterly destroyed; if it was deliberately destroyed, those guys must have been really pissed, the why of the construction is as mysterious as the why of the destruction. And one day, we will we be wiped off the planet, and hopefully the human race survives as it has been, and starts again. I say it could be done, but with such flawlessness? I know they are emphasizing timing and a schedule I must be aware of. The megalithic stones that form these structures lie on a great plateau, and now investigators have found something else fascinating that lies below the pyramids. Are these claims true? She did know it.. She showed me a photo in another book and sure enough- it was --- tao tewaukon. Must be the Bible. The interaction was not a one-way street, however, as the Tiwanaku-style artifacts were found in some parts of Peru and as far as Argentinaevidence of Tiwanakus far-reaching political and economic influence in the region. We by no means live in a large galaxy. Later interpretations suggest the faces are former rulers of the city. Later she found another location from my drawings ==== puma punku. The purpose of the enormous structures has yet to be explained. It was once an earthen mound with carved red sandstone walls that would have shone in the sun. NEW CHANNEL FROM ANCIENT ARCHITECTS: "Space and Planet" launches this month. A comet that came too close to the Earth? Photo credit, Stone block with a set of blind holes of complex shape. I came away with something I could at least imagine was comprehensive and that was that it was a school, or better; a university. However, when you read something insanely stupid like, "there aren't any trees in the area". It is little wonder that Puma Punku continues to draw in curious minds with so many unanswered questions and alternative theories available to understanding its origins and creation. I start thinking this must be some sort of scam. Since these are not present, then the fortress was abandoned, and destroyed by whoever occupied this building. Even large structures can disperse and seem to disappear in a short period of time depending on what happens to them. Only my pictures in my mind. Tiahuanaco) was the capital of a civilization that . Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. Giant megalithic construction cranes would not exist in 1000 years!? In some, the ashes of the dead person are deposited in cairns or cenotaphs. Puma punku is the name of a large temple complex located near Tiwanaku, in Bolivia, and is part of a larger archaeological site known as Tiahuanacu. This is a bit off the subject, but if you're interested in a fascinating read, I recommend "Abduction" by Robin Cook and "Twilight Eyes" by Dean Koontz. Puma Punku is a part of a temple complex in Bolivia, Andes Mountains. The megaliths are among the largest on earth, with some weighing several tons. His works are in the Louvre and the Hermitage. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! If the Great Library at Alexandria had not been burned, I believe many of these mysteries would not exist. The others include Akapana, Akapana East, Kalasasaya, Putuni, and the Semi-Subterranean Temple. WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE AND RESPECT THE CULTURES OF OUR ANCESTORS! Today, Puma Punku is little more than an assortment of interesting weather-worn stone ruins at first glance, but scholars believe it was once a wonderous site for the Tiwanaku culture. In some, the bribe required to pay Bolivian officials might be a deal breaker slowly ) who seek solve. 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