Confirmed. There are two types of gonadotropin FSH and LH and most data shows you need both during an IVF cycle. Are they all the same thing? For IVF #1 I did BCP followed by 150 follistim/150 menopur and I ended up with 31 eggs but the quality wasn't great. Pre-treatment is known to improve the response of the ovary to the stimulation cycle and also reduces the risk of ovarian cyst formation. I then did 450 gonal-F and 150 menopur for 12 or 13 days, using ganirelix as well. Dont know what. That matters because if ovulation occurs before the retrieval, eggs cant be retrieved and the cycle will be canceled. They suppress leading up to your cycle so that when you start the meds you get a group of follicles to grow together. day 1 of cycle/protocol: (day 2 of menses): cetrotide 0.125 mg subcutaneously 4 estradot patches (estradot patches to be stopped when lead follicle was greater or equal to 1.5 cm) days 2 and 3 of cycle: 600 iu gonal f 0.125 mg cetrotide days 4 - 6 of cycle: 525 iu gonal f 0.125 mg cetrotide days 7 - 11 of cycle: 225 iu gonal f 0.125 cetrotide However, the study has two major shortcomings and for that reason most experts arent ready to concede that rates of gonadotropin over 300 IUs per day is harmful. Ultimately, for only a handful of patient types has one protocol shown itself to be superior to the others and we profile those below. There are a number of drugs that can be tacked onto the beginning of a cycle that may increase the odds of success. It was my best in terms of numbers and success. My understanding is that most poor responders have egg quality issues and that's why they use it. As we discussed there are drugs that stimulate follicles to grow, suppress the follicles ability to release their eggs, and then help catalyze the follicles to mature their eggs so they can be retrieved. RE put me on Estrogen priming protocol, and I am on Lupron and Cetrotide as well.On Friday, (cycle day 6) the newer nurse thought she saw 11 follicles.. ranging from 5mm to 9mm.. now, Cycle day 9, the other nurse, who has been there forever, saw only 5 and she had a hard time locating my other ovary. I'm back from my appt and we are going with EPP. I just had my first IVF and it was unsuccesful. Mini IVF usually starts with clomid then switches to Gonal (or equivalent) and menopur in low doses until retrieval. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. I just had my ER last week: stimmed for 13 days, started ganerilix on stim day 8, retreived 7 eggs, 3 were mature, 3 fertilized, 1 blastocyst was frozen today on day 5 and I have 2 morulas that will bhopefully be frozen tomorrow as long as they are blastocysts. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Do they use this protocol as sort of standard for someone who is starting? As we show in the example below, during every step of IVF a certain number of eggs or embryos are lost, especially in the middle part of the funnel (growing embryos that are chromosomally normal). So there's one med w apositive side effect! Thus, the negative impact of taking a lot of gonadotropin may be minimized in a frozen transfer. (This was to work with their schedule, because they are closed on the weekends.) The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. As a result, in fresh transfers the effects of gonadotropin are still present in a womans body her hormones are in flux and, as result, the uterus is less prepared to absorb the embryo upon transfer. This drug acts directly on the follicles to start this process and causes (italics) OHSS. Here's what you need to know about the project. Objectives: We investigated whether luteal estrogen administration and an early follicular Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (E/G-ant) priming protocol improves clinical outcomes in poor . We're not even 100% sure we are staying with my current clinic but I wanted to research ahead of time either way. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Medical Director, REI Just not sure what type of protocol would be best. I don't know why they didn't take, but I still think it is a good one to try. Fx! Good luck! You may wonder how thats possible. You should also label each packet with the variety name, date, and a brief description (e.g. Patients undergoing a MFP required more injections (40 vs. 26) than an EPP and spent an average of $4,375.00 compared to EPP patients who spent $5,485.00. After it happens, I keep receiving bills in the mail. I tried it and it seemed to help with even follicle growth but so some reason I had less eggs in the follicles than prior cycle when I was on bcp first? I asked for iv antibiotics instead of the zpack because I've never taken it before and was worried about how I'd feel from it. Anyone with very low AMH do the estrogen priming and have a good response? Thanks! All rights reserved. Specifically, poor responders (a less than pleasant way of referring to women who produce few eggs per retrieval), do equally well taking 150 IUs of gonadotropin as 450 IUs. I also did human growth on 2 cycles and didn't help a bit. Looking for info/success stories with Estrogen priming protocol with DOR. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. My next cycle will also be EPP. Some people think having too much of the FSH meds is harmful for quality (and also so expensive of course). [Dr. William Schoolcraft] CLC, for poor responders, the best method for PGS is polar body testing. Estrogen Priming Protocol - Infertility Inspire Finding a Resolution for Infertility IUI / IVF and high-tech procedures Finding a Resolution for Infertility Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE Join Inspire Create a Post Estrogen Priming Protocol blossom34 (Inactive) Sep 23, 2010 5:34 AM I know you ladies all have your own stuff going on and I feel terrible asking but I dont know who else to askBarb, penny, joy, anyone else, Ive read that an estrogen priming protocol is good for DOR women, do you know if this is true? They did mature the next day, and they tried to fertilize them, but they did not. From what I've seen on the boards, ladies get a higher number and higher quality. This is the oldest IVF protocol and is especially effective in preventing premature ovulation during the cycle. If you did it did you have success, what is your situation, did you do pills or patches and for how long, etc.? In some cases, priming may not be required. No BCP - started my period, did cycle day 2 testing FSH was good (I had high a FSH of 15 so EPP helped that) then started meds. Mar 15, 2011 #2. Yea, sometimes the smallest of tweaks can make such a big difference. I dont know as much about micro flare. Around 50-60% of couples find success with IUI after 5 cycles, which is about a 10-20% success rate per cycle. Below is an oversimplified way to visualize this. I will have retrieval hopefully this weekend and will let you know what happens. My second included BCP before stimulating and I didnt stimulate well. While gonadotropin is the critical drug in most every protocol, its not the only drug. Clomid is cheap, easy to take (oral), drives less risk of OHSS, but is less effective. If ok, then start stimulation The many repeat bloodworks & ultrasoundsLast stimulation shot + triggerRetrievalSo I started my process in the mid-September and my retrieval happened in early NovemberAlso, I was on MicroFlare protocol, so I am not sure what other medications you might be taking. How does a micro-flare protocol differ from mini IVF vs natural cycle? That patients must use an hCG trigger they cannot use Lupron as a trigger (because theyre already taking it) which is problematic because Lupron is the only trigger shot that fends off OHSS. The combination of drugs and their dosing is known as a protocol and while it may seem like there are a dizzying number of protocols, the reality is there are only a few core options. Ganirelix is contraindicated in pregnancy. FSH 7.7 ( done 1 year ago ) First round , on bcp for 2.5 weeks. Baby boy born May 2, 2013, Full details are now in my profile "About Me" page. IVF #5 was EPP and HGH. 2nd IVF/ICSI age 42 : Menopur 425; 2 eggs; 2 fertislised; transfer day 5; BFN Had three chromosomal miscarriages last year, moved on to IVF with intention of genetic testing but had to cancel cycle a few days in, E2 never got above 36 while on max dose of 300 Gonol f and 300 Menopur. My body seemed to appreciate the extra estrogen. It was day 3 of my period. IVF Compared To Other Fertility Treatments, The Steps and Decisions In The IVF Process, Pregnancy Testing, Early Pregnancy and Delivery, The Impact of Donor Eggs, Donor Sperm or A Gestational Surrogate, The Impact of A Patients Condition or Diagnosis, Fertilization With Conventional Insemination vs. ICSI, Which Patients Benefit From Which Approach, Growing Embryos To Cleavage or Blastocyst Stage, Exceptions Where Cleavage Stage Makes Sense, PGT-A and PGS Genetic Screening of Embryos, Benefits of PGT-A (or PGS) Genetic Testing, The Negatives of PGT-A (or PGS) Genetic Screening. As you can see below, the odds of success (green line) continue to rise as more eggs are retrieved, until about 15 - 20 eggs, at which point the odds of success stop climbing and the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or OHSS, (pink line) skyrockets. Lupton trigger. it's 1 week since last patch. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. They said that they look at FSH less now as they find it too unreliable. SG usually sticks to their protocol for the first round, then if it fails, they'll start customizing. Ultimately there are two protocol strategies doctors will use: either the Long Agonist or Antagonist protocols. Estrogen priming attempt #1, late December 2019: during the luteal phase of that now IUI cycle, I took oral estrogen. Estrogen Priming is completely different, so therefore without birth control pill.I would ask your doctor, but I guess you just do nothing while preparing for the cycle. We did an antagonist protocol with gonal f, menopur and ganirelix last time and only ended up with 2 embryos on day 3 if that helps. It is used on lowish amh patients and those who respond poorly to drugs which affect their lining. Anyways, just wanted to mention that in case you want to ask your RE about it. The idea is to give your body about 5-7 days of Estrogen Priming. you are not supposed to TTC on the cycle you will be doing the EPP because of the ganirelix. This is called multi-follicular development and its a pivotal step in a successful IVF. I have AMH of 0.1 or something like that. Waiting for that call is sooo stressful! . I have hypothalamic anvolution, DH normal. Estrogen Priming Protocol: For some women, especially for those who have diminished ovarian reserve, it becomes necessary to help the response to the Antagonist protocol. IVF#3 September 2009 - cancelled - poor response to keep trying as well as using our FSA max 3 years in a row. I know my clinic and CCRM will only go up to around 450 units total of FSH meds (typically 300 Follistim and 150 Menopur daily). Now this is a guesstimated number. I started my estrace this morning and feel a little icky so far. During cycle 1 you use OPKs to track your LH surge and ovulation. EPP results: 17 retrieved, 13 mature, 8 fertilized with PICSI, 2 hatching blasts on day 6 have been biopised. View Full Term. Babies due June 26, 2011 I stimmed for 13 days. Froze 3. There are two downsides to this protocols: The long duration of injections (they start the previous cycle) and. I am only 28 with normal amh/fsh levels so we were pretty shocked and upset when we only had a couple embryos on day 3 and then nothing to freeze. Best of luck choosing. We have been TTC 14 months, but diagnosed at 6 months so did injectables and TI for 3 cycles without bp, although my follicles responded well. You currently have javascript disabled. Create an account or log in to participate. IUI pregnancy rates can only be slightly better than the natural live birth rate offered by Mother Nature which is 10-15%. On the other hand, the Long Agonist protocol cant use Lupron as the trigger because it already deploys Lupron elsewhere. Julie, will be KMFX for you and those embryos! The last cycle, I was able to produce 10 eggs but only 2 made it to transfer. I did estrogen priming after my first Ivf cycle ended in mc (nothing to freeze) & my 2nd cycle was canceled bc I wasn't responding well to stims. So I think I was on estrogen for about a couple weeks then started stimming (antagonist protocol). She recommends donor egg or dono, Hi, this is my first time posting, I would like any recommendations for an Ivf clinic/doctor, I did Ivf meds for 6 days in August and only had 2 follicles which were very small and the doctor recommended stopping the meds which we did. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to load the challenge. 14 retrieved, 9 mature, 5 fertilized normally, 2 grew to the 2-cell stage then arrested, 3 did not grow beyond one cell. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you as I see you just did an IUI. Weill Cornell Medical Center, Division Chief FET October 6, 2010 - this is it Thanks so much! Dr Sher says "oestrogen priming of FSH receptors has been reported to slow premature follicular development and to promote granulosa cell FSH receptor induction". The combination and duration of drugs to stimulate, suppress, and incite ovulation taken together comprise a protocol. It all depends on your tests and what specific information they have for you. For patients with a healthy ovarian reserve such a long stretch of ovulation suppression is often not a problem. I know this is old but was your period seriously delayed after estradiol patch? The doctor just wants to make sure you dont release an egg while getting your body ready for a retrieval or transfer. Hence we see mini-IVF protocols used at places like New Hope Fertility in NYC ( and the Infertility Center of St Louis (; and, Hello, Join Tomato Lovers & Participate in the Ukrainian Tribute Growout! You can be assured it is a good protocol. So I guess Im asking, do you all think I should do a EPP antogonist? Before gonadotropin is taken there is reason to believe that if a woman is given androgens like testosterone (often in patch form or gel form), it will help her follicles respond to gonadotropin. I did EPP my second round of IVF. Sadly, both my hatching blasts were abnormal. i had success with DE. I did estrogen priming after my first Ivf cycle ended in mc (nothing to freeze) & my 2nd cycle was canceled bc I wasn't responding well to stims. I did a low stim ivf (225 menopur & 100 mg clomid) with human growth hormone which is what my fertilty clinic does for women over 40 and poor responders. I had 5 follicles but only one matured so I was converted to IUI which failed. It would be great if it cleared up my skin because my skin has been terrible since my retrieval/chemical a few weeks ago! Has anyone with failed IVF stim tried mini/micro IVF? Experience with Estrogen Priming Protocol? I hope a tweak of the protocol will help or maybe it was just an off cycle for me. Went to retrieval anyway, did ICSI, but it didn't fertilize. Outdoor sports and activities of all types. I am scheduled to take estrace 7 days after ovulation coming up (the cycle before) presumably for about 7 days until next cycle Not sure why you would do prometrium before you cycle? The hypothesis is that if we treat patients prior to starting their IVF cycle with estrogens ( the estrogen priming protocol) or androgens ( such as DHEA) , they will produce more eggs because more follicles will be recruited when we start the superovulation . 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. We are going to bump up my gonal f too. Any 43+ Have Successful IVF with Own Egg? . my RE is going back to the drawing board for my final IVF. Until then, its hard to make a definitive call on whether these drugs work. DS was born June 22nd, 2007!!!!! Today, most IVF cycles use a frozen transfer whereby embryos are frozen and transferred at least a month after the retrieval. For many gardeners, it starts with tomatoes. Best of luck x Reply Quote President, ASRM The company offers Elephant Gigantes seeds, as well as free seeds that come with recommended shelf life information included. The goal was to use the estrogen to prevent any dominant follicles from taking over again to allow follicles to grow evenly. I'm 35 and going through my first IVF cycle. I'd love to hear from women of "advanced (advanced !) Both were immature. Estrogen priming is a protocol used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to facilitate a more gradual and coordinated growth of follicles in the ovary in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). During the first two cycles I was on F, HelloHave been reading the boards, but have never posted. ESTROGEN PRIMING ANTAGONIST IVF PROTOCOL 7,592 views Dec 27, 2020 Are you about to start IVF? 2. Similarly, when an investigator named Revelli decided to swap out a few days of gonadotropin for clomid in this poor responder population in Italy (and thereafter resumed gonadotropin at low levels), he saw similar rates of success to more conventional levels of gonadotropin use. Spandorfer said it would not suppress me to much not sure about this, need to speak with him further. IVF#4 November 2009 - one embryo survived to day 3 transfer - BFN Male factor, probably DOR and I am a poor responder to IVF drugs Cetrotide was added CD9. Had three chromosomal miscarriages last year, moved on to IVF with intention of genetic testing but had to cancel cycle a few days in, E2 never got above 36 while on max dose of 300 Gonol f and 300 Menopur. This drug prompts the brain to release LH, the signal for ovulation, and is effective in helping to avoid OHSS. 2 expanded blasts on Day 6 were not biospied. It's possible to pay with credit card or Western Union, but PayPal isn't an option. Started doing the patches 10 days before my period was scheduled to start. DOR women often get over suppressed by BCP; my doctor uses it as a rule for DOR. This amounts typically to a Coke vs. Pepsi kind of decision. I'm not sure what your stats are, but Check seems to have had some good success with women over 40 who have high FSH, so I'd say go with him. Though I had 4 or 5 follicles to begin with, only ended up with one. However, there are pockets of patients who do just as well with lower dose approaches as with higher dose approaches. poor responders or women with PCOS). Any info welcomed!! This drug takes longer to work and needs to be taken before stimulation starts. How did it go with the EPP? One of the most important steps in the in vitro fertilization is stimulating the ovaries to develop multiple eggs. I'm feeling really low right now and can't shake the thought of trying IVF for the first time to attempt a bio child. This time she is switching me to EPP w/ 100 Follistim/150 Menopur. I sounds like a good plan since the first protocol didn't work out so great. Had my ER today - they got 15 eggs. Hope you feel better soon! Within both, doctors can prescribe as much gonadotropin as theyd like. Estrogen priming is typically done for about seven days before the start of controlled ovarian stimulation (the IVF cycle). HiI'm new. Was wonderin, I just finished my 3rd failed IVF cycle using EPP. I understand why they want to suppress ovulation but it just doesn't seem like a good idea in someone over 40? I hope you like the protocol. This protocol is used almost exclusively in women whove had a poor response in a previous cycle or who have evidence of diminished ovarian reserve (AMH less than 0.5 or an AFC less than 5). I cannot say if it will be a success yet, as I am currently doing the EPP protocol. This typically happens with conventional insemination where the egg and the sperm are placed in the same culture environment for fertilization
This is not recommended for shared computers. I had success on an EPP. From NE Ohio to North Central Mississippi, everyone has their own ideas and preferences for what they will plant this year. Several functions may not work. Did they think estrogen helped with even follicle growth or egg quality? By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from FertilitySmarts and agree to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. I am about to embark on my IVF#6 cycle (1st time at CCRM)- I've always done OCP/BCP before my IVF stim cycle(antagonist) and have produced between 15-19 eggs each time. A third option, the Flare protocol is used less often and only in very specific patient types (often poor responders). Estrogen is administered during the luteal phase of the previous menstrual cycle to "prime" the FSH receptors which enhances the response to FSH. Another gardener is pla. Was one of my worst cycles. My friends did this estrogen priming protocol and highly recommend it and were successful. The results are below and as you can see, success rates do seem to drop off after 300 IUs per day of gonadotropin. I used two patches a dayandchanged the patches every third day. I am about to start my 4th IVF cycle. IVF #2, we did estrogen priming, Follistim, Menopur, Tev Tropin (human growth hormone), Cetrotide. Has anyone who makes a good amount of eggs used this protocol? By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from FertilitySmarts and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This is standard practice when ordering from Ukraine, according to customers wh. That sounds nuts to me, but my doctor said that it is normal. They are concerned about egg quality. A gonadotropin-releasing antagonist hormone (GnRH-ant) is used to stop the ovaries from releasing the matured eggs and allows time for additional maturation until eggs are retrieved for fertilization. Recent Topics TTC with DOR (Diminished Ovarian Reserve), the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. unfortunately, it was just an age issue, which i knew all along, but i had to try. 10 retrieved, 6 mature, 6 fertilized (half with ICSI), transferred two 8-cell embryos on day three (both with moderate fragmentation, graded B and C-), the four remaining arrested by day 5. November 8 - we're having twins:) Wow!!! E2 level 96.4. 6 responded, 5 retrieved, 3 fertilized normally, put all 3 back in at 3dpt - I am currently 27 weeks with one baby girl. High FSH. Wow that did make a huge difference for you! I am curious what anyone's experience has been with EPP. Many REs swear by this for DOR. In my opinion, it's good to be at a place that uses it a lot. By: Kelly Park
I had success with EPP after failing with other protocols. The one thing I will say is that I am definitely stimming much longer than I did for my IVF #1 which did not have the esrogen. He usually gives the BCP before overlapping with lupron as a way to lower FSH and LH. Good luck & stay positive!! They want to try the Estrogen Priming protocol with estrace and prometrium for almost 4 weeks before the stim cycle. This is the most commonly used protocol whose primary features are a shorter duration of injections and a far lower rate of OHSS, thanks to the ability to use Lupron as a trigger. Estrogen priming is pretty standard for over 40. Estrogen priming is usually matched with an antagonist to prevent ovulation. Estrogen priming through luteal phase and stimulation phase improved ovarian responsiveness and this may lead to an increase in pregnancy rate in poor responders with failed cycle. - Apply first estrogen patch. Typically, you also add other stims once you start your cycle, too (Menopur, GonalF), so those could be in high doses. EPP is an aggressive form of an IVF Antagonist Protocol. Estrogen Priming Protocol- EPP Experiences - Infertility Inspire Finding a Resolution for Infertility Infertility at 40+ Finding a Resolution for Infertility Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE Join Inspire Create a Post Estrogen Priming Protocol- EPP Experiences drgolfermd Aug 14, 2015 4:53 AM Dear All: First round I had few follicles 10 and scattered growth after taking bcp before cycles for about 13 days; Tried epp round after that, and had more synchronized growth with same number of follicles. Typically, a poor responder is someone who meets two of three criteria: they have collected three or fewer eggs on a previous cycle, is over age 40, or who has a diminished ovarian reserve (antral follicle count below 5 or an AMH below below 0.5). 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